Private Technology

: 532 Alternative Uses of the Human Brain Chip

[Guan Ming, the premiere of "Siege in October," appeared in the Shanghai market. What about the big tech guys coming to the scene? 】

The first topic on Weibo on the second day was "October Besieged City", but the subject is Guan Ming, and I don't know if it is a sham Guanming. After all, the second topic is also "October Besieged City". It is the image of Tingfeng in the play.

"It's a pity. I didn't have our picture. I thought it could be taken secretly." Lying on the quilt, Mu Xiaoxiao held his mobile phone, his tone was very regrettable.

"Wake up quickly, if your picture goes up, can you still go to Fudan to study?" Indecently scratching his bottom, Guan Ming was too lazy to get up.

Spring sleepiness, lack of summer, fall sorrow, hibernation, Guan Ming really has a heart to get up early, but just can't get up, this is sick, no cure!

"Hatch eggs? Do you want to sleep again for college students?" The salted fish turned over, lying sideways in a charming pose looking at Guan Ming, the little feet kept turning, the upper body movement was unchanged, but the quilt fell down a little bit. Big eyes blinked.

"You have a need, I'm sure I'm satisfied, but I'm not sure you're going to college for decades." The chin pinching Xiaoniang's chin shook, Guan Ming said with a smile.

Obviously it was a joke, but Guan Ming abducted in the other direction, and Mu Xiaoxiao was sweet in his heart.

"Hey, you see, it's so funny inside, they're all saying that I must be a big beautiful woman." Then he fluttered in Guan Ming's arms and put the phone in front of Guan Ming.

"No pics!"

"No words hanging +1!"

"No pics hanging +2!"

Guan Ming grinned and didn't know what to say, this ... If you understand 'no picture words hanging' as 'no pictures can hang words', it is probably a compliment to Mu Xiaoxiao for breaking through the sky, even if not Pictures can also ...

"Well, let's get up first, I'm probably going to eat." Glancing at the little equipment on the nightstand, the little thing was glowing red.

Little husband and wife, in addition to living, is ...

The main reason is that Guanma used to see some content that did not exceed the standard, so the old couple easily did not break into Guanming's bedroom. After knowing the existence of the double star, Guanma always made the double star call Guanming. If not, the nightstand The small device on it should be green light, red light is called, and for reference time, it should be the management mother to call the two to go to dinner.


Slap ~


Papapa ~

With earmuffs, Guan Ming stood behind Liu Xi and watched him shoot a gun.

After the addition of academicians was completed this year, Guan Ming did not accidentally become an academician. However, because of Liu Xi's affairs, Guan Ming did not go to the Imperial Capital to officially attend the banquet and so on.

In fact, Liu Xi's work is one point, and the other is also Guan Ming's laziness, because he can make up for the scene of this co-opted banquet.

Surely no one was questioning him in front of him, but there were definitely people who talked to him and deliberately rejected him. Some of them knew the situation and did not know the existence of the situation, and then everyone said to each other what was nourishing, and then each went to his mother. ended.

For Guan Ming, this has no practical significance at all. For example, during the period of the imperial capital, Mu Xiaoxiao must not be allowed to take a vacation together. Since he cannot take a vacation, there is no way to crack her. This is really a sad story ...

Type 92 semi-automatic pistol with an effective range of 50 meters and a caliber of 5.8mm.

In fact, the 92 pistol also has a caliber of 9mm, but the lethality of 9mm is less than 5.8mm. At the same time, the recoil of the former is significantly greater than the latter. At the same time, 9mm is used by officers in the battalion and 5.8mm is used by officers above the regiment.

Guan Ming's standard configuration is 5.8mm, as is Liu Xi's. It can be seen from this that Liu Xi's future must be bright, which belongs to the light created by Guan Ming.

"5 shots, 50 meters, 50 rings, very good." Wu political commissar nodded, his expression was not good or bad.

Shooting is the most basic skill of a soldier, just like the ancient soldiers would have to use weapons. If ordinary soldiers can achieve this, it is very good, but if it is Liu Xi, it is normal.

The theoretical effective range, coupled with the assistance of the double star, is the most basic, and the length of time is the most important.

Taking five to ten years as the battle background and taking the satellites in the sky as the benchmark, in the future wars, there will be countless' Liu Xi's appearing. By communicating the double stars, it is possible to accurately communicate without sign language The command can make the binary star determine the target data, then transmit the data to the human brain chip, and then the human brain chip transmits the process to the soldier, including the target's shape, size, weakness, distance, temperature, wind speed and other information. It will even analyze the appropriate angle and height. The most important thing is that the human brain chip can control the body.

For example, in a foggy environment, in a shootout without any infrared / telescope and other equipment, this is simply plug-in, see-through plug-in!

But even with this kind of plug-in, Liu Xi did not show his due qualities, which is a bit sad, because everyone can obviously feel that his shooting speed is slow.

"This ..." Scratching his head, Liu Xi was also embarrassed.

Habits, he hasn't changed his habits, so it will take a long time.

"It's okay, just practice a little bit, how about the speed?" Guan Ming said.

This experiment is about the test of the "Double Star Human Brain Chip Human Brain Human Brain Chip First Shot" link. If this set of links takes 5 seconds ~ ~ then everyone can wash and sleep And others have brain chips.

"It took 0.1 seconds from the human brain chip to the middle of the human brain, 0.5 seconds from the human brain to the human brain chip, and 0.9 seconds from the firing of the human brain chip. If you continue to practice, you can compress the whole process to less than 1 second." Liu Xi said with certainty.

The human brain chip is a program without thought. Just like a computer, it only processes commands issued by people. Except for the double star, there is no one that can spare the human brain to order the human brain chip.

That means that the human brain chip needs a command source to control the body to achieve the required movements. However, the human brain's feedback to the information is still a bit slow, and it is mainly unaccustomed.

Physiologically speaking, Liu Xi is still a paralyzed guy, but he can stand up through the human brain chip, and even do complex movements, which means that Liu Xi can use the will to tell the human brain chip to control the body. , And then use the human brain chip to feedback the physical condition at all times, for example, to simulate the pain, touch and so on, so that Liu Xi can feel his body.

As a digression, Guan Ming and Professor Wang once tested Liu Xi ’s Q-Bo ability and controlled it with a human brain chip. The test results are very pleasing. Without prejudice to Liu Xi ’s physical condition, the human brain chip is better than Viagra. .

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