Private Technology

: 569 Departures and Biological Computers

It's not like getting along with each other, but looking at the crowd who is getting on the bus, Guan Ming is also a bit empty.

I can no longer see those insignificant guys using various data to prove the tilt angle of the cup, and I can no longer see those who say a few words every day and usually like wood.

"Tube, I'm bothering you this time. If you come to Didu in the future, remember to go to XX school to find me. I have been ... Hi, I don't know where I can be transferred." Professor Deng represents the second human body. In the experiment, 37 people spoke with Guan Ming, expressing their gratitude to Guan Ming and thanking Guan Ming for making them feel like this.

Perhaps before, everyone felt that people's destiny can only be controlled by their own hands. However, in less than half a year, they discovered that the power of science and technology was so powerful that there was really a ‘know-it’ situation.

Not only the 37 people of Professor Deng felt this way, but all the entourages felt it this time. They felt the charm of ‘knowing by nature’ and felt the power of the human brain chip.

"Rest assured, I will definitely look for you if I have the chance." Holding the dry palm, Guan Ming nodded.

"Then I'll get in the car first. I think there is something to talk to you over the Wu Political Committee." Nodded, Professor Deng turned away.

Wu Political Commissar came over quickly and handed Guan Ming a cigarette, but Guan Ming just held it in his hands and did not smoke.

"Maybe we'll be back in a week or two." With a cigarette, Wu Political Commissar stood beside Guan Ming.

"So fast? I thought it would be a month or two." Guan Ming grinned.

Time changes from spring to summer, the breeze is slowly blowing, but the hot light that does not cool.

"Unhappy, after I go back, I will hand over the staff with Professor Wang, and then I will know the logistics staff, and then come over, and I will disturb you at that time." Wu Political Commissioner is not sure how much Guan Ming is valued, but it is only a human The existence of a brain chip can allow Wu's political commissar to straighten his mentality.

"The logistics personnel change too?" Guan Ming looked a little curious as he looked at the buses.

The human brain chip experimenters are 'disposable'. There is no repeated craniotomy and repeated installation, but the logistics staff is not. Their main responsibility is to take care of the experimenters.

I have already experienced it once, and if I change to a new one, it is estimated that I will be busy for a while.

Guan Ming still remembers that after the human brain chip was installed, these late-stage personnel were so anxious that their heads were sweating, thinking that these guys were suffering from aphasia, and they said very little every day.

"Change. Except for you, me and Professor Wang, the others have to change sides." Wu Political Commissar did not explain specifically, and Guan Ming didn't ask more.

Maybe this is Guan Ming as a training base, or maybe they are going to conduct an ideological review of these later personnel. After all, they have all witnessed the transformation from mortal to superhuman.

The mentality imbalance is not just the experimenter, but also the logistics staff. How many psychologists were added in the middle of this experiment.

"That's OK, let's see you later, I won't give you away." Watching the political commissar of Wu Zhengyan smoking, Guan Ming didn't leave anyone.

"Okay, then we'll see you later, if we have the chance, let's have a drink." Wu Zhengwei didn't care about the attitude of Guan Ming.

"After a while, my child can't smell the wine." He waved his hand, Guan Ming refused with a smile.

Drinking depends on the subject, and Guan Ming's alcohol consumption is too high compared to Wu's political commissar.

Eighty-nine buses moved slowly under Guan Ming's gaze, and Guan Ming watched all of them silently.

Guan Ming sighed and turned back to the company until the bus was out of sight.

Four floors underground, this is where Guan Ming rarely steps.

There are five floors under the Guanming company. Guanming often goes to a small factory on the second floor and a private laboratory on the third floor.

In the first four levels of the underground, the supercomputer was stored. Guan Ming had developed a photon computer long ago. Now in the supercomputing of the four underground levels, not only the photon computer, but also the biological computer!

It is not as advanced as the biological computer in film and television dramas. From the perspective of appearance, it is a huge rectangular iron box, which is not different from the mainstream supercomputing currently, but the internal structure is even more different.

The structure like a drawer is densely lined together. It contains artificial DNA and nutrient solution. In order to ensure the activity of the DNA, there are special requirements on temperature and pressure. At the same time, if the nutrient solution is not enough, you need to add new ones. Nutrient solution.

However, this part can only be regarded as the core component. If there are peripherals, there are still motherboards, circuits and other equipment for signal conversion and information communication.

Although it is a biological computer, it should actually be called an electronic biological computer.

Just like the photon computer next door, strictly speaking, it should be called an electronic photon computer.

"What happened to the data?" Guan Ming asked, scanning his biological computer.

"Storage is 21%, and it is expected to be stored in 2 days." The sound of Double Star echoed on the fourth floor underground.

"How about the calculation speed of the biological computer?" Guan Ming continued to ask.

The biological computer was installed yesterday afternoon. However, parting soon, Guan Ming also invited everyone including Professor Wang, Political Commissar Wu, and other people to have dinner together.

Guan Ming didn't drink, but couldn't hold this group of people to drink, so it took a long time to eat and eat, and Guan Ming really didn't check the specific parameters of the biocomputer at 1:30.

The binary star just stored all the collected data in the biological computer in accordance with Guan Ming's previous instructions. After all, the calculation amount and speed of this thing are larger and faster than the photon computer.

"At present, the computing speed of biological computers is 130 million times that of photonic computers ~ ~ As the amount of artificial DNA increases, the computing speed will continue to increase." Double Star answered honestly.

"But at the current calculation speed, there is no need to improve. Although the nutrient solution is not consumed much, it is troublesome to deploy. The required raw materials are also a problem in extraction and cannot be manufactured in large quantities in the short term." Guan Ming did not wait to speak Double Star continued to speak.

"Anyway, it's also one of your future nests. Don't you want to run faster?" I don't know when to start, Guan Ming has treated it as a person. Double Star has his own logical thinking and his own Judgment, like a real person, but it has always been loyal to Guan Ming.

"It is not necessary. It is expected that the first batch of network satellites will take off in a week, and my calculations will become larger and larger in the future. Instead of continuously increasing the size of the biological computer, it is better to develop the next generation of supercomputing. There are limits to manufacturing, and nutrient solutions are also consumables. "

Guan Ming nodded when he heard the double star.

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