Private Technology

: 673 Guan Ming's strongest black technology! !! (2/26)

Mu Xiaoxiao attaches great importance to Guan Ming's reputation. Compared with Guan Ming's reputation, she feels that her own reputation is optional. There is no interest in this.

In every marriage and every family, there is actually an unequal pay and gain.

For example, it is painful to have a child, for example, it is painful to have a child, for example, it is painful for a baby, but compared to these pains, Mu Xiaoxiao feels that she has gained too much and paid too little. She just did what a wife That's all there is to it.

There are now three or four years of marriage. It cannot be said that the future Guan Ming will definitely end in one, but from the current point of view, Guan Ming is still loyal to the marriage, even if the door was incorrect and the household was wrong, but Guan Ming identified Mu Xiao. Xiao, at the same time persist.

At the same time, the housekeeper did not look down on Mu Xiaoxiao because of Guan Ming's fortunes, and even because of Mu's mother for comparison, Mu Xiaoxiao still liked the mother-in-law very much.

You know, when she was at the university, she was also fattened by Mu Mu!

However, after getting married, the housekeeper treated her very well. Whether it was Guan Ming, father or mother, or the rest of Guan Ming's relatives, he paid great attention to Mu Xiaoxiao.

And this time, Zhong Qiming's shares may be a puppet from the outside, but she can also feel Guan Ming's love and expectation for her.

Therefore, she is carrying the pot of house culture decisively!

Of course, this is her pot ...

"Hey ~ what can't be put out, as if I was locked in ~" Turning his head, Guan Ming looked at his daughter-in-law and shook his head with a smile.

"In fact, my daily life is also very diverse. I am not a robot. Scientific research is just a hobby of mine. The same is true of animation. Sometimes I still play dota on the Internet, but my dota is very vegetable. 800 players. "Guan Ming didn't want his wife-in-law to fall apart.

Regarding Guan Ming's current achievements and performance, let alone say that he went to the animation exhibition, even if the club is tender, a considerable number of people will ignore it, or take it for granted.

Not to mention, look at the rich people over hk. The children in this family have not yet been weaned. There are reporters showing photos of the clubhouse. However, the general public just think that men are rich, women point back, and That's it.

Or is it a rich husband who has been married to his wife and went to chop people to the club?

What a joke, 2 million arms, buy one and get one free!

Pouting, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and looked helplessly at Guan Ming.

"It's not a big deal. I don't need to take everything on myself." Looking at her little expression, Guan Ming also smiled, then looked forward and continued, "In addition to research and wealth, I am actually a normal person , I also need to sleep and eat, or do I mean I can eat and drink and not eat human fireworks? "Guan Ming joked.

After hearing Guan Ming's speech, the reporter also felt that Mu Xiao knows the big picture and understands the big picture. In order to maintain Guan Ming's image, he would not hesitate to take all these pots on himself. It is indeed the woman Guan Guan sees!

Applause, you must applaud!

So the reporters all applauded!

It was originally Mu Xiaoxiao's pot, but was misunderstood by reporters as Guan Ming's pot. At the same time, for this pot, the couple also snatched up, letting reporters feel that marriage is not only the grave of love, but also the ladder of the peak of life!

Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao is your strongest black technology!

Without getting the applause of the reporters at all, Mu Xiaoxiao was very sad. Her sorrow stemmed from her failure to carry the pot, but it was only a moment of frustration, and then a dignified and beautiful smile appeared on her face.

After all, think about it carefully. This is also Guan Ming's choice to protect Mu Xiaoxiao. Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao is full of vitality, as if eating two big lobsters, full of mood!

"General Manager, through your introduction, can we take what you are studying as a product like a pacemaker? Does its energy come from batteries? We know that your previous products have been applied to graphene Battery, is this product also a graphene battery? What is the service life? "The next reporter stood up and asked.

"I do n’t use graphene batteries. I am going to try to use bioelectricity. This can extend the life of the product. At least when it is physiologically alive, in theory, the product will not need to be replaced, which means that, in theory, the product ’s Life is a lifetime. "Guan Ming did not explain the research on biological enzymes in detail, after all, this thing is the key to unlock the biological computer, just as the potassium channel is important for life science.

"General Manager, your technology prospects are very good, but is it a bit out of place for Zhong Qiming company, after all, Zhong Qiming's current business does not involve medical aspects, or does Zhong Qiming have plans in the medical field? layout?"

One by one, tricky, or peaceful questions.

Each question was also answered by Kong Yulin, Guan Ming, and Mu Xiaoxiao. Maybe someone greeted them. This time, there are no particularly angry questions.

The entire press conference only lasted more than two hours ~ ~ not too long, and then everyone broke up.

"I'm sorry to disturb your schedule this time." After the press conference, Kong Yulin said beside Guan Ming.

"Nothing bothering you, it's all about working. Speaking of your work pressure is really great, a lot of things are pressing on you, I can hear your work status." Guan Ming smiled too Then, talking about the scene.

Zhong Qiming's operation Guan Ming pays little attention, but Mu Xiaoxiao is a shareholder, so there should be a lot of information files. Kong Yulin did not have to be critical in his work, he grasped the whole pipe and did a good job.

"Thanks to Mr. Guan, otherwise, I think the pressure is too great, and it won't be too big." Kong Yulin said sincerely, and only he and Guan Ming knew the connotation.

Kong Yulin was originally only middle-class capital. He could be selected as Zhong Qiming's chief executive because the people on his back were not clean, and he was able to personally run the world ’s largest company, which is actually the credit of someone's brain chip.

Think about it, Zhuge Liang, who is famous for thousands of years, can't continue his life to the Seven Stars, but Kong Yulin, who is also himself, can handle a lot of things in the wave of his hands, which is exactly two treatments.

If it is not a human brain chip, even if he vomits blood, he will not be able to grab it all, especially in the background of Zhong Qiming, although it is impossible to be completely overhead, but if he really wants to pit holes in Yulin, he can pit him up. Can't get up!

Of course, Zhuge Liang is so powerful, and in the middle, the blessing of the author Luo Guanzhong is indispensable. If future generations write a book specifically for Kong Yulin, perhaps he can also be a great character like Zhuge Liang.

In the first half of my life, my work was not smooth, and my middle-aged rise was definitely a representative of the latecomer to Daqi, a proper protagonist halo ...

ps: Updated here today, I'm going to wash it up ~

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