Private Technology

: 487 surveillance video

It was July last year, and the two little guys were born less than a month ago.

Perhaps the eyes are not fully developed, and the vision of the two is weak, but weak and weak. Normal infants have no concept of the sense of vision.

Guan Mengxi was lying in the crib and was playing with her legs.

Guan Mengyu tilted her head, perhaps looking at the wooden stand of the crib, or looking at the pattern of the pillows.

Perhaps there is a subjective consciousness. Compared with Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming always feels that Guan Mengyu is abnormal.

If Guan Ming becomes a baby with the memories of his last life, what will Guan Ming do, or what is Guan Ming's first reaction.

The answer is definitely to observe, observe everything around you, judge your state, judge the state around you.

Video conversion is fast because these two little guys have always been around.

In the next video, it may be that the adult has gone out to pour the water. The smooth rhubarb is lying on the sofa with his big tongue out.

However, Guan Mengyu's facial expressions are vivid, maybe disgusting, or disgusting, but it can be clearly seen as repulsive.

But Guan Mengxi was very interested in rhubarb, ah ah two times, after the rhubarb ran over, the little one bite on rhubarb ...

"Huh ... husband?" The voice was lazy and very small, but it was amplified a lot by the double stars, and Mu Xiaoxiao's voice surrounded the headset.

Looking up, Guan Ming saw Mu Xiaoxiao struggling to get up.

The quilt slipped and she could see her figure.

The light suddenly changed, and Guan Ming could only see that he was vaguely personal.

"What's the matter?" Guanming turned off the video and got up to go. Guan Ming didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to see these. For her, both Guan Ming and the two little ones were her important people.

Guan Ming didn't want to worry about her simply, nor did she want to keep her unknown and confused.

"I want to go to the bathroom, only to find that you are watching the computer ~" There was a little sigh in the lazy voice, she just wanted to say hello.

"Come on ~" Laughing, sitting next to the bed, Guan Ming smeared and rubbed her head. The silky hair touched well.

"Well, then I'm going ~" The sleepy voice was a little more spirited, energetic, and struck Tong Guanming's palm with his head, like rhubarb.

Lifting the quilt and not wearing slippers, went to the toilet quickly.

The soundproofing effect of the toilet door was good. At least no turbulent water could be heard. Guan Ming sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at the direction covered by the curtains.

Somewhat confused, Guan Ming didn't know whether his idea was right or wrong. He didn't even know what mood and expression to use to deal with Guan Mengyu. Even he wasn't sure if Guan Mengxi also had memories of his last life.

"Go in, I want to sleep ~" Mu Xiaoxiao, who ran back, saw Guan Ming sitting on the quilt, but also shoved a few times, holding a long tone, and speaking in a childish tone.

"Good sleep, sleep." Opened the quilt, Guan Ming embraced Mu Xiaoxiao, said softly.

Getting up at night is a very uncomfortable thing for people. Even the drowsy Mu Xiaoxiao can't resist the drowsiness even if he is in the mood again, and soon sleeps again in Guan Ming's arms.

Looking at the dim ceiling, Guan Ming felt the heartbeat of the people around him with his body, and couldn't sleep for a long time.


"Don't fight, be obedient, she's your little sister ~" Mu Xiaoxiao sat cross-legged on the floor, playing with the villain on the sofa.

A younger baby girl was crying on her face, holding a small toy in her hand, her eyes were always staring at her mother, and her mother Ma Qingyun was sitting a little behind Mu Xiaoxiao. With a smile on his face, he looked at the baby in front of him.

In the study upstairs, Guan Ming and Zhou Wu sat opposite each other.

Guan Ming is going to the United States to participate in the event, and security issues need to be arranged early. Today, Zhou Wu came to report on security work. Coincidentally, Mu Xiaoxiao heard about this and specially called Zhou Wu to let his wife and children bring him.

Ma Qingyun followed Mu Xiaoxiao for a long time, and Mu Xiaoxiao also had a very good impression on her. At the same time, both of them had children, and they wanted to make the children more friends. Partner 'has no concept.

Looking at the documents, there is not much content, it is nothing more than the duty watch of the security personnel, of course, there are some information such as cars.

"How is the construction of the kindergarten?" Guan Ming put down the documents and asked casually.

Guan Ming originally planned to build a kindergarten for two little guys. Construction started as early as April. Although he had some thoughts on the two children, Guan Ming also needed to consider Mu Xiaoxiao and his parents' feelings.

After all, these two little guys are really the children of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao.

"It has been capped and is currently undergoing renovations." Zhou Wu didn't know much about this, and the information he knew didn't stop there.

"If you go to the United States this time, you and Ma Qingyun will come with your children. It seems that the two of you haven't come out to play." Guan Ming knew Zhou Wu's responsibilities, so he didn't question the kindergarten too much.

These things were arranged by Liu Mengmeng, including teachers in the future kindergarten and so on.

"Even if Qingyun and Linlin are too young, the children are too small to bring." Zhou Wu refused to invite ~ ~ but with a smile on his face.

At least, this is Guan Ming's concern.

"It's okay, I'm going to play anyway. Last time, I didn't mean to let the little ones ... get to know each other. There is nothing wrong with more contacts." Guan Mington paused and continued.

"If you are abroad, it's still a bit of a problem to take your child." Sighing, Zhou Wu did not continue to quit.

As Guan Ming said, children really need more contact.

Interpersonal communication is different in different times.

What Zhou Wu can do can only be so. The development of science and technology is getting faster and faster, and the changes in society are getting bigger and bigger. We ca n’t always look at new things with old eyes, like some negative views after 80, 90, and 00.


"Your material requirements this time, the accuracy is a bit high ~" On the phone, the giant in charge of technology, the voice is brisk.

As long as Guan Ming can continue to make demands for controllable nuclear fusion, it is a good phenomenon. At least he knows that Guan Ming has no fear of it, at least that Guan Ming can continue in this field.

Of course, even if Guan Ming is not ready to conduct controlled nuclear fusion, the giants can't say anything. After all, Guan Ming is still young, and technology is not just controlled fusion.

"The higher the accuracy, the lower the failure rate. In general, there is still a lot of trouble left." Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Guan Ming said to the phone.

Compared to accuracy, Guan Ming values ​​the redesign of the motherboard.

Although every subtle change can be accurately feedbacked in Guan Ming's mind, this is just an inference on the data. Guan Ming needs to know the actual situation of this change.

In addition to collecting the overall reaction process changes and results in the last experiment, he also noticed data problems with the stellar, such as the actual effect of superconducting coils.


Sorry, WanShan has not been updated until now, I ’m really sorry ~

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