Private Technology

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Something in my heart, even if I fall asleep, it is easy to wake up.

Today's Guan Ming is a vibrant Guan Ming. Today's Guan Ming is a bright and sunny Guan Ming, because today's Guan Ming actually catches up with the housekeeper's breakfast time!

Well, although the father and mother had finished eating and had to remove the plates, Guan Ming still caught up with the last train anyway.

"Slow down, what do you eat so fast?" Watching her son snoring and sipping rice porridge, the mother felt a little bit sad when she was distressed.

It is indeed a good son of a mother, and she has inherited my excellent qualities, and she is going to work early!

It is worth noting that the father and mother usually have breakfast at 9 o'clock, after all, the old couple is fine every day, and the lazy bed is not the young person's patent. From the current age alone, the father and mother are just beginning. Only in old age.

As for why it is nine o'clock instead of six o'clock, it is mainly the care of Meng Xi's little sister's biological clock. If the two baby eggs get up at ten o'clock, then the old couple can still be late for breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm full, I'm going to work ~" I'm not too hungry. A bowl of porridge is full of mouthfuls.

"Eat two buns, or eat some fried dough sticks, and some cookies, too." Guan Ma's eyes contained love and chased out one bun and one fried dough stick.

However, Guan Ming regrets that although Mu Xiaoxiao allowed him to run 39 meters first and fight back, but compared with this little old lady, Guan Ming was really effortless to win. Guan Ming still wants to be skilled.

Eliminating everything, Ding Zhi today is Guan Ming's person.

"Trouble you this time, how is Meng Liting?" Guan Ming asked directly after shaking hands.

Reaching out to invite Guan Ming to sit down, Ding Zhi handed over the prepared documents and introduced Guan Ming at the same time.

"The result of Meng Liting's interrogation has come out. She is very cooperative. She is a US spy, but this time it was a little ... headache."

Ding Zhi's expression was very depressed, and Guan Ming had no idea what would cause him a headache.

It wasn't until Guan Ming read the file that he knew why Ding Zhi was having such a headache.

Guan Ming wondered why he would be a spy.

Meng Liting's file, Guan Ming had seen it when she was in the company yesterday. Native Chinese, parents and grandparents are all honest people.

But why did Meng Liting become a spy? At least there is no incentive in this family environment.

With money, Meng Liting opens a lot every month. She can't be a big landlord like Sun Yanan, but she can live smartly, no reason, and no need to work for the United States.

However, the facts tell Guan Ming that everyone's choice depends on their position, and at the same time, everyone will measure whether it is cost-effective before making a mistake.

Paying less than harvesting is worth it. This is a universal truth.

Meng Liting's father ranks second at home, the type of infertility. He has a brother on it, and the first child of this brother is a kid, but he has type 1 diabetes since he was young. Drop, but the medicine cannot stop.

Later, Meng Liting was born. Due to family economic problems and other reasons, Meng Liting was adopted to her current father, but not as **** as a TV series. The entire Meng family, including Meng Liting, knew about it, and the relationship was very good. There is no need to fight for property, and there is no property to fight, but the bad is bad for Meng Liting's elder brother's body.

Everyone knows that let alone diabetes, it is a cold and fever, which is a very scary thing for a family that is not rich.

However, during the Wal-Mart internship stage, someone found Meng Liting, saying that he can provide the latest diabetes drugs developed by the American laboratory, which can effectively alleviate the symptoms of patients, and Meng Liting has few options.

No matter how much money Guan Ming gives, it is not as good as a person's health.

Even if it was just to make her big brother alleviate her illness and some irreparable mistakes, she committed them without hesitation!

The small figure and appearance of the hook appeared in his mind, and Guan Ming could hardly be associated with this person in the document for a while, as if the black and white boundary had been blurred a lot.

"Her family should have realized something, so it has disappeared after the task was given to her. According to the comparison of customs and foreigners temporarily living abroad, her family should have sneaked in. There is no accurate information. Currently, I have already applied upwards, and it will follow this line, but it should be more difficult in a short time. "Sigh, Ding Zhi said.

Until now, Guan Ming knew what he meant by "headache".

Guan Ming's thoughts of chasing the murderer suddenly faded. Although the Virgin's heart had not yet burst out to intercede to Meng Liting, it was somewhat boring.

Lao Mei's covetous attitude towards Guan Ming is persistent. Today, there is Meng Liting, and maybe Ma Liting, Niu Liting and so on tomorrow.

However, it cannot be denied that Guan Ming's heart is still a bit regrettable, and that kind of inexplicable feelings filled the mind.

"Liu Mengmeng's preliminary judgment, there should be no problem, this time it was just she was not careful, or this time she was also the one being pitted." Shaking his head, Guan Ming put down his documents and simply did not talk about Meng Liting thing.

Liu Mengmeng is not the same as Meng Liting. Although Guan Ming already knew that she had the idea to peep at her daughter-in-law ~ ~, he chose to help Liu Mengmeng.

It's not that Guan Ming wants to develop his daughter-in-law into a lily and then drag two children to play two football teams every day, but Guan Ming's sense of Liu Mengmeng has always been positive, even if her sexual orientation is the same as Guan Ming .

"Liu Mengmeng hasn't been interrogated yet, but even if she is implicated innocently, but it also reveals a huge flaw in her unknown. I don't recommend that she stay in your company." With a serious expression, Ding Zhi seriously Looking at Guan Ming.

If it is possible, he really wants to throw Guan Ming into a domestic research institute.

Even if the second best thing is to find a person who is rooted in Miao Hong to become general manager!

"Discuss this aspect. I will talk to the big guys and the giants to talk about this later. This is what I asked yesterday. I used a polygraph to compare the results with big data. The degree of credibility. Very high. "Guan Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

Compared with the big names and giants in Shanghai, Ding Zhi is only a soldier, a soldier who hasn't made a decision by himself. Although Guan Ming usually smiles, Guan Ming won't waste saliva with him.

"Well, I'll take that document first, but I'm going to review it over Liu Mengmeng, and I also need to make a judgment on this side." Ding Zhi could feel Guan Ming's attitude and didn't go to the documents, but Looking at Guan Ming very sincerely.

Because Ding Zhi knew that Guan Ming had a great influence on officials at his level.

Don't say far, it is said that Qian Junhao far away in the north has been promoted for a simple reason. Guan Ming once spoke for him in front of him.

A person who was assigned and deposed was promoted because of Guan Ming's attitude.

Perhaps the outside world thought this was just a joke, but Ding Zhi, who knew some of Guan Ming's information, did not think it was a joke.

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