Private Technology

: Five hundred forty three

The Spring Festival Gala is not something you can go to. If you are a guest at a regular concert, you may get a dozen or even dozens of tickets, but the artists who participated in the Spring Festival Gala will have one or two tickets in hand. In addition to these tickets, most of the other tickets are also 'internal digestion', similar to Guan Ming, are delivered directly to people.

The round table in the front is the table of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, wearing a fitted dress, with a small shoulder outside, Mu Xiaoxiao holding Guan Ming's arm, a smile on his face with a restrained smile, but it can be seen in the corner of the eyebrow. Seeing curiosity, because this is the first time she has ever seen the Spring Festival Gala scene.

This table is a leadership seat. Except for a secretary general, most of the rest are propaganda leaders.

A special person is responsible for introducing, and Guan Ming smiles and greets everyone. It can be regarded as inferior and inferior. There are only giants and big men at this level who can let Guan Ming down.

The position in the system is a typical pyramid shape, the narrower the road is, the more difficult it is to go. Guan Ming may not have reached the top in business, but his superstructure has almost opened up. These people bowed their knees.

Guan Ming now certainly cannot nod to someone like the mayor to say hello, but he really doesn't need to trot all the way to shake hands.

With the voices of six presenters, the 2010 Spring Festival Gala kicked off.

At the same time, a brief announcement on the U.S. Department of Commerce's official website also appeared silently, as darkness grew on the corner of the street that had not been illuminated by the bright moon.


"Editor-in-chief! Something's happening!" Faye Wong's voice was very ethereal and moving, but the voice on the phone was not ethereal at all, with a sharp voice in her voice.

"Huh? What's wrong?" After that, the editor-in-chief took off his mobile phone and glanced at the display. This is his editor-in-chief responsible for international news.

"The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the physical blockade of Guanming's future technology ten minutes ago. Both exported components and imported finished products must be blocked, and the above said that it would not rule out further blockade levels." Wang Rui said quickly, I don't know if it's excited or angry, but you can use excitement to describe it.

This is not good news, but it is definitely explosive!

In the days of welcoming the old and welcoming the new, the United States actually gave such a gift, which made everyone stunned and left everyone at a loss!

"Are you sure?" The editor's tone rose sharply, and everyone in the family looked at it in surprise, originally thinking it was a New Year's greeting, but it didn't seem to be the case.

When he got up, the editor went back to the master bedroom. The ordinary room door soundproofed, but his family also subconsciously turned down the TV sound, as if entering the alley from the hustle and bustle of the market, the sound suddenly dropped a lot.

Fireworks outside the window lit up the night sky, staining the night with a brilliant color.

"I read it several times. If the site is not hacked, the news will not run. I just called my friend in the United States and he said that the message was being confirmed, but it should not be fake. What should we do now? ? "Wang Rui asked.

"What to do" is a good question. This is to ask the editor what to do, whether to suppress the news during the Spring Festival, or to make a decisive exposure to attract attention and increase website traffic.

At the same time, I was asking about the arrangements above, to see how to arrange this, and even if Wang Rui himself needed to go to the United States to confirm the news and follow up.

There are three types of businessmen, one is an ordinary businessman, one is a successful businessman, and one is a red-top businessman.

Guan Ming is not a regular red-top businessman, but he is a red-top businessman who surpasses all merchants. No matter at home or abroad, everyone agrees with Guan Ming.

His ‘red’ is from the soles of his feet to his head, exuding dazzling brilliance like rubies, which makes people dare not start easily.

Crackling, a group of bear children are setting off firecrackers downstairs, the children's laughter and laughter added a bit of joy to the night, but the room was a bit cold, like this winter night.

"... Pressing must be pressing. Tomorrow's news in all sections will be a crab. I will go back and inquire about this. Do n’t relax here, please look at this line for your American friends. , And then let your reporters quickly return to the United States to show me something, and I may not be able to use the news. "Shen Yin for a few seconds, the editor-in-chief made the final decision.

Except for the kind of righteous news, in this day of resigning from the old and welcoming the new, all news must be for peace and happiness!

On this night, all media people felt a cold feeling, as if they were caught in the ice age.


"Xiao Xi, look, Dad ~" Pointing at the face on TV, Guanma held Guan Mengxi's little hand and pointed her at Guan Ming with her little finger.

One third of the TV is Guan Ming's head, and the remaining third is the audience behind Guan Ming's side.

The shot for Guan Ming was not long, but the shot obviously skipped Mu Xiaoxiao and did not let her take a photo.

"Giggle ~" The chubby little face was all smiling with flesh, even though Meng Xi did not go to watch TV, but looked up at his grandma with a bright smile.

Guan Mengyu was lying on the sofa watching Spring Festival Evening. For her, Spring Festival Evening is a magical show, maybe it is the differentiation of artistic forms. Last Spring Festival Evening was difficult for her. Her eyes were not fully developed. Last year It is still in the stage of visual suppression, and this year's words are not bad. Whether it is visual, auditory, or language, there is no problem for her.

Close-range magic is very general to her. For her, this is nothing more than a combination of hand speed and vision, but she is more interested in language.


After hearing the secretary's words ~ ~ nodded, the general giant said nothing, but turned his head and continued chatting with the old comrades with a smile.

"Your work is very busy, otherwise you should be busy first." The old comrade knows that the secretary of the chief giant can come to pass messages at this time. It must be a very important thing. Total giants work too much.

"It's okay, New Year, there will always be a small accident." The chief giant responded with a smile.

If you do not meet with Guan Ming, this kind of thing may be more difficult. After all, Guan Ming is a businessman, but after talking with Guan Ming, some things are not a problem.

On the contrary, the general giant still thanked the other side for the kick of Guan Ming's tentacles that he extended abroad.

Guan Ming is really less, but Guan Ming's clamping has also become less.

You know, benefits and risks are directly proportional.

The situation is secretive, looming on this new and old handover day, a war invisible to the smoke is taking place, but the general giant is going to the next city first.

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