Private Technology

: 676 Technology Side

Holding an electric soldering iron in his hand, Guan Ming points up one by one.

The first thing of any product is, in most cases, the very large one, at least larger than the subsequent products. One of the important reasons is the convenience of illustration.

It's like the earliest computer, it was really an elephant than an elephant, and its performance was terrible compared to the present.

In addition to the issue of craftsmanship, in fact, the upgrading of each product is an ideological innovation and a manifestation of innovation.

Anti-gravity equipment has three modules combined in Guan Ming's vision. The first is the equipment that determines the magnetic field and determines the strength and direction of the magnetic field.

The second is to generate its own controllable magnetic field. Like the magnet, the anti-gravity device is lifted off by using the principle of repulsion of the same polarity.

The last is energy equipment. The input energy of this part is electrical energy, but the source of electrical energy can be mixed energy such as solar energy and nuclear fusion.

However, in actual applications, nuclear fusion energy is the main source, and other energy sources such as solar energy are used as backup energy for energy storage. After all, when the earth also rises and sets, the sun cannot be gone, and anti-gravity cannot be used.

Guan Ming also wants to get out of the earth and to the sea of ​​stars ~

Of course, these are only the three most important modules. Actually, there is auxiliary power. After all, if you are in the air, you must have the ability to move horizontally. At least Guan Ming does not think that he can develop an ultra-sensitive judgment at once. The magnetic field device can completely utilize the dense ultra-weak magnetic field of the starry sky to perform an all-round displacement effect.

"Dad, did that person's medical history come out?" Guan Mengyu turned to Guan Ming, controlling the child's wheelchair, and asked.

"Less watching cartoons with your mother, remember to call my father, I'm less than 30!" Guan Ming looked at the second daughter of the dead fisheye.

Probably it was more time with Guan Ming, Guan Ming always felt that she was a little facial paralysis + poison tongue, especially those eyes.

Obviously inherited Mu Xiaoxiao's beautiful big eyes, but always seemed to be awake, always like ridicule, those eyes are a semicircle, or a lower semicircle.

"In this case, you should tell my sister that she always pulls me to watch!" When it comes to cartoons, Guan Mengyu is also tangled.

Although Guan Mengyu does not exclude watching cartoons, everyone's interests and hobbies are biased, especially when Sanguan is already sound.

It ’s just the same. Some people like to watch the harem, some people like single female heroines, and some people like **** guys and Lily Wen.

It's just that Guan Mengyu's like or dislike doesn't matter. What's important is that Guan Mengxi likes to watch Guan Mengyu together. Guan Mengyu can't resist!

Guan Mengxi and Mu Xiaoxiao are chasing "One Piece" recently, even with Guan Mengyu, they have been forced to watch together. At present, the white beard has appeared. Guan Mengxi sees that Guan Ming is not a dad. Fortunately, he has not had a white beard ...

"Oh ~ Weak chicken ~" He smiled and shook his head, Guan Ming taunted, the benefits of physical exercise are reflected all the time, especially this little sister.

Rolled his eyes, if not afraid to stimulate Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu can't wait to tell the truth of the truth!

For example, some conversations between the stewardess and the steward, for example, she has seen some funny scenes ...

"Hey, I haven't said anything about the medical history!" When Guan Ming looked down and started to play with the resistance, Guan Mengyu had to raise his voice.

"Oh, what's the urgency, the patients over there haven't come to the Shanghai market, and they can't take the medicine until the Shanghai market." Guan Ming replied casually, remembering Liu Mengmeng's report.

The content is not much, mainly because things are going well.

There is no hostility, etc. In fact, when Liu Mengmeng indicated his identity and letter of introduction, the Meng family did not hesitate too much and agreed to this experiment.

There are no animal experiments, no clinical experiments, and human experiments at the outset. In fact, in addition to Meng Liting's letter, the Meng family values ​​Guan Ming's ability and identity.

There is almost no cure for type 1 diabetes at present, as Meng Liting said in the letter, after the Meng family lost Meng Liting's finances, the biggest dilemma still lies in drug expenditures.

I agree with Guan Ming's experiment, that is not only to waive the cost of medicine, but also to have a high salary, like the tester.

"Then you urge, then I can study it in a targeted manner." Guan Mengyu heard, his face was a little frustrated.

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't this thing okay, or did you lie to me before?" Putting down the electric iron, Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengyu with a serious expression.

"It's no good to lie to you. The medicine is directed at the human body. There may be some differences in the human body in two different worlds, so be cautious." Put a lip, Guan Mengyu doesn't want to explain anything to him.

"It seems that you and I are a long way off." Raising an eyebrow, Guan Ming looked up and down at this little thing and said thoughtfully.

Guan Ming has little success in life sciences, but he highly respects Darwin's "Evolution" ~ ~ for hundreds of years or even thousands of years, human genes will definitely change, at least from the domestic gene map come out.

Guan Ming originally thought that Guan Mengyu was a character who would be in the next two hundred years after decades, but now, it is estimated that she is the one after five hundred years in the future, but she does not know what the trouble she said at first meant.

"Of course it's far away, after all, it's two worlds." Guan Mengyu said leisurely, meanwhile, he remembered the things in his life, whether it was his family or work.

Suddenly the air calmed down. Although the genders were different, but the ages were quite different, so there was no embarrassing situation.

"By the way, what do you do with this thing?" About a few minutes later, Guan Mengyu raised his chin and motioned for the pile of things on Ming table.

Guan Mengyu is good at computers, and he has even written some software. However, there is no way to compare it with Guan Ming. Not to mention, at least the artificial intelligence of double stars is beyond the reach of Guan Mengyu.

"Oh, this, this is the project I am working on now, but the idea is not perfect yet, let's take a look at the real thing first." Guan Ming did not specify.

This is his habit. Although there is an additional seemingly Danish presence on the technology side of the family, the research direction of the two is different. This explanation is at best fresh and fresh for the other, but it is actually useless.

"Then you research it, I'll go to the Internet to check the information." Put a lip, Guan Mengyu did not force, just beside Guan Ming, took out a pair of electronic glasses specially made for the little guy.

Looking at Ge You's second daughter, Guan Ming smiled and ignored, but continued to lower his head to get his own things.

ps: Thank you Louis 123 for your reward and thank you for your support!

The chapter said that he was ill again. He clearly remembered that there were 5 articles in the previous chapter, but now it turns into 3 articles. The eggs hurt ...

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