Private Technology

: 581 Almighty King!

"Sister, flowers ~" Guan Mengxi held a small white flower and buckled it on Guan Mengyu's Tianling cover, then took her little hand, and ran carefully to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, and looked back at Guan Meng from time to time The little flower on the rainy day cover was lost.

There are many princess skirts with lace edges. The two little guys have similar looks, the same height and the same body ...

Two-year-olds can't tell any body, they are as thick as they are.

"Mom, look at my sister, look at my sister ~" Guan Mengxi's face was excited, and his little hand pia ~ pia ~ patted Mu Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

"Xiaoyu is beautiful! Xiaoxi is awesome!" Sitting on the paved blanket, the smile on Mu Xiaoxiao's face has never stopped, her eyes have been watching the movement of the two little guys, she naturally saw Guan Mengxi takes care of Guan Mengyu in the way of a child.

Hold Guan Mengxi's sisters in her arms, and then fix the small white flower covered by Guan Mengyu.

"Eat the skewers, come and go, all come to get the skewers." On his head was a large parasol, Guan Ming pursed his throat and pursed his throat.

Guan Ming is not good at cooking, but occasionally itches his hands, such as barbecue.

"Eat a little bit ~" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted justice after pushing the two little guys.

I went out late today and it was almost noon to the park. As a result, the first thing everyone went into the park was to set up a barbecue grill and start lunch.

With a pink tongue and Guan Mengxi licking the skewers, the child's teeth and stomach were almost unsuitable to eat this thing. The two little guys can only add skewers at the moment, which is a solution.


"Let ’s take a look. This is the news we just got. It seems that this regional forum meeting will be a bit twisty." The chief giant waved his hand, and the people around him began to send documents to everyone in the seat.

This document comes from Japan, because the Japanese Prime Minister has recently changed, and China is still very concerned about this. Although no matter who comes to power, the dog leg is still different from the dog leg, according to the current Judging from performance, perhaps the situation in the Asia-Pacific region in the next few years will not be too good for the country.

"Hmm ~ It seems to have been premeditated, but yes, after all, the benefits are too great." After looking at the documents in hand, a giant nodded and commented.

Although this document has not been revealed, everyone knows that this is the result of modern spies, even if the content of this document is not unexpected.

The South China Sea is a very important place. The document shows that at the ASEAN Regional Forum meeting this month, Japan will follow in the footsteps of the United States, and the South China Sea issue will definitely become a large and controversial topic.

This topic is very big, and there are many reasons. In addition to curbing domestic development, there are also maritime transportation safety, expanding the influence of disputed areas, and resources near the South China Sea.

Although there is no clear hammer, everyone knows that the South China Sea has a very large natural gas storage, and at the same time, it has abundant mineral and fish resources. This is an important reason for the dispute in the South China Sea.

"No matter how great the benefit is, none of us can change it." The general giant first set his tone and made a clear attitude.

After all, the lack of international law of the sea has made many countries jump up like hungry wolves, and the geostrategic significance of the South China Sea is also very important.

"Well, when it's time to be tough, you must also be tough." The giant in charge of the economy nodded, and then seemed to say casually: "By principal Cui, what do you think of this matter?"

"From the information currently available, China will become Japan ’s largest trading partner in 2010, as well as the largest export destination and largest source of imports. I think we should focus on this meeting. After all, the economic and trade relations between the two countries and regional trade exchanges, after all, the further development of China's economy will promote the development of neighboring countries. "Sitting in the second row, Professor Cui talked openly.

"From the current data, China and the United States have always been the second largest trading partners of both sides. Because of the differentiated and structurally complementary economic development of China and the United States, in fact, the trade between the two countries is still in a stable rising stage. Economic development needs to be restored, and their biggest advantage is in high-tech products. The United States actually hopes to lower the domestic threshold. They also hope to obtain a fair and transparent environment. However, everyone knows that the United States' high-tech products To some extent, there are security risks, and there are serious barriers to some key technologies, which is also worth considering. "

Professor Cui briefly introduced the economic issues of China, the United States, and Japan. He did not give any specific solutions, but analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the three parties for the reference of the giants.

Professor Cui is a think tank urgently needed by the giants. Even if he is not fully familiar with the human brain chip, he is still recalled to provide the giants with more ideas.


"Sir, do you want to aggravate it?" In a dirty training suit, a little soldier stood upright, but sweat still oozed from his forehead.

"Another five-kilogram sandbag." Liu Xi gasped heavily, sweat dripping down, and his body was full of weight-bearing sandbags.

The human brain chip-based control method makes his movements very standard. The human brain chip can also instantly feedback the feelings of the human body, such as soreness, pain, etc. Although these feelings can be blocked to a certain extent, But this kind of shielding is only 'spiritual' ~ physical fatigue still exists, Liu Xi needs to adapt to the feeling of physical fatigue, because this is a warning signal from the body.

What Liu Xi has to do now is to strengthen the body in all aspects, including muscle content, including internal organs, including resistance to blows, including speed, and so on.

"Yes!" After saluting a military salute, the little soldier glanced at Liu Xi with admiration, and then trot all the way to get the sandbag.

"Report!" In the distance, a little soldier came, saluting and shouting.

"What's the matter?" Breath slowed a little, and Liu Xi looked at the soldier blankly.

"A group of drug dealers appeared somewhere in the forest of Dian. Colonel Lu ordered you to annihilate the group of drug dealers and set off in 2 hours. The equipment and personnel were chosen by Captain Liu."

"Persons don't need to be selected. I can do it alone. I will put the documents on my car. I will go to the logistics office to pick up the equipment." Liu Xi said while removing the sandbag from her body.

Uh ~

Sandbags fell and dust splattered.

Liu Xi took a deep breath, his chest violently fluctuated, but a smile appeared on his face.

Hesitant, this little soldier didn't say anything, because in the eyes of the soldiers in the brigade, Liu Xi is a super soldier, proficient in all kinds of cold and hot weapons, good at driving all kinds of cars, airplanes, even in unarmed confrontation. , Can even achieve the level of 1vn!

King Bing has it every year, but Almighty King is just a legend!

ps: Thanks for the wind blowing without roots and no lover for a reward, thank you for your support.

Thanks also for your suggestions and opinions, and of course everyone's encouragement!

At the same time, without moving away, I decided to make a brief introduction. After all, I was so handsome and handsome, in case there was a female fan blocking my door, would I first boil water to prepare for a bath? Or find new underwear first?

Alas, trouble! So annoying!

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