Private Technology

: 606 big amount ... tube full

"Hello, I would like to ask why your company hastily delisted. According to the latest data, this delisting caused at least hundreds of millions or even billions of RMB losses. Is it because of the South China Sea? At the same time, the company has Any new plans? "At a press conference, a reporter stood up to ask questions. Fastest update

"The company lost some money because of the delisting. We already expected this before the delisting. This delisting is a long-established plan. There are no political factors and there is no so-called 'rush.' 'In Shangyan, this is just a very normal business field plan. As for whether there is a new plan in the future, I don't know for the time being, at least I haven't heard anything.' The CEO of Sinopec sat at the conference site and calm down. Answering reporters' questions.

"Gao Hongwei, a well-known domestic economist, made a statement about this delisting of your company, saying that this is an anti-epoch performance that will destroy state-owned enterprises and even cause turmoil in the Chinese economy. What do you think about this? "The other reporter stood up and asked.

"China's economy is not simply controlled by a single individual or a company. Each company's operations have staged goals and strive to achieve this goal. I don't want to evaluate Mr. Gao's statement. I can only say that it can affect There are not many companies in the country's overall economic system, but I'm sorry. I don't think Sinopec has this ability. At the same time, I also believe that the country's economy is very stable. "Nodded, indicating that the problem is over.

"What do you think of the state-owned enterprises that have been delisting recently? As far as I know, many state-owned enterprises have announced their delisting or have successfully delisted. Is the country ready to let all state-owned enterprises exit the stock market?" The reporter asked.

"I have read the news, and I also found that many state-owned enterprises have delisted. At present, I am not sure of the reason for their delisting, but I believe that their starting point must be good. After all, no one will do loss-making trading, and I believe in the country. There are also long-term plans in this regard. "

Sinopec's delisting has triggered domestic discussions and even global attention.

Today's China is no longer the China of the last period.

The European financial crisis has shrunk the property of many people, but it has highlighted the economic stability of Asian countries, specifically China. Of course, there are various reasons, such as Guan Ming, such as ...

Successive delistings have made many countries unthinkable, and at the same time many countries have fallen into meditation.

Delisting is not a two company, nor a company in the same industry.

These companies that have been delisted are top players in various industries, such as two barrels of oil, etc. These companies can be ranked on the Forbes list, which shows how big these companies are, and this wave What is the impact of delisting!



The internet!

Excluding those private and foreign companies, only the state-owned enterprises that have delisted in China in the recent period are distributed among these three industries!

It can be felt that delisting is only the first step. The next step may be to integrate and integrate internal resources, including personnel, information, technology, and so on.

Everyone knows that the listing will still go public, but how to integrate is an important issue.

However, the most important question is why to integrate.

Just like the fog of war in the game, you never know whether the wild area under the fog is an ambush of five people, or only a **** enemy hero.

And the core figures in the middle, like the clouds at the sky, wandered abroad and played with their hearts.


Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao who was paralyzed in bed, Guan Ming deeply felt that he was powerful, just like the king who conquered other kingdoms in ancient times.

After all, seeing his daughter-in-law's contented and lazy look, even the little finger was unwilling to move, as a man, Guan Ming felt that there should be applause at this moment.

After all, let Mu Xiaoxiao eat it first, and then hehehe, I guess most people can't think of this trick.

However, the innocent Mu Xiaoxiao was actually hit, Guan Ming had to be impressed that his IQ was infinitely high, and even this kind of thought full of wisdom could come up. Although he was not terrific, he was smart.

Of course, how to control Mu Xiaoxiao's quick digestion is a matter of his private secrets.

"Medicine ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said with a glamorous look.

"Yes?" Guan Ming was shocked. Did the food in the stomach already digest a part? Already breeding new energy? Decided to launch a counterattack?

"Also Cheek is troublesome, give me medicine!" Gong Ming gave a firm white glance, Mu Xiaoxiao lightened his big white teeth, and threatened silently.

As if thinking of something, Guan Ming asked for a while, then went to find medicine.

Slowly, Mu Xiaoxiao got up reluctantly, without going to find clothes to wear first, but changed the sheets first, then pulled Guan Ming to wash in the bathroom ~ ~ 唉I ca n’t stand it ... ”Wiping his body with a towel and touching the bulging belly, Mu Xiaoxiao was so good, why could n’t he control his mouth!

If this is done, it is estimated that a lot of meat can be eaten. If it doesn't matter to the place, however, after Mu Xiaoxiao's age, she won't have much hope.

What she can foresee now is constant movement, a lot of movement.

"No way, big amount ~" Guan Ming smiled stubbornly, with a contented expression, and drifted across the sea to Spain. Guan Ming said that he was strong after rest.

"And ~ FusionExcel makes you extravagant! If you put it before the reform and opening up, it is estimated that the killing is all light!" Thinking of the rich dinner today, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it was good to play, at least not too 'saving', Although I didn't eat half and throw half today, I also reached the level of throwing half a half. It was because she couldn't eat it, and it was definitely the kind of food that she had no energy.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you're extravagant. Your husband and I have a trading volume of a few hundred million, drizzle ~" Guan Ming waved his hand, not caring.

For a moment, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly found that the two seemed to be on a different channel, but they talked in harmony.

"Uh ... what do you mean by the hundreds of millions you just said?" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head backwards, revealing his brain, and the rubber band around his wrist fell to his hair, creating a high pony tail.

After a while, Mu Xiaoxiao's slogan came out in the room: "Rocket Head!"

"I rely! Don't hit! Alzheimer's easier in the future!"

"Your sister, you can't let go of my ass!"

In the room, Guan Mingman's room was running around. Behind him, Mu Xiaoxiao bowed his waist, his head pointed at Guan Ming's back, his head was probably flush with Guan Ming's buttocks, and he launched a strong charge. ) !!

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