Private Technology

: 722 decreased presence

"Come on, you can, come, come again ~" Seeing Guan Mengyu almost rested, Tian Qiantong clapped her hands and signaled the little sisters to start.

The three were distributed in two rows in front of and behind, and three columns in left and right, while Tian Qiantong stood at the center.

Regarding the incident of Guan Ming and his wife going out, the two younger sisters have greater feelings. From the perspective of Tian Qiantong, Guan Mengyu's morale has been low, and Guan Mengxi has been lost for a few days.

After all, the child is too small and sticks to his parents. This kind of performance Tian Qiantong can understand, but fortunately, neither of them cried and shouted, otherwise Tian Qiantong could not become Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao.

However, it may be because his parents went out to waves, Guan Mengxi took the initiative to find Tian Qiantong, hoping that she could teach a beautiful dance, and then dance to the family when the New Year.

Tian Qiantong said that this idea is very good. After all, the future is a person who wants to be a star. Even if he is not proficient in dancing, he must be able to grasp it.

Tian Qiantong is not strong in artistic creation, but she can still do it according to the book.

Find good music, analyze the video through the human brain chip, change the video from 2D to 3D, watch it up and down, left, right, left and right, and then see it again, then teach it to the little ones, look at the glass wall in front of you, and compare the video in your mind Tian Qiantong only needs to be perfectly reproduced even if the dance is simple.

"Well, let's get started!" Nodded vigorously, Guan Meng Xi ran to Tian Qiantong's right hand, set the POSS, and at the same time, his eyes blinked hard at Guan Mengyu, trying to manipulate his sister with his eyes, using his heart to Dominate your sister.

Probably it was controlled by a mysterious force from the East. It was obviously annoying, but in the little eyes of her sister's ecstasy, Guan Mengyu moved to his position step by step.

There is no need to press the button by yourself. Tian Qiantong only needs to control the computer remotely through the human brain chip, and the sound connected to the computer will make a sound.

Then, the short legs started to twist their bodies ...


"Mom ~" Opening his hands, Guan Mengxi ran forward all the way, and deliberately turned around and tried to hug her Guan Ming.

"It's a good mom's baby. Mom wants to die for you ~" Crouching on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao hugged a little, her voice choked.

The movement of bending down froze. Guan Ming always felt that his face was broken. After all, it was a little awkward to be ignored by his eldest daughter.

Bend down and squat down and roll on the ground, and finally sit down and finish?

Guan Ming thought about how to make himself easily and naturally resolve the embarrassment. Guan Mengyu passed through Guan Ming with his hands in his pants pockets, and went to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Well, when Guan Ming passed by, he deliberately tilted his expression and scorned in his mouth!

Hum, you hum just now! !!

Damn, are you mocking Lao Tzu?

Open arms retracted the waist, Guan Ming straightened up, and then moved around the old waist, as if doing radio exercises.

"Okay, you have to shake somewhere else. What kind of shaking are you in front of the house?" After closing the door, the stewardess saw Guan Ming rolling her eyes after seeing that her waist joint was moving, and she impatiently Push him away.

Then with a smile on his face, he walked towards Mu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, come, show it to mom and see if you are fat."

The steered mother pushed back a few steps, and he did not stop until his back rested on the wall.

With three consecutive combos, Guan Ming felt that he had hit more than one arrow in his knee.

My mother-in-law, have you always gone to Sichuan Province to change your face, the differential treatment is a little big.

Like a ginseng defeated dog, with a severe sorrow and depression, Guan Mingtian shamelessly moved to the sofa to prepare to participate in family activities.

"Mom, look, this is the lady's watch I bought for you." After seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's tribute, Guan Ming was also tribute to Baba.

Don't worry about Ming's five outsiders and six, he is always a son at home ...

"There are so many watches at home, why are you thinking about buying a watch?" Guan Ma didn't mean anything special. After finishing talking, she put it on the coffee table without opening the box.

The old man cheerfully fiddled with the cosmetics his daughter-in-law bought for himself.

"Xiao Xi, look here, Dad has bought you a harmonica. Is there a brilliant diamond on it, is it pretty?" Seeing the eldest daughter wandering in front of the eyes like a little monkey, Guan Ming presented his own treasure with his hands in vain. Do you want to exchange one?

"Dad, dad, do you look good?" Guan Mengxi bent over a coffee table, Tian Ling Gai asked Guan Ming milkily.

On her head was a beautiful hairpin, set in colored diamonds, which was given to her by her mother-in-law, in front of Guan Ming.

Obviously, Guan Mengyu only wanted praise.

"... beautiful, very pretty, come, dad hug ~" Silently, Guan Ming clapped his hands, hoping to use his arms to let the other party understand what is called father love such as the sea!

"Hee hee." Forefinger pulled the corner of his eye, Guan Mengxi made a face at Guan Ming, then his little legs tightly turned upside down, trotting all the way to Mu Xiaoxiao on the sofa, successfully hit the ball with the attitude of a rocket mallet. .

Looking at the daughter-in-law who was so painful in her teeth, Guan Ming didn't have any taste in her heart, and didn't know whether it was the ball or the baby, or herself.

Glancing from side to side, Guan Ming saw Ge You's second daughter on the sofa, thought about it, and said, "Xiaoyu, I ..."

"Reject!" Guan Mengyu interrupted Guan Ming's words without mercy, without letting him finish his words.

Guan Ming sadly found that it seemed that his presence at home had become low again, which was unscientific!

The old lady had a good chat with her daughter-in-law, and the elder daughter got into the arms of her daughter-in-law again. The little daughter ... forget it, not to mention the little daughter, even Rhubarb ran around Guan Mengxi's feet.

At night, after washing, Mu Xiaoxiao lay back in Guan Ming's arms, and said with some wondering, "My husband, what's the matter with you today? It's been a bit embarrassing since dinner."

After thinking about it for a while, referring to Guan Ming's combat effectiveness is worse than in the past, he said with some worry: "Is it tired, or ..."

"What kind of look do you have, and ~ ~ You only noticed it during dinner!" Guan Mingbei started from his heart, and his strength was in the kidney.

A salted fish turned over, and Guan Ming changed from lying flat to lying on his back, facing his nasty daughter-in-law.

Said to be an archangel to each other!

Am I too fat to fly, or is the hustle and bustle blowing you away?

In the small castle of Guan Ming's heart, a strange monster jumped up in front of the little princess.

PS: 200 words are charged once, so if I have extra words, I will control the number of words.

I have been working overtime recently because of the New Year's leave. Some things I want to do cannot be delayed.

I have already prepared the chapter testimonials, but after thinking about it, I didn't post it.

The book review area is not ready for stocking, or delete or ban or ban a train.

Finally, thank you friends who have been supporting me, thank you ~

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