Private Technology

: 628 The last experiment (below)

The time is close to 4 pm. Each giant ’s electronic glasses clearly shows the change of time in the lower right corner of the electronic glasses. At the same time, this is also the case with Guan Ming.

Briefly introduce the general situation of the experiment to the giants. The purpose is to make the giants not too boring, but it is useful and useless. Let's talk about it first. He is the most professional among the field personnel.

Regardless of whether it is on a stellar or controlled nuclear fusion, Guan Ming is the perfect no.1.

"The preparatory work for the experiment has been completed, and the experiment can be started at any time. Is it an experiment now?" Guan Ming said in a short and powerful voice. At the same time, this question was also asked by the chief giant.

After all, there is a difference between the giants and the total giants, at least the latter is one word more than the former!

"Let's get started." The general giant didn't talk nonsense, and there was no such thing as mobilization before the war.

"Double star, start the experiment, and then you explain the data in the experiment." Nodded, Guan Ming said.

"Good boss, the last experiment of controlled fusion is counted down by three seconds."




The double star's voice replaced Guan Ming, echoing in the giant conference room and the conference room where Guan Ming is located.

There is no undulating tone, like a person who kills personality, like a most sane person.


The original controllable nuclear fusion dynamic projection around Guan Ming stopped rotating, and many metal hardware suddenly translucent, and the unglaring orange light was shining and shining!

"Ignition is successful, the input energy is ..."

"The output energy is ..."

"The ratio of input energy to output energy in 10 seconds ..."

"The laboratory temperature rises by 3 degrees Celsius, the water cooling is turned on, and the additional output energy when the temperature difference power is turned on is ..."

"The voltage is stable ..."

"Output current……"

"Switch the input energy circuit ..."

"The available output energy is ..."

"The transformer is approaching the upper load limit ..."

"The temperature rises, turn on the refrigeration equipment ..."

The data is constantly changing, and the speed of the double star's speaking speed has been accelerated by a few points. The details of the entire experiment are continuously described, from the input and output of energy to the temperature. Guan Ming looks at the data that changes like a stopwatch, while calculating The results of this experiment.

It may be that Double Star's speaking speed is too fast, and everyone is a little nervous.

The giants do not understand the meaning behind these narratives, but everyone knows that the experiment has not been completed at all. Perhaps from a single data, this experiment is relatively successful, such as the output and input that everyone can understand. Energy ratio.

But before the experiment was completely over, no one would be relieved.

Not to mention the total investment and reserves of helium 3 in this experiment, just the fact that Guan Ming is still on site can make all the giants feel heavy.

However, for various reasons, Guan Ming still went to the scene and gave a live commentary.

Over time, the first time helium 3 was added, the experiment went smoothly, and everyone took a long breath.

Then, the second time he added helium 3, which was carried out in an orderly manner, and a satisfied smile appeared on everyone's face.

"The last experiment of controllable nuclear fusion was over. The experimental results achieved the desired results. The experiment ended successfully." It also became a little opaque, and began to slowly rotate around Guan Ming at the same time.

"This experiment took 2400.14 seconds, this time ..." Double Star still compiles the experimental data according to Guan Ming's instructions, but all the data is synchronized to the electronic glasses, and these data are finally finalized.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" The chief giant said three good times, and then clapped his hands with joy.

All giants also applauded, for technology and for Guan Ming.

"The small tube is beautiful! You have to give it a reward!" The chief giant clapped his hands, and even started to verbal rewards.

"Where and where, I should do it." Guan Ming said humbly, but instead of focusing on chatting with the giants, he focused on the overall data of this experiment.

The output and input energy reached 1.7, a high ratio, and also met Guan Ming's expectations.

Adding the reactant twice did not cause any problems, which indicates that this thing has been used for a long time, of course, except for equipment damage.

From external input energy to output-to-input, it is considered that the internal cycle has been completed to a certain extent.

The output energy of this experiment is 210 billion + joules, and the input energy is close to 130 billion joules. In addition to the initial additional energy input, the output-to-input joules are almost 100 billion, which means that this time it can actually be The energy used is only 110 billion + joules.

A simple conversion is that 110 billion joules is about 30,000 kilowatt-hours, which may only provide power consumption in the country for about 0.2 seconds.

However, although this experiment is a 'large equivalent', it is only larger than before. In the application, the amount of reaction helium 3 can be made larger ~ ~ This is not just that the total output energy will increase , The energy produced per unit time will also increase!

Most importantly, this experiment represents that after the problem of removing the helium 3 reserve, the star simulator has absolutely all the conditions for application!

Expand and expand again. With the current equipment, the maximum amount of helium 3 per unit time is 500 times the current, that is, at the same time, the output energy is 500 times the current, but the input energy is only 5 times at most!

In other words, based on the star-like devices that have just turned off, they will not turn off throughout the year, with a maximum output of 380 billion kWh. As long as the country invests in building 14 current-scale star-like devices, it can supply electricity for the whole country! !!

Think of the Three Gorges Dam, think of coal heating in the north in winter, think of natural gas heating, and cooking!

Judging from the huge territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, let alone 14, it is 140 evenly distributed, how much area is used?

No additional pollution is generated.

There is no need to extensively modify the natural environment.

Even as long as more than 20 current-scale star-like devices can guarantee the country's warm winters and cool summers, there is no distinction between the North and the South.

As long as there are more than 22 current-scale star simulators, all gasoline cars in the country can be replaced with electric cars without affecting the mobile facilities such as battery cars.

When more than 50, Guan Ming can no longer imagine what the scene is.

And this is just a star simulator in the current state. In Guan Ming's hand, there is a larger star simulator, although it is only on the drawing, although it is only theoretical.

But now, as long as a star-like device is installed in each province, autonomous region and municipality for controllable nuclear fusion, it can fully supply all the electricity in the country and replace all energy facilities such as natural gas, gasoline, and so on!

Because there are 34 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government!

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