Private Technology

: 716 Please respect every tutor!

For Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming is actually more indulgent. No matter what she wants to do, whether it is good or bad, Guan Ming will always support her. At least in most cases, Guan Ming rarely opposes.

But there was a point that Guan Ming said that he really couldn't hold it, that was, her brain was really big, and it was too big.

Knowing that she had a chance to play a movie, she happily stated that she would go to the movies and, after observing the mature movie, she would provide her acting skills.

Very good, Guan Ming agrees with this, even if she is only a passerby, but the problem is that after she went to see a movie that has matured to over 18 years old, Guan Ming is a bit aggressive, he feels that he is' mature 'The meaning of this word should be different.

However, she still knows her identity. She didn't choose to watch "Y Pond", but the film "Color is Empty" ...

Well, after watching this Korean film, Guan Ming thinks of Japan's "We are all superpowers", it is probably a question of age, Guan Ming thinks, but from the external performance of people, "Superpowers "Is more beautiful than" Color Empty ", at least in the impression of Guan Ming, the faceless female characters in this movie, except for an old lady and male hostess, the rest are in the edible range, especially Ikeda Yilaisha, Guan Ming still remembers the post-90s sister, as the post-80s ...

But now counting, this girl was only 15 years old this year, and when Guan Ming saw Mu Xiaoxiao at the beginning of this life, she was a junior high school ...

Thanks to the black technology for protecting Guanming, who is living in socialism, from being beaten up. Otherwise, Guanming's record and thinking should be dragged out to make dumplings.

"Mom, remember to take care of yourself outside ~"

Three days later, at the door of the house, Guan Mengxi pulled Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and let her squat in front of her, just like the priest in the movie, touching Mu Xiaoxiao's heavenly cover. However, Guan Ming found this posture familiar and clear. It's usually ...

"Well, Xiao Xi should take good care of herself at home, remember to take care of her sister, grandparents and grandparents." Mu Xiaoxiao crouched on the ground, without any impatience on her face, but rather a bit reluctant, this It should be her first dream-seeking action after giving birth.

Guan Mengyu, who was next to Miss Sister, looked down at her toes very helplessly. If she had a chance, she really didn't want others to take care of her, especially the sticky bean bag next to her! !!

"Okay, remember not to drink cold water outside, it will smell bad!" With a serious and serious face, Guan Mengxi looked like a soldier who was about to go to the battlefield and kneel when he arrived.

"Well, my mother can't drink cold water, neither can you or your sister ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were reddish. As in the same scene, life and death are parting. Although the child is small, she is so obedient and sensible in her heart.

Unloved, Mu Xiaoxiao hugged her young girl, face to face, and even choked in her voice.

"Finally, you must listen to your father and be obedient ~" Guan Mengxi didn't talk, and didn't know whether she was intentional or not.

"Um, Mom ... Um? Why does Mom listen to Dad, can't Dad listen to Mom?" Opening a little distance, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice stopped choking immediately, but was something incredible? maybe.

"Because Dad is Mom's teacher, Mom wants to listen to Dad!" Guan Mengxi didn't speak quickly, and rightfully said.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who had originally wanted to shed tears when she parted, froze, her face flushed a little, and Guan Ming beside him almost didn't laugh at his lungs.

Deserve it, let your mouth be broken, show off in front of your child that you are the object of chase!

Guan Ming grinned and smiled silently, and the four old men who were on the side also laughed out loud.

Guan Ming laughed at him, it did n’t matter. Anyway, he laughed too many times, and it did n’t matter. Mu Da Mu Mu ’s side did n’t matter. After all, he ’s been living together for more than 20 years. His image has always been positive and excellent. This was pitted by his own daughter, and it was so embarrassing to be dead!

As a mu Xiaoxiao who has practiced yoga, fitness for many years, and has studied n poses, facing this situation, his expression is also extremely embarrassing.

"All the way, mua ~" Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's head, Guan Mengxi kissed on her forehead, leaving a trail of water.


In the car, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a ridiculous look, and said, incredibly, "Teacher? When have you been my teacher? Why did she think you were my teacher?"

"Don't take beanbags as dry food. The tutor is also called a teacher. Please respect any tutor, even if you have paid for it." For this silly wife, Guan Ming's expression was very calm.

Anyway, there are baffles in the middle of the front and back, and everyone does not need any idol baggage.

"A satyr tutor also needs to be respected?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming, scratched his head hard, and looked ridiculous.

"The satyr teacher does not need to respect, but you need to respect the time and energy your husband has paid for you, and of course, romance and moving." Seeing his wife scratching his head, Guan Ming is proud of himself.

Not to mention, at least Guan Ming also knew that in her own daughter's heart, her father's identity was higher than that of her mother, who cares about why, but the result is that Guan Ming is now very happy!

Of course, this is why Mu Xiaoxiao is upset.

Seeing her husband's so bad, Mu Xiaoxiao secretly resolved that when she and her children treated her before Guan Ming, they must go through ‘art processing’!

For example, a literary girl meets an elite man, for example, a vigor girl meets an overbearing president, and another example is a simple girl who meets a thoughtful man.

Along the way, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, probably still did not hesitate that his status in the daughter's heart was so low.

Guan Mingquan was the king's Ba Dian Jing, and she ignored the goods at all. Anyway, she has strong self-regulation ability. After boarding the plane, a bowl of meat can be done. If you are not sure, you can get another sweet and sour fish.

Although Hong Kong City is an international metropolis and has been colonized for a long time, it is still within the territory, so Guan Ming's security is still guaranteed.

Don't watch the movie crackle incessantly, but in modern society, this place is not as chaotic as in the movie. If it is really chaotic, this side will be ruined for a long time.

I didn't choose that love film, because of the geographical relationship, Guan Ming went to the eve of the first blood, but for Guan Ming, it was a journey of happiness and unhappiness.

"It's really hot here." Holding Xiao Ming's hand, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled two wide-brimmed hats and said.

The temperature of the port city in September is about 30 °, which is affected by the subtropical climate ~ ~ The air humidity here is relatively high. If you just come here for tourism, September is not a good time.

"It's okay, and there's no heat." Guan Ming's skin is thick and thick, and he is not as keen on his own daughter-in-law about changes in temperature and humidity.

Perhaps because women are more focused on maintenance, they pay more attention to it.

"What about now? When will we meet the six uncle?" It was probably changed the environment, like a young girl in love, although holding Guan Ming's hand, but with a light tone, even lame on foot, youth Well, maybe because Guan Ming was on the plane, she made her very happy and forgot about the sad scene in the morning.

"It's a good lunch. It's still a while, don't worry." Looking at the time, Guan Ming said easily.

Regarding this character, Guan Ming also has a little expectation. A digging person is constantly donating buildings to the mainland. Contradictory and real people make Guan Ming curious.

The six uncle did not start donating on the eve of the return, but in 1985. Find this site Please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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