Private Technology

: 759 hidden metal box

"... Okay, I believe it." What else? Debunk the truth on the spot?

Hurry up, Guan Ming, who is so enthusiastic, how can he have the courage to expose it on the spot. He has used the courage of his life in the wave of the tutor.

Drive quietly without any words, but this is boring for Guan Ming, but he occasionally finds that this major general has the ability to change his face. Although very small, he can detect it.

After Guan Ming thought for 5 seconds, he almost didn't lift the table.

He only responded that human brain chip users rarely communicate through language, not to mention that the probability of exposure will increase during the execution of tasks. Through language communication, the amount of information is also significantly smaller than the human brain chip!

Guan Ming was very irresponsible and guessed that these soldiers might be thinking of some shame. No, the war is approaching, maybe it is the contempt of the enemy.

The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength. If you despise too much, this major general will not be happy.

As for frequent face changes, Guan Ming can only blame the reduction of direct command of the command during the war. All actions and ideas need to correspond on the spot. After all, this action is a detection.

Putting to Guan Ming's side is the detection of weapons and equipment, but other people will also have other detection content and items.

Butler, Mu Xiaoxiao was eating cherries, but unfortunately the flesh in her mouth hadn't been eaten, and even the nucleus was sprayed out.

"What? Gynecological disease? Why? I am very hygienic. I brush my teeth every morning and evening, and if Guan Ming, I also supervise him to take a bath!" He heard Guan Ma's remarks about Guan Ming's remarks last night, Mu Xiaoxiaodi One response was that the underwear was not dirty, a series of high-end problems such as bathing and brushing teeth every day, and finally came to a conclusion that it is absolutely impossible for gynecological diseases!

Without waiting for the old couple to say anything, Mu Xiaoxiao's stunned face turned into a super aggrieved face, with a little grievance, saying, "Dad, Mom, since I got married, I spend most of my time at home watching children Well, even the original friends were broken a little bit, how could there be a gynecological disease! "

Is it the tender of Guanming Club? MMP, which young lady's skin is so unobtrusive, I don't know if I am still alive!

Mu Xiaoxiao's thoughts were broken, and there was no reason or basis to suspect that Guan Ming had gone playing with his legs for years. All this conjecture.

With a coughing cough, Guan Dao performed what he called ‘thirsty to the depths of his soul’ with his exaggerated and stiff acting skills. He actually took the teapot and poured water into the kitchen.

The thinking changes too quickly, and the management mother is also a little embarrassed. She did not expect that Mu Xiaoxiao's brain circuit would be so clear and fast this time. As for the departure of the management father, it was all a small matter. After all, a husband was present at this time. Some words are hard to say.

The kitchen is still too close. Isn't it good to play mahjong upstairs at this time?

Thinking about this, Guan Ma said, "Xiao Xiao is a good boy, that is what Xiao Ming said. He also cares about you, afraid that you will be embarrassed to go to the hospital for examinations. After all, there are more doctors who have experience, and there are more men . "

He scolded his son Wang Badan in his heart, but he still had to persuade his daughter-in-law to live a good life. This day is too difficult!

It may be that you have felt wronged by your mother and mother, and Meng Xi, who is arrogant and arrogant, took her sister's little hand and ran all the way, like a penguin running into the arms of Mu Xiaoxiao, and finally gave one.

"It's not all a male doctor, it should be a female doctor, too." Put on a smile on his face, and slap the heads of the two children, Mu Xiaoxiao said a little bit.

The first question is about men and women. The doctor is also a human being, and she has some shy questions. She is really embarrassed to answer them.

"I do n’t know, Xiao Ming means to let Double Star check it for you first. Anyway, it is artificial intelligence, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Double Star was lurking in the toilet and watching your dad go to the toilet for more than half a year. Double Star is more slippery than me? "Although it was her son's pot, after all, it was uttered by her own mouth. Guan Mama felt that she had to carry it.

"Double Star ... That's okay." After thinking for a few seconds, Mu Xiaoxiao still agreed with Guan Ma's opinion. After all, she was in the dual star's authority list after Guan Ming's group, which meant that With this physical examination information, even the same-level daddy and mother can't check it.

I probably watched it more recently. She always felt that even an experienced doctor couldn't stop the silver bullet attack of the father and mother.

In the company office, when Guan Ming was preparing to watch the thrilling battle, the family actually reached an agreement he didn't know. Although Double Star knew everything, it felt that the physical examination could be reported after the end, and incidentally sent for inspection. What happened.

"Don't shoot!"


"Ya Butterfly!"

The sound of gurgling, with a crying and terrified voice, shattered the thought that Guan Ming, the master of death, would not shake his dream and faith before facing death.

It is estimated that the two men and one woman did not check carefully before the death. Syrian languages ​​are Arabic, French, English, etc. There is no Chinese or Japanese.

A beam of strong light hit the three people's faces, and the gray traces on the faces could be clearly seen. It may be because of lack of water and crying. This stubborn man could obviously see the curves washed out by tears.

"It is the target task, the first task is completed, the driver and the battery, you two take them back!" The flashlight was only flashed for a moment, probably the leader of the team leader / squad leader, and the identity of the other party had been determined.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Three adults, crying into a fat of two hundred pounds, tears kept falling, and a scene of military-civilian harmony was staged.

"Don't talk, be careful when the enemy finds a cannon pop!" A warrior beside this leader lowered his voice and reprimanded harshly.

During this time period ~ ~ If there are missiles taking off, they can find them as soon as possible, but they may not be able to dodge the first time.

The three men who were frightened shut up quickly, and even the slightly straight waist plate bent down again, almost trotting into the car in a bowing way.

This part belongs to the outermost part of the war zone. The map is the ruins of the city, but it is definitely not only here for tourists, but also for a few scattered refugees. This team does not need to be responsible for rescue people in other countries at the same time. The purpose of coming to this place is not just rescue.

There was one less car and two less. At the same time, the 7 people getting out of the car were squeezed into the second car, but Guan Ming passed through a few metal boxes fixed inside the car and felt that there might be something this time Fun stuff.

If you calculate based on the interior space of this car, the remaining two cars can definitely be equipped with one piece of equipment. Probably, this is the highlight of this time.

PS: It ’s really impossible to make 2 changes today. I ca n’t stand it anymore. It ’s very uncomfortable, but the owe has been counted. That means that I have an idea to pay it back.

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