Private Technology

: 574 The third human experiment with human brain chips

"Uncle, i'mscared ..." Tom, a thin, black boy, stood hurriedly in front of Guan Ming and looked at Guan Ming timidly, as if a beast about to be abandoned, like a pig and sheep to be slaughtered, fear Upcoming things.

The little guy wore wide-legged trousers all over his body, and the thin Tom had clear ribs, like a brown-black skin wrapped in a medical human skeleton, very thin.

"Don't be afraid, just go in and sleep. It's okay. We're all watching outside. Don't worry." Speaking in English, Guan Ming smiled and bent over and touched the little guy's bright back.

Although Guan Mingping usually speaks English the most is 'oh', 'yes', 'eon', but his foreign language level is really not low. At least he is involved in the mainstream languages ​​in the world at present, and it is natural Can understand what little guys say.

"Will the reserved space be a little smaller." In addition to Professor Wang, there are several old men standing beside Guan Ming.

These old men are all think tanks sent by them. Maybe it ’s more appropriate to use the “first batch” to describe them. Of course, this is also the last batch, because Guan Ming has heard that he is setting up his own laboratory. For the installation and research of human brain chips.

There are many types of think tanks, and the questioner is an old doctor of the General Military Academy. He is round and chubby, and I heard that he is still a master. He is proficient in acupuncture, massage, and western medicine. Medical-level characters.

"Not only is Ding Lao, I have measured bone age before, and also estimated his brain development through massive calculations. If the contact surface is small, I am afraid that I will not be reliable." Guan Ming explained briefly, although the other party is not specializing in the brain Yes, but it is also a little bit understandable. The most important thing is that people are national players. Although they are not sure about the level of delivery, Guan Ming still has to respect the elderly.

The human brain chip is currently installed using "embedded", no steel plate, no screws, the least harmful way to install the brain is x into the 'pleats' of the cerebral cortex, of course, you can also cut the cerebral cortex directly X into, but this hurts the brain too much.

Although the brain tissue can stabilize the human brain chip to a certain extent, this stability can only be described as 'relative', not to mention falling down from the 24th floor, it is estimated that people at the level of Lu Zhishen can also human brain The chip was flying, after all, the town of Guanxi died terribly.

"Old man, don't be nervous. We haven't arrived yet. It's too early to be nervous." An old man with a twine said with a smile. He majored in psychology and his surname was Yan.

"Nervous? Don't be kidding. I have been a doctor for so many years. There are 10,000 and 5,000 passers. How can I be nervous?" When someone said that, Ding Lao stared back.

"Rapid breathing, flushed face, sweating on the head, blinking eyes, and even a little shaking of your legs. If you are not nervous, then what is called nervous? It's okay, admit that there is nothing, and we will laugh at you. Who else can be? "Yan Lao smiled unchanged, but was heart-to-heart.

"That is, we won't say it. We will only laugh at you for a few years."

"Well, when the old doctor is still nervous? He still has five thousand?"

"I'm afraid it's not the old Ding who is renamed Ding. Don't be nervous."

The old man around him has launched taunting skills and various runs.

"You guys who are immortal, don't offend me!" His face turned red, Ding Lao pointed at these bad old friends and said fiercely.

The same is a think tank. Although they have different specialties, everyone also meets. Because of professional issues, they prefer to get together in private. After all, if this profession is too much to talk nonsense, it is really easy to get into trouble.

"Okay, don't bother, all of them are starting to work." Professor Wang came out and stopped the 1vn battle.

Guan Ming pretended to be deaf and dumb, looking at the little guy across the glass wall.

The third human brain chip human experiment is divided into two parts. One part is to install the human brain chip in this group of think tanks and instruct them how to use it. The second is to perform another limit test of the human brain chip for another wave of people.

The little black boy in front of him was the first subject to be tested.

Through the calculation of a large amount of data, the optimal scheme of the experiment is deduced, and the human brain chip is installed at the same time.

If nothing else, this little Tom's experimental cycle will continue until adulthood, but no need to deal with it in the later observation stage.

"It's still a small tube. I have seen the assembly of the network satellite some time ago. The ball you sent is really high-end in terms of technology." An old man with glasses a little far away from Guan Ming. Speaking, while holding the glasses and watching the fast-moving robotic arm in front ~ ~ accurate and precise skin cutting, without hesitation installing the human brain chip, the whole process is as free and natural as bird flying fish swim .

"Jiang Lao joked, that is, my place is small, so artificial intelligence can be used casually." Guan Ming said to the old man with glasses.

Jiang is always a scientific researcher engaged in military industry. The specific content is uncertain. It may be a confidential organization.

"Artificial intelligence is good, good stuff ~" The old men were all feeling with emotion.

In terms of levels, the security level of human brain chips is above artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence is above network satellites. The old men who sent them all know the human brain chip, which means that they all know the existence of significance.

Even among these old men, they were involved in the compilation of the "Artificial Intelligence Act". They looked at the combination of the three with their respective professional qualities and reached the same conclusion.


This is the product of changing times, this is the product of the rise of the country, just like the Industrial Revolution and Great Britain!

"By the way, if the next human brain chip is installed, change the position between me and Lao Ding. I will be the first one. Although my major is not compatible with this thing, I am curious about it." Psychological Yan old, patted Guan Ming's shoulder and said.

"Uh ... Yan is always the second, and the entire installation process is very short. There is not much difference between changing and not changing." Guan Ming is not sure what this old man wants to do, after all, the whole experiment is only ten minutes.

"I want to take two pictures of Lao Ding while he is experimenting, and I can laugh at him for a lifetime." Yan Lao looked at Guan Ming with a smile and said indecent words.

"Your uncle!" The chubby Ding Lao stared at Yan Yan.

Guan Ming looked at the old guys with a speechless expression. He didn't know what to say.

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