Private Technology

: 708 I have 1 big secret!

"U.S. President O'Hare has recently visited China for a state visit. He has conducted full exchanges with China on issues such as China-US trade and economic cooperation. During the period, he expressed recognition of China's attitude towards South China Sea issues and hoped that China will continue to play its role in the Asia-Pacific region as always. In a stable and positive way. "

On TV, a short video of Austrian and the giants flashed, including pictures of Zhongnanhai at night.

At least you can feel it on the screen, and the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

The husband sang with his wife. At seven o'clock in the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao also turned into a wave fan, followed Guan Ming to watch the lives and deaths abroad, and the country was peaceful.

Perhaps in Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes, this should be more reliable than the hand-to-ghost in "Anti-Japanese Chivalry". At least the "News Broadcast" reports of killing and killing outside China are also real people. As for domestic Well ...

"Our country is awesome again, even Olympic Black said that we have a positive effect." Holding half a watermelon, Mu Xiaoxiao was digging and feeding Guan Ming with a spoon while feeling.

As for the other half, watermelon was put on the sofa by Meng Xi, and she was fed by Meng Yu.

Judging from the results, Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu are the grandfathers of the family.

But judging from the process, Guan Mengyu is probably raised as a pig, because Guan Mengxi's action is bold and large-scale ...

"That's for sure. It's been so many years since the reform and opening up, so you can raise your chest with money ~" Guan Ming is not good at destroying his wife-in-law's "powerful country dream". Poverty limits imagination, but the steward is not poor Let her live in a dream, there is no harm in anyway.

"It's not just that you have the money, you can raise your **** and raise your head ~" Mu Xiaoxiao came over, and the thief came up with a grin, and then raised his breasts, like a proud white goose.

Recently, the father and mother seemed too boring. Every night, they went to the park to dance square dances. At home, the couple and the two children were small. Therefore, Mu Xiaoxiao occasionally was so arrogant.

For example, now, how to get cool in the small hot pants of the jersey vest.

Don't look at Mu Xiaoxiao. The children are now more than three years old, but among those of the same age and who have attended college, now they are pregnant or married, that is all anxious, and they can milk their children to speak. Mu Xiao Xiao can no longer use the word 'anxious' to describe it.

To be clear, that is Mu Xiaoxiao's deep capital ...

"Don't make trouble, watching TV, I'm a serious person!" Yu Guang noticed Guan Mengyu's dead fisheye, and Guan Ming was a little awkward.

His daughter-in-law thought that the children did not understand Mao, but Guan Ming knew that Guan Mengyu not only knew Mao ...

He bit his fangs at Guan Ming, a large mouthful of watermelon that had already been delivered to his mouth, and she was stuffed into her mouth in a circle.

Looking at the bulging white tender cheeks with regret, Guan Ming said that his daughter-in-law sometimes really thought of herself. The spoonful was just dug in the middle. It was very sweet without watermelon seeds.

I'm so angry, I didn't tell a lie, I was a serious person!

Guan Ming resents himself.

"News Broadcast" gives Okuai a lot of time, about two and a half to three-and-a-half minutes. As Okuyo just took office, now he changed his attitude at the beginning of the year and praised China's contribution in the economic field. Wait, because until now, European countries have actually been shrouded in financial crises.

At that time, the pit dug by Bush Jr. was filled up by Austria and Hei, but it was interesting to think about it.

After thinking about it, Guan Ming stooped down, took out the holographic projection under the coffee table, and began to read the news about Okuai these days.

Sure enough, there are a lot of discussions about the Austrian Heihe on the Internet. It is not a 180 ° big change, but 90 ° is there. Domestic and wild, professional analysts have various attitudes to analyze the Austrian Heihe.

"The president of the United States is very thick-skinned. It is estimated that when he returns to the United States, he will turn his face and deny people. Isn't there always a saying of" yellow calamity "?"

"It shouldn't be." News Broadcast "is for Chinese people all over the world. Since it was broadcast, it must be true, otherwise the face would be too harsh. My grandfather's granddaughter is working in future technology. O'Hai ’s first stop in China was the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and he went directly to Guan Ming. I suspect there is a big secret in it! [Dog] "

"I don't want big secrets, I want big powers!"

"Touch your left atrium and say a word of conscience, isn't it big that you don't have a b in your heart?"

"Hold it hard, about 4 centimeters in diameter, I'm worried, is it a bit small ..."

Many people have a wide range of ideas.

However, Guan Ming's concern is not the process of crooked buildings. He is looking at the reply id and reply time, in units of 1 second. Someone can reply like crazy solo chat. Guan Ming thinks this should be the meaning of the upper level, at least there is Artificial intelligence or human brain chip users are involved.

"News Network" confirmed Okui's remarks, but did not want to ferment the matter too much, so that Okui was severely attacked and could not be re-elected, which ultimately invalidated the handle on his hand.

"Hmm ... it's quite big indeed." Mu Xiaoxiao came over and looked at the message on the topic of Weibo, thinking for a moment, a clear look.

Glancing at the big murderer, Guan Ming teased unscrupulously: "Let's go, it will be pulled down in two years ~"

"Huh! I mean 4 centimeters bigger than somebody ~" Mu Xiaoxiao snorted slowly.

But having said that, Mu Xiaoxiao is also holding various grasses in her heart, and can not help but add a data query item in her heart, whether it is diet or fitness, her ultimate goal is the beauty witch.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who often disregards serious websites, knows that there is a woman who can be regarded as a sister with an age error of less than 5 years old when she goes to the street with her daughter. Her goal is to be the big sister of two girls! !!

"Don't worry about the old iron, you can tell the truth!" With his mouth twitching, Guan Ming looked at his face with a painful cement in his head.

"Oh, that's ..." With her head tilted, Mu Xiaoxiao wasn't going to be upset this time, she was going to be upset.

"Stop ~ ~ The children are here, don't do this ..." Eyelids fluttered, Guan Ming quickly stopped her words, lest she say anything shocking.

Guan Mengyu Ge You paralyzed lying on the sofa like a stubborn look.

mmp, my mother is still a child, you guys are really good!

Especially if you control Meng Xi, I have endured you for a long time!

Half a watermelon, I ’m eating almost 3/5. If you do n’t stop it, we ’re still good sisters!

"Ah ~ My sister is so good!" Gong Mengyu wiped his mouth with a small handkerchief, and then Guan Mengxi coaxed Meng Yu like a child, a plastic spoon of watermelon poking **** his front teeth. It ’s all about breaking big teeth!

"I can't eat anymore, sister!" Guan Mengyu said helplessly.

"The last piece, be good ~" Guan Mengxi said without a second thought, probably this sentence is the most proficient ... Find this site, please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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