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: 728 1 sister

Seeing her father as weak as a chicken, Guan Mengyu didn't despise him. Although she had never married or had children in the previous life, if her child was a passenger, she felt that she could not do what Guan Ming did.

At least, Guan Mengyu was very satisfied with his current life.

"Double Star, to what extent should my sister's IQ be at the moment?" The arm was too short, and Guan Mengyu couldn't hold his shoulders for a long time, and simply pulled it around his waist.

"The young lady's IQ is about 12-year-old children. She has simple three views, can express her thoughts more clearly, has the ability to recognize normal sentences, and has a strong learning ability." Shuangxing replied.

In my heart, Guan Ming didn't care what his little girl asked, but kept recollecting and guessing.

past? future? Big ladies?

Think about it from the ground. If Guan Ming was born again as an infant, he would not exclude him from being held by a woman, but he would be very resistant to being held by a man. As for being kissed by a man, he would be even more excluded. Meng Xi didn't mind being held by him. Even his father and Mu Da often held her, from childhood to age.

If it is a female, it is probably the same routine above, but Guan Ming once changed Guan Mengxi's small clothes, that is, her upper body is slippery. In Guan Ming's point of view, a woman with a normal three views is facing this situation , Probably will resist fiercely, but the problem is that Guan Ming can change clothes very smoothly, although he does not help change the number of times.

Through memories, Guan Ming suddenly remembered that, in addition to blocking his mouth with his small hand every time, he did not let his parents kiss, Guan Mengxi basically did not urinate and pull pants from a young age!

This is very scary. You must know that children's physical development in infancy is not sound, or incomplete. In addition to their ability to control their minds, their nervous and gastrointestinal reactions are all super sensitive.

"Dad, don't think about it, I guess my sister should be a genius. At least until now, neither I nor Double Star found anything out of my sister's understanding. Most importantly, Double Star also said, My sister's IQ is about the level of a 12-year-old child! "Seeing that absent-minded father, Guan Mengyu couldn't help reminding him loudly.

"But it's only this day, it's a bit high ..."

Guan Ming still lacks self-confidence in his bones. Regardless of his external performance, it involves himself and his family. He has nowhere to hide, and he does not continue to counsel.

"But she is your eldest daughter, and not to mention that the probability that she is a traversal passenger is as low as 9%. Even if she is a traversal passenger, can you still deny that she is your biological daughter?" Guan Mengyu asked.

Although her younger sister often pits herself, Guan Mengyu still likes this younger sister very much.

But this kind of liking can only be secretly liked. If Guan Mengxi knows it, it is estimated that Guan Mengyu can be stuck to her as a reward.

"... Let's end this matter. As far as you, me and Shuangxing know, Shuangxing, if there is any abnormal behavior over Xiaoxi, remember to tell me so that I can prepare in the snack." Guan Ming didn't want to ponder anymore. This is what makes him sore.

Guan Ming has seen "Avengers", but he has not seen "Across the League" and at the same time he does not want to watch ...

"It's okay, but my sister's IQ is about 12 years old!" Guan Mengyu repeated again, but his tone was impatient.

"Huh? Then?" Guan Ming asked, looking at this little point.

"I think if you are 12 years old, you should have no problem going to elementary school, and even elementary school can graduate." Guan Mengyu said.

"Primary school? Primary school ..." Could not help but get up, Guan Ming paced back and forth in the study.

From the age point of view, 12 years old is the grade of sixth grade. What grade is this?

He started to contact ABC when Guan Ming Primary Six, but Primary Three and even Primary One started to learn. By Primary Six, he would have been able to speak simple sentences and a few commonly used words!

Three and a half years old to learn so much content, Guan Mengxi really can? Guan Ming is uncertain.

For housekeepers, schooling is a process that must be experienced in life, but this does not mean reading dead books or reading books, it does not mean giving up hobbies and amateur life.

"Actually, my sister's limit can be tested by skipping. You think, if my sister also crosses to the present, she must have talent in English, or in the early stage, she will definitely learn faster than ordinary children. The reference learning ability is a good standard. "Guan Mengyu didn't want to read more than ten years of books step by step.

Because of the original decision, the lower limit of the younger sister's reading time is limited to Guan Mengyu, and the upper limit is limited to Guan Mengxi.

When necessary, Guan Mengyu needs to improve her younger sister's academic performance.

"Sorry, through calculation, Miss Da has a great talent in language. To be precise, it is difficult to test the breadth and depth of Miss Dai's study in the few subjects in elementary school." Come out and brush a wave of existence.

"It is true that logical thinking and normal communication are very common for people. It is very difficult for a child who is three and a half years old, and considering her age, maybe elementary school is really not good." Guan Mingdian Head, agree with the binary star.

"Then jump to junior high school? There will be more subjects in junior high school, and in terms of knowledge, junior high school knowledge is not difficult. If she does not know or the speed of learning decreases, it means that she is a natural person, but IQ is absolutely Very high, isn't this test better? "Guan Mengyu tried to explain.

Looking at his second daughter-in-law, Guan Ming's expression was complicated, but Guan Mengyu's expression was still stubborn.

"... Well, I understand what you mean. I will greet your class teacher and let her speed up the learning progress." Guan Ming nodded slowly, believing her opinion.

"Well, then I'm going out to play, you can work slowly." Today's task is completed, Guan Mengyu didn't want to stay here, climbed to the desk, Double Star automatically lifted her down, stepped a little Legs out of the study.

Walking to the floor-to-ceiling window, Guan Ming touched some cool-handed glass, feeling the real world, and murmured: "Are mine cleared in advance?"

Shuangxing did not answer ~ ~ because it knows that this is not asking Shuangxing.

Knowing that Guan Mengyu was a passenger, Guan Ming unconsciously piled more fatherly love on Guan Mengxi. Even if he was spit when he was a child, he still liked this little guy.

Guan Mengyu is not jealous because she knows that this is already Guan Ming's greatest tolerance, but Guan Mengxi's high IQ makes Guan Mengyu worry.

In case, Guan Mengxi is also a traveler, who knows what kind of mentality he will have and what kind of emotional changes he will have on Guan Mengxi. These are things she does not know, and she does not want to know.

Different from Guan Ming's dark, Guan Mengyu is extremely concerned and caring about her younger sister. Although she is a sister in name, she will be tolerant, understandable, and petted whenever Guan Mengxi is involved. This is why Guan Mengyu was eaten by Guan Mengxi every time.

Doesn't Mengyu have the power and means to resist?

The answer is definitely no, but Guan Mengyu has been such an elder sister in her life, and she also hopes to have such an elder sister.

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