Guan Ming had the experience of reporting a leapfrog. Although he didn't affect him afterwards, he was somewhat ordered. After all, the Shanghai stock market leader is also a high-ranking domestic player, and he has become one of the powerful reserves of the giants.

There is an old saying that county magistrates are better off now.

For Guan Ming, the giants are county officials, and the big names in Shanghai are now in charge.

Although Guan Ming had the thought of fishing for Meng Liting, after pondering a bit, he decided to report to the big brothers in Shanghai. After that, he went to the didu to talk to the giants, and incidentally talked about what they wanted, and tried to give everything Deal with it.

At the time of fishing Liu Mengmeng, I heard that there were different opinions on it, and Guan Ming didn't want to make the crack bigger, whether it was the giants who were about to be laid off or the giants who were still on the job.

"It's really rare. I didn't come here to trouble you." With a smile, he laughed at Guan Ming. The Shanghai big man reached out and signaled that Guan Ming was seated. The little secretary slipped the tea and closed the door outside the office door.

"Uh ... there's good news and bad news, and it's probably troublesome." Guan Ming smiled with a little embarrassment.

The last time I came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange for Liu Mengmeng, it was clear that the other party was joking about the last thing.

"You guys, you know you have to go to the Three Treasures Hall!" He shook his head with a smile and slaps the armrest of the sofa, and continues: "Say the good news first, sweet first, bitter, make me happy first. Happy. "

In fact, the bad news in Guan Ming's mouth is that the big names in Shanghai are more or less aware of it, just asking for help and the like.

As far as the state and the upper ranks are concerned, as long as Guan Ming is not killing and setting fire, as long as he is not excessive, what requirements and requests are easy to say.

And the good news in Guan Ming's mouth, the boss of the Shanghai Stock Exchange thinks it should be a matter of scientific research, especially recently he also heard something interesting, perhaps related to this.

"Okay, let's talk about the good news first." Guan Ming didn't force it. Anyway, things are here.

"I started to study anti-gravity equipment after the human experiment with the human brain chip. Well ... specifically, on the surface of the earth, this equipment will be lifted off later, for example, to the stratosphere. At the same time, this thing also has the ability to fly to space. When all the technologies are perfect, there will be a full-scale three-dimensional flight and avoidance mode. At present, there have been a few small achievements, but they have not yet achieved the level of floating. "

Guan Ming is not sure what to explain to make the big man understand the significance of this technology. He can only look at his expression and say that whenever he frowns slightly, Guan Ming will explain two more sentences.

"Similar ... Helicopter?" The Shanghai gangster thought for a moment and asked.

There is a difference between flying, flying, and flying. There are so many Chinese characters. If you look at the characters, every word and every word has a specific meaning.

Floating and lifting are straight from the bottom, and when flying, in addition to 'flying', there is a 'row' with horizontal displacement.

Flying straight up and down, the first reaction of Shanghai's big brothers was helicopters.

"Eh ... it's more like an elevator, without a propeller or something, like this tea cup." Then, Guan Ming picked up the tea cup and shook it straight up and down, and continued: "It doesn't need a hand, it can be Fly up and down. On the surface of the earth, the horizontal displacement will be achieved by other methods. If there is no problem in the later technology, this thing can fly to space. "

The empty hand is placed under the tea cup and serves as the 'atmosphere'.

"It looks very good, it should be a great project." Nodded, the Shanghai boss said with a smile.

Succeeding, seeing the expression on the other side, Guan Ming also knew that the other party didn't realize the technical content in it.

There are several preconditions for the application of anti-gravity equipment, such as high energy (controllable nuclear fusion), such as a very sensitive analysis magnetic field module, such as a high-power generating magnetic field module, and even new materials in some places. Wait.

When taking off, you also need to consider balance issues, including weather and wind.

To put it plainly, if the anti-gravity equipment is really applied, or if the city of sky is really flying, then there are too many technologies that can be transformed into other civilian and military products in the short term, and finally make a lot of money. Put the kind of money.

To a certain extent, anti-gravity equipment has been involved in the field of space!

"In my opinion, for human civilization, the application of anti-gravity is probably not worse than the human brain chip." Guan Ming euphemistically reminded the Shanghai stock market that this technology is really great.

"It seems that I still look down on you. Are there any documents? I will find someone to analyze and analyze. Then I will tell you to make everyone happy. If you have any problems with this project, can you handle it? I am sure Will help to deal with it. "Hearing Guan Ming said this, the Shanghai big brothers suddenly associate a lot, and said quickly.

"It really does. At present, I need a batch of high-precision optical monitoring equipment, mainly to assist in determining the height of the ground ~ ~ In the later stage, I need a laboratory with a sufficient height. There is not so much space inside, and it feels like more than 50 meters to say less. "Guan Ming said, while opening the briefcase at hand, took out a stack of documents and a USB flash drive from the inside.

There is no specific principle involved, and more are the specific parameters and performance of the real thing. Guan Ming believes that domestic scientists can observe something from it, but it is also limited to some things.

"Everything is easy to say about the venue and the venue. These problems are not big." The Shanghai gangster immediately expressed his attitude and picked up the documents and looked up.

Professional relationship, he is not sensitive to this thing, but he can feel Guan Ming's attention to this thing, as long as it is determined.

Guan Ming also took the initiative to find a few times to sell his products, such as the previous aircraft and human brain chips.

However, when we summarized afterwards, we discovered that the original aircraft was actually Guan Ming's deliberate research after learning of the earthquake. Guan Ming was a naive way to solve the disaster relief problem from his perspective.

Of course, no matter whether it is naive or not, Guan Ming's heart is still very much recognized. However, judging from the technological level of Guan Ming's products, the original technological content of the aircraft was not high. These epochal or landmark performances of brain chips.

For the human brain chip, there is no need to talk about it in detail. In conjunction with artificial intelligence, network satellites and controllable nuclear fusion, it has directly spawned the world's largest company, Zhong Qiming!

PS: Thank you dam for giving a reward, thank you for your support! !!

Last night, KTV came back with a cold. Today is serious, and my migraine has a bad headache. Let ’s put it together in Chapter 3. These three chapters came back last night because I was too lazy to check for typos, so I did n’t release it yesterday ...

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