Private Technology

Chapter 3: (Wed./13)

What is the reason? Is it because Lao Tzu is so handsome and handsome, so you didn't want to hold Lao Tzu before?

Or to say, the body of your last life was male!

Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengyu suspiciously, and started thinking about these words she said.

But from the perspective of Guan Mengyu, it seems that he can understand it.

In the brain of Rhubarb, in addition to Guan Ming and Shuangxing's knowledge, only Mu Xiaoxiao knew about it, and the goods were rigorous and there was no leak.

If Guan Ming becomes a baby and then finds a dog that behaves like a human, perhaps he will also feel scared and disgusted.

Because Guan Minghui doubts the composition of the world, whether the dog is also an abnormal creature, and whether there are some crises beyond his common sense.

After all, they have become babies. If an alien invades the earth, it is not unacceptable.

It's as if he has become handsome to Guan Ming, and things like sleeping powder seem to be a natural thing.

"I still ca n’t believe you." Shaking his head, there are some things that do n’t have a real hammer. When seeing Guan Mengyu showing signs of truth, Guan Ming will naturally go down and ask. There are no dates to hit three shots. .

"Specifically what did you do in your last life, what age, name, and major achievements."

Although it is indeed a roll-eye action, in Guan Ming ’s eyes, this is the blinking action. Guan Mengyu said, "Sorry, I can only say that I was a woman in my last life. In the industry, I am barely your companion. Advice, and since I have become your daughter in this life, I hope I can live a peaceful life, now life is hard-won, after all, I have a fool mother and ADHD sister, and, if you can , I hope you don't always hold me in the future, I will be awkward. "

Guan Mengyu spit with drooling words, his teeth were not sharp, and drooling was normal, especially when his nerves were not full.

Picking up, looking down at her chubby face, Guan Ming's expression sometimes struggling and sometimes quiet, as if entering a battle between heaven and man.

After a long time, Guan Ming sighed, he had to admit that the child is always his own!

What can I do and stuff it back?

Can't go back!

Guan Ming's forgiveness hat is a bit crooked, and he needs to help him right ...

"Then three chapters of the law, first, don't take advantage of your mother forever, that's my daughter-in-law!" Guan Ming raised one of his most important points, although this request seemed very ...

Guan Mengyu's eyes on Guan Ming looked like caring for the mentally handicapped.

"I was a woman in my last life, and I have no preference for same-sex." Guan Mengyu gave the answer neatly, meanwhile he tilted his head and rubbed the pillow, using the pillow to wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth.

Ignoring this content-filled look, Guan Ming continued, "Second, don't be smart all of a sudden. I'm afraid my family can't stand it. You have to have a process."

Nodding, Guan Mengyu's double chin is obvious, saying, "I know this, but you have to keep a secret for me."

Later, Guan Ming looked serious and looked at Guan Mengyu solemnly. "Last one, I don't care what you did in your life, but if you dare to hurt your family, don't blame Lao Tzu for being ruthless. I haven't seen" Shanghai " Be careful, I will tie you a stone and sink into the Huangpu River! "

Things like Shen Jiang can't be done, but it's okay to scare and scare the other side.

The so-called "daddy's shock" is of little use to a person who looks like an adult. Especially, Guan Ming also belongs to the existence of "daddy halfway". Even this existence may be older than the next year.

Guan Ming has been thinking about the other side's constant emphasis on being a 'woman'.

Generally, they are called girls before graduation, and even women after work or even marriage, at least in Guan Ming's concept.

Referring to the language and logic of the other party, Guan Ming felt that the other party was a working adult before he got into Mu Xiaoxiao's belly, and there was a high probability, especially ‘barely considered a colleague’.

Guan Ming has many identities, handsome men, smart heads of households, smart scientists, handsome businessmen, caring husbands, great fathers, and so on.

Guan Ming wasn't sure how reluctant ‘reluctant’ was, and who he meant by ‘peer’.

The owner of the store can also be regarded as Guan Ming's business counterpart, the steel worker can also be regarded as Guan Ming's scientific counterpart, and even the child's father / mother can be regarded as Guan Ming's parent.

"Rest assured, I cherish this family more than you think." Although Guan Mengyu's face was serious, his face was chubby, his skin was bright and seductive, and he looked adorable. Guan Mingchao wanted to touch it. Unfortunately……

"I only have one here, just don't always hug me casually!" Guan Mengyu, a small and fragile man, consciously proposed only one.


"I'm back, baby, are there any good guys in the afternoon ~" Entering the door, Mu Xiaoxiao saw the two little guys on the sofa with high voices and full of vitality.

The handbag was placed on the floor at the door, and a small whirlwind came over.

"They are all very good, after all, they still like my dad ~" Holding Guan Mengxi, Guan Mingqing innocently praised himself.

"Ha ha, I guess Xiao Xi must have beaten you all afternoon, isn't it, baby ~" Crouching in front of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao scratched the tube of Meng Xi's chin, scratching it like usual to Rhubarb. .

"Giggle ~" Guan Mengxi laughed out loud ~ ~ With both hands open, leaning forward, obviously hugged.

Mu Xiaoxiao will definitely not refuse this request, not only holding Guan Mengxi, but also holding up Guan Mengyu on the sofa, holding her in one hand and showing her extraordinary power of mother, as if she had eaten spinach Popeye, there was no reluctance.

Guan Ming was a little ashamed to see Mu Xiaoxiao's freehand gesture.

The meals of the two little guys were very good, each weighing more than 20 kg, Guan Ming thought he couldn't hold the two guys so easily.

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao has not yet practiced the obvious biceps, otherwise Guan Mingzhen will run away in tears in the sunset and lament the truth that there is no gender in front of the muscles.

"Xiao Xiao, go upstairs and change clothes first." Guan Ma stood on the stairs and greeted Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Oh, I see, here it is." Looking back, Mu Xiaoxiao answered.

"Come on, husband, kid, let's hug you first." With that said, Mu Xiaoxiao came together and wanted to complete the handover activity in the air.

Obviously, I can feel a little resistance, but in Guan Ming's arms, Guan Mengyu did not slap his face as usual, because he said in the afternoon, and then slap, then it is not just a physical slap.

Without being beaten, Guan Ming was a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't his M, maybe it was a habit ...

"Husband, see if I'm pretty, what about the hair I just made ~" Then, Mu Xiaoxiao fiddled with her hair, and there were a small amount of hair pulled in front of her on the left and right sides. It's like rubbing shoe polish.

"Very beautiful!" Guan Ming nodded surely, watching the big wave of a mysterious rule somewhere.

"Mua ~ reward you for telling the truth ~" leaned closer, stomped, and talked.

Accompanied by Mu Xiaoxiao's crisp laughter, the small whirlwind Mu Xiaoxiao trot all the way to the second floor.

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