Private Technology

: Five hundred and seventy-two 3 people 1 body!

Guan Ming knew that something had changed. The change here refers to the third human experiment with a human brain chip.

According to the previous list given by Professor Wang to Guan Ming, this human experiment only has 6 people, which is a targeted test of the limits of the human brain chip.

However, President Cui first pointed out that he and Professor Wang were old friends, and then stated that he would live with Guan Ming for a few months. Guan Ming would definitely think about the third human experiment as long as his head was not pitted. .

Because Professor Wang gave Guan Ming the list before the second human experiment, and all human experimenters who participated in the human brain chip, except Guan Ming, everyone could not go home, even if they lived in Shanghai. local.

"You mean ..." Guan Ming intentionally left a message, something Guan Ming certainly wouldn't take the initiative to say.

"This ..." After looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, President Cui hesitated. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao was a professional housewife professionally, and her side job was a sophomore near the final exam.

Although Guan Ming is young, he is valued because of his fruitful record in the past.

In the words of Mu Xiaoxiao, no matter how you look at this qualification, President Cui also knows the importance. In some words, he does not even tell his wife, let alone Mu Xiaoxiao!

"It doesn't matter, she is my wife. I didn't hide her." With a smile, Guan Ming squeezed Mu Xiaoxiao's beautiful little face and said with a smile.

"Hey, you talk, I don't understand anyway, I went to the window sill to see, I heard that the scenery here is very good ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's smile was clear and brilliant.

After hearing Guan Ming's words, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyebrows were full of brilliance. She didn't know what Guan Ming and President Cui were going to talk about, but she knew it was important.

However, as long as Guan Ming has this attitude, it doesn't matter. From Mu Xiaoxiao's point of view, everything can't bear the trust and love of Guan Ming for her. As for saying "nothing is hidden from her", Mu Xiaoxiao She expressed silence, at least she knew that Guan Ming didn't tell her every time she secretly farted in the bed, and sometimes even Guan Ming framed it and said that it was rhubarb who came up and put it on ...

Crossing fingers with Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming doesn't think that the human brain chip is a secret, because even if this thing is kept secret, it will only be ten or eight years at most.

You know, after Guan Ming took the initiative to tell her about the existence of Double Star, she has n’t mentioned it to anyone yet, even if her family is used to the existence of Double Star.

For how many nights, Guan Ming deeply felt the tightness of her mouth. You know, it was all made up with oysters ...

Hercules Mu Xiaoxiao broke free from the hands of the five warriors, and jumped rhythmically to the window sill across the corner of the room, lying on the window and watching the scenery outside.

"Xiao Xiao is a good ... wife ~" Originally, President Cui wanted to say "good boy", but the adjective was not very good at the thought of everyone getting married and having children.

Instead, I want to say ‘good student’, but I ’m not talking about asking for leave to have a child. I ’m just talking about the identity of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, which is hard to say.

"Oh, yeah, Xiaoxiao is really good." Nodded, Guan Ming nodded in approval.

"Uh, yes, please continue." Reaching out, Guan Ming invited the other party to continue talking on a topic.

"Actually, I was called back to the imperial capital a few days ago, and said that I was going to participate in a project experiment, and then I was selected. Something should be notified by Professor Wang in advance, but he considers that the staffing arrangements have not been fully determined, so I hope I can talk to you about this matter, uh ... there is a problem with the procedure, but I ask you more Forgive me. "Principal Cui has a sincere tone and a sincere expression, like Wei Tsai's Ouyang Feng, with a perfect expression.

"What are the staffing arrangements? If you come, what will happen to the school? I'm not sure about the school's usual management, but I know that this experiment uses months to calculate time. It is convenient for you to get off the job. The other party ’s voice is not loud, it may be because of the privacy of things, or to prevent Mu Xiaoxiao, but Guan Ming doesn't have so many ideas.

As for procedural issues, this is not a problem for Guan Ming at all.

Although the country is ruled by law, the millennium tradition has left objective factors such as rule of man and human relations in this country that was born less than a century ago, and these are engraved in the bones, not one or two generations, or one or two thoughts. Can be solved.

Since Professor Wang talked to President Cui, it means that President Cui will definitely come over to conduct human experiments, and it also proves that the two have a great relationship. In the end, the two have a certain right to speak. Otherwise, this is likely to be a copyist What's missing your head ~ ~ Don't worry about the school, I will be transferred after I have your honorary professor well, but you need to go to your place for a short-term 'training' first. As for the arrangement, I heard It was selected from the giant think tank. The previous human brain chip performed very well, and the knowledgeable think tank can provide more and better suggestions. "Principal Choi's voice continued to be lowered.

When Guan Ming heard it, he knew it, his expression was positive, and he said, "I don't know what President Cui is good at."

"International economy and trade." President Cui said with restraint.

The giant think tank is an insignificant post, not even a post, but it cannot be denied that any giant think tank is a leader or even a leader in the industry!

How to expand the utilization and value of the human brain chip is a question worth considering. First of all, it is installed in the heads of the giants, so that the giants can deal with various things more quickly and in large quantities, while achieving precision.

However, if the human brain chip is a defective product, then the highest level of a country will be destroyed. This disaster is huge!

Therefore, at the next level, the giant think tank is a good substitute for isolating dangers and receiving benefits at the same time. It is a bit like ‘sweet coat left and shells sent back’.

If there is a problem with the human brain chip, it is just that the think tank is hung up, which may destroy the country's high-end wisdom group, but it will not affect the state authority and ensure the integrity and smoothness of the country's operation.

Or even expand it a bit, maybe the human brain chip will not be installed on the main leaders in important positions, just in case!

The top level is headed by the think tank, the bottom level is headed by Professor Deng, and the laid-off staff are undergoing 'skill training'.

Trinity, build a national power group centered on the human brain chip!

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