Private Technology

: 526 correct conclusions

Time seems to be stretched, Liu Xi feels like he has experienced a long memory, just like the soul said in his mouth that he will remember his life before he ascended to heaven.

There is no sense of touch, smell, taste, sight, or hearing, but the bit of reflection in memory seems to exist in front of the eyes. Spring dew, summer sweat, autumn fruits, and winter snow blur the time and space, but they To be able to truly separate these are memories, as if sitting in a movie theater watching the familiar scenes.

However, he is not sure whether some strange ideas will appear in people's dreams or reveries. He can judge the development and prediction of something through experience or guessing, even to the extent that it can be justified.

It's as if many people can have codes in their eyes but no codes in their hearts. It's as if many people can judge whether they are real or fake mothers by looking up and down ...

If there is a voice in my ear, it seems as if it is from the cloud, and it is vaguely confusing. His name is even vague. Even Liu Xi, who is not religious, is a little uneasy. He even guesses that this is heaven, heaven. Or maybe hell, hell.

No one can explain what happened after he died. He forgot when he saw a message saying that after a person's death, the mass would instantly decrease by dozens of grams, and this weight was called the soul.

"Liu Xi, can you hear Liu Xi, Liu Xi?" Professor Wang wished to wake him by banging the gongs and drums, but he could not do so, even fearing that the sound was too loud and caused intracranial vibrations to suppress the sound.

"Guan Ming, is he in a normal condition now, why haven't he woke up yet?" Professor Wang straightened up and asked anxiously.

Everyone is not a data, Liu Xi is not just an experiment, but more of a soldier!

"The effect of the anesthetic should have passed, but the human brain chip should already be working. It may be that Liu Xi has subconsciously converted the data into memory." Guan Ming stared at Liu Xi's features and said casually.

At the beginning, rhubarb woke up after the anesthetic had expired, but as a dog, rhubarb did not have much memory before installing the human brain chip, and the subconscious conversion would not waste much time, but people are different. People There are too many memories. Perhaps Liu Xi can't remember the situation when he was one or two years old, but Liu Xi is already in his twenties. The memory of twenty years is not a small number.

At the same time, although Guan Ming has not experienced this kind of transformation, he knows that this transformation takes time, based on the vast memory of human beings.

It's like copying data from a computer. If the data packet is small, it may take only one second, but if the data is huge, the time consumed will naturally increase.

The human brain chip is an auxiliary product that is controlled by bioelectrical signals. The popular name of this bioelectrical signal is 'thoughts'. When you think about it, you can immediately respond, as if turning your head and raising your hands. .

The eyeballs covered by the eyelids twitched, as if having a nightmare, and the eyelashes suddenly trembled, like the sleeping beauty in anime, Liu Xi slowly opened his eyes.

"Liu Xi, can you hear me?" Reaching out and shaking in front of him, Guan Mingju looked down at Liu Xi.

The pupil is dilated and not in focus. In simple terms, Liu Xi should still be aggressive.

"What's this?" Scissors squeezed Guan Ming's palm, Professor Wang came over and asked, and all his men came together.

"This is ... Second, am I still alive?" Pupils narrowed and Liu Xi turned her head stiffly.

He could feel some tension and pain in the back of his head. He realized that he didn't seem to be dead, but he must have a hole in his back.

However, he was informed of the entire procedure before the operation, and he did not object, he was informed.

"Good Liu Xi, feel it, I'm going to hit you now, try to feel it, you have to believe that you can feel it, OK?" Pulled Professor Wang and signaled that he was going to the next test, Guan Ming quickly said to Liu Xi.

"Huh? Oh, okay." He nodded subconsciously, and he could only nod. He had been paralyzed for more than six months, and he had developed this kind of response.

The electrodes on the arm are used to monitor the degree of muscle contraction. Although it is not possible to detect the peripheral nerves in a deeper level, this is already a good level of work.

And Guan Ming is sometimes cautious, but sometimes he is too ill-mannered.

Mother Xipi, bullying Liu Xi can not see, this goods special holding a needle!

The corners of his mouth twitched. Although Professor Wang considered the knee-jump reflexes before, this experiment was led by Guan Ming. Therefore, Professor Wang did not reject Guan Ming's suggestion. He would almost smoke if Guan Ming was so wicked Already.

"His, it hurts, it seems! It's like a sting like a needle!" It's painful and happy, even with frowns, but ecstatic!

Pain is not a feeling that people like, but pain is a protective mechanism of the human body. If you can feel the pain, let alone the rest, at least it can show that the body has some control over this part of the body!

Liu Xi has been tossed in the Army Intermediate Court for more than half a year, and he doesn't feel anything, let alone pain!

"Well, it's a needle, but it looks pretty good ~" With a smile on his face, Guan Ming could see that finger tremble.

Although Guan Ming pricked his hands unkindly, he didn't **** his fingers, but pierced his mouth.

"It's good, try, if you can raise your hands." Professor Wang also showed creases on his face, and everyone around him looked at it with interest.

Although there is no speech, everyone knows that Guan Ming has created a miracle. At least, it can make Liu Xi, a paralyzed person, feel pain, which means that the human brain chip can really be as good as Liu Xi because of nerves. Damaged and paralyzed!

Although everyone wants to ask Guan Ming for more conjectures about the human brain chip, these are not allowed!

The above hopes that Guan Ming will do scientific research instead of letting Guan Ming bring students.

Considering Guan Ming's age and poor interpersonal communication ~ ~ I hope these people can be in the presence of Guan Ming in an 'obedient' attitude.

"How do you lift this?" He was a little aggressive, swallowed subconsciously, and asked nervously. He wasn't sure if his statement was accurate. Even in everyone's eyes, he shrank his shoulders! !!

Only people with paralysis who can move above the neck can shrink their shoulders, who dare to believe it! !!

"Teacher, professor, we have succeeded!" Excitement and excitement are difficult to suppress, and there is a young man around who is so excited that he can hardly be himself.

"Successful, really successful!" Professor Wang was also ecstatic, watching Liu Xifei say quickly, "You did it! You just shrugged your shoulders!"

"Try to get up and see if you can get up." Guan Ming also said with a little excitement.

The cure of certain physiological defects is not the original purpose of Guan Ming's development of the human brain chip, and even this conjecture he only concluded after further research on the human brain chip!

But it seems that his conclusion is correct!

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