Private Technology

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"You have overlooked a problem. No matter what the investment method, in fact it will not only activate the market and make money, but also there will be local employees. If there is a change in the future, it may be a loss of money for you. , But for us, this is not just a matter of losing money. "Leaning slightly, Rodriguez said heartily.

"Businessmen and politicians are two concepts. Businessmen value money and revenue, while politicians value the country, society, and even the global situation. For us, the more a businessman earns, the more local it is. Developed means the higher the living standards of the people, the more stable the society, and the stronger the country, so our appeals are the same, whether it is me or my next term. " Make a fist, as if to strengthen his tone.

Hearing this, Guan Ming nodded politely, but this did not mean that Guan Ming agreed with the whole process.

If you want to reach the level described by Rodriguez, then the merchant must first play under the rules, otherwise it is simply impossible, as if the replacement of the ancient Chinese dynasty, there are huge wealth in the end of each empire, and There is money making, but the situation of uneven distribution of social wealth is very serious, and it is still very uneven. People ca n’t eat enough and do n’t wear warm clothes. Even when the big man is withering.

The rules are made by those in power, even if Rodriguez talks wildly, Guan Ming absolutely does not believe that he will enjoy domestic treatment abroad, which is simply impossible.

Whether a businessman or a politician, all they see is interest. If there is an interest that can move Rodriguez, Guan Ming cannot be invincible forever.

After a moment of groaning, Guan Ming said, "Perhaps you have overlooked my other identity. I am still a scientist. The attraction of business to me is far less than technology."

Slowly shaking his head, Guan Ming closed the folder, and put the folder on the small table at hand, representing the end of the conversation.

Rodriguez's face was irresistibly disappointed.

He certainly knew that Guan Ming was a scientist, but he always wanted to downplay this part of Guan Ming's attributes. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would even say that Spain also has many beautiful stars.

However, in the face of national giants and big names in Shanghai, Rodriguez can't introduce them so plainly and at a discount, and can only use money to attract Guan Ming.

"Commercial matters can not be determined in a single meeting. So let me decide. I will go to Spain and go to study. I will not talk about what happened afterwards. I am entitled to travel this time. I believe that Prime Minister Rodriguez Make arrangements for the safety of the small tube. "The conversation is basically over to this extent, the giant said with great pride, while controlling the progress of the conversation.

This time Rodriguez came here to find funds. He wanted to borrow money from China, and also wanted to attract domestic idle funds to invest in the past, such as Guan Ming, but unfortunately, Guan Ming really has no desire for this.

Seeing Rodriguez looking over, Guan Ming nodded with a smile and said, "Since the giants have said so, then I'll go shopping. After marriage, I didn't go far. I happened to take my wife this time. Go out with your kids. "

"Rest assured that there is absolutely no problem in terms of security. I will deliberately continue in this regard." Rodriguez squinted and nodded, hearing the little secretary's simultaneous interpretation.

At the same time, I was also thinking about the calculation. The probability of investing in Guan Ming's trip was very small.

Rodriguez can see that there must have been discussions between Guan Ming and the giants, specifically to deal with his current visit. Perhaps Guan Ming's previous statements have been designed, otherwise Guan Ming cannot simply agree.

Maybe I really want to invest, but things involving large capital flows will be cumbersome, and on-site inspections are also necessary. By the way, delaying time is delayed to obtain more benefits.

Perhaps Guan Ming really didn't want to invest. This trip was just to give Rodriguez a face, let him step down, and don't make him too embarrassed. After all, the social status between him and Guan Ming is really big.

Regardless of the reason, Guan Ming's visit / travelling in Spain is a good thing for Rodriguez. Considering the security factors, he can wait for Guan Ming to return to the country before publicly governing the previous itinerary, and Alluding to the possibility that Guan Ming might invest in Spain, etc., even a political party election, this is also a good focus, but first of all, he has to weather the sovereign debt crisis.

"The small tube is a talent that is difficult to find for thousands of years. We have always attached great importance to his safety. This time, he will also send some staff as security personnel. In this regard, we must inform in advance to avoid unpleasant time. It's not surprising that the giants heard Rodriguez's words, but he deliberately used the word "pie".

Spain is not China. Spain ca n’t help firing. At the same time, because of the financial crisis, Spain ’s security is also not good ~ ~ The giant is alluding to the fact that Guan Ming's entourage will wear firearms.

"The problem is not big, just walk through the process, and no one will get stuck in this area." Nodded, Rodriguez said.

The recent law and order problems in Spain are very serious, and even more and more serious. Compared with those underground guns, Guan Ming can't possibly let his bodyguard go shopping with his submachine gun.

Guan Ming laughed and said nothing, listening to the conversation between the two.

Although today's banquet is mainly to create a conversation opportunity between Rodriguez and Guan Ming, in fact everyone's time is very precious. The conversation is over. There are some other things to talk between the two giants. Not the kind of chat.

Maybe it's why the giant does not care about the economy. The giant talked about the components of the Spanish government and government, and discussed the differences between China and the West with Rodriguez, and talked about the pros and cons of the middle. Easy degree.

In Guan Ming's view, this should be a debate between the bosses of the two countries, but the arguments are true and false, and they are all from the perspective of what they see.

Guan Ming is really not interested in this aspect. For him, he has only two organizations, first is home, and second is company.

It doesn't matter if the company is good or bad.

At home, from the current point of view, the problem is not big, even if there is Guan Mengyu, a guy who makes Guan Ming headache, but Guan Ming believes that before his third generation, the housekeeper is worry-free.

So a secret scene appeared on the scene. The bosses of the two countries talked openly, and everyone around them tried hard to listen to them, trying to integrate themselves into this atmosphere, and carefully thinking about each sentence and even each word of the two bosses. But there is an audience in the middle.

Like the audience sitting on the stage, watching the cross talk on the stage.

ps: Thank you Xiaoyao for your reward and thank you for your support!

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