Private Technology

: 688 strange attributes

After all, this world does not revolve around a certain person. I want to control the house at home. After receiving a request, I think about it again and decide to go to the north.

However, it was not the imperial capital, but the rocket base.

There are problems with the rocket base that are difficult to deal with. They are about robots, small nuclear power plants, and preliminary treatment plants.

After the successful control of nuclear fusion, raw materials are an unavoidable topic. Guan Ming also gave his own suggestions on how to transport the helium on the moon in batches.

That is to launch a synchronous network satellite flying around the moon, use robots to continuously mine, provide energy through the nuclear power plant established on the moon, conduct initial processing of the mineral deposits, and then transport them back to Earth. The processing technology for helium 3 may be expanded in the later stage. Strive to ship back the finished product, but currently it is difficult to achieve the previous process.

Zhou Wanli just called over there and hoped that Guan Ming would take a look at it, mainly because the assembly of the equipment was about robots.

After all, the robot thing was originally deducted from Guan Ming's hands, and Guan Ming's robots have become quite popular. Zhou Wanli hopes that Guan Ming can reduce the research progress, and also hopes that he can go there and hope to get rockets. The base is closer to Guan Ming.

"Mom, I want to go with Dad." Sitting on Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh, Guan Mengyu said milkily.

"It's cold in the north, it can't be ~" Mu Xiaoxiao tried to make herself milky as much as possible.

However, Guan Ming said that the voice was very second, because the milk was not milked, but he became stupid.

"No, I'm going ~" Twisting the small body, it doesn't matter if Meng Yu spoils her, but after three years, it's a bit difficult at first, but now there is no problem, especially in the face of Mu Xiao dawn.

Looking at Guan Ming with a little embarrassment, Mu Xiaoxiao hoped that he could speak out.

"Don't look at me, this trip may take half a month to a month, but the rocket base is full of acquaintances, and there is no problem in dragging home." Shrugged, Guan Ming said irresponsibly.

Guan Mengyu wanted Guan Ming to help her, but the smart Guan Ming said that she could come, but she had to persuade others.

"Sister, don't go! It's too cold!" With a slam, Guan Mengxi's little meat hand patted Guan Mengyu's shoulder, and said earnestly.

"Let ’s go together, you haven't been to it ~" The corner of the mouth was drawn, but the steward currently has two people she can't deal with, one is Guan Ming and the other is Guan Mengyu.

Guan Ming is okay. Everyone talks about the truth. Many things can be resolved peacefully. However, Guan Mengxi doesn't make sense. He cries, makes trouble, and rubs. Guan Mengxi can press Guan Mengyu on the floor and rub it into the sky black……

Hearing her sister's words, Guan Mengxi nodded in satisfaction, but said nothing, but looked up at her old mother.

It does n’t matter if you go, the problem is to be with your sister!

"Can't go, this time Dad is going to work, not to play." Mu Xiaoxiao started shaking his toes.

She is proficient in yoga and fitness skills, let alone two dolls on her legs, even if Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao can shake up!

"No, go!" Grasp the arm around the ring, Guan Mengyu twisted hard, a little from coquettish to playful.

Watching Guan Mengyu and Mu Xiaoxiao fighting wit, Guan Ming was also happy, but he also watched it would be lively, and then he went to the study to read the documents. To be precise, he wanted to deal with the solution. Already.

The moon-synchronous network satellites have been launched, but currently the difficulty for the rocket base is the launch of the robot.

Considering the use environment of the robot, the crawler of the robot has become wider and larger, but the main control part inside has not changed. It is still the solution of Guanming, but now they are faced with a question: whether to deform the robot and then Launch again and return to shape on the moon.

This involves the center of gravity, space, and load of the rocket, because if the center of gravity is unstable, it will actually increase the difficulty of flight.

Considering the problem of load bearing and structure, the rocket base cannot deform the robot, but if it is not handled as a whole, it is simply fixed and then transported to the moon. In fact, it will waste a lot of space and increase the launch cost virtually.

Guan Ming needs to consider how to deal with this part, and this is also the main reason for the rocket base to ask for help.

For half an afternoon, Guan Mengyu actually persuaded Guan Dao, Guan Ma, and Mu Xiaoxiao. This time, the steward not only went to the rocket base with Guan Ming, but also went to the sisters Guan Mengxi and Mu Xiaoxiao.

"It's not so cold in the north, and it's probably the temperature in spring and summer over the rocket base." Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's packed sweater, Guan Ming quickly persuaded her not to think.

The rocket base is very close to the Imperial City, and Guan Ming went to the Imperial City for the first time in his life during a university day on a May Day holiday.

At that time, the network was not developed. He simply thought that the north must be very cold ~ ~ As a result, he went in a small sweater and small woolen pants, and he almost did not become a dog when he got off the train!

"嗷 ~" replied casually. Mu Xiaoxiao, sitting on the ground, was not bored or annoyed. He emptied the trunk and reorganized, humming strange songs in his mouth, and his body swayed back and forth rhythmically.

"How did you agree with Xiaoyu this time? Aren't you most afraid of the two children catching a cold?" Looking at his daughter-in-law, Guan Mingmin squatted beside her, somewhat curious.

When it comes to children, Mu Xiaoxiao's attitude has always been resolute.

"Hey, the two of them agreed to me. If I took them, they would have to wear the clothes I prepared for them when they returned." Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a smile.

"Uh ... cos?" Guan Ming asked a little bit, squarely.

"Of course!" Mu Xiaoxiao nodded earnestly with two big eyes.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming didn't know what to say.

Even if Guan Mengyu did, Guan Ming sincerely prayed that Guan Mengxi would not develop any strange attributes.

But think about Guan Meng Xi's preferences, Guan Ming really can't guarantee whether she will inherit Mu Xiaoxiao's cos attribute. After all, the animations watched by the two are in one channel ...

Seeing his husband's expression was speechless, Mu Xiaoxiao scratched his face, and said with some embarrassment: "There is also dance, and Xiao Yu has to learn dance with Xiao Xi."

"Well, learning more is fine, jumping is good for the body." Guan Ming didn't think too much, after all, Guan Mengxi began to learn dance some time ago. It was Guan Ming's subconscious reaction that he was in the dark.

Opening his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, but didn't say anything, but lowered his head to continue packing, but this scene was not discovered by Guan Ming.

Because of frequent bending and straightening, Guan Ming's attention has long been attracted by the somewhat scattered pajamas.

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