Private Technology

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There are various levels of leaks every year in the country. The most common is to use cameras to shoot military bases or military ports under construction. These problems are not large, because from the perspective of behavior, the success rate is not high and the probability of arrest is high. .

But if something goes wrong internally, the problem is very serious.

Judging from this incident, artificial intelligence is a hot topic globally. People predict that artificial intelligence will become the inflection point of the next era. Whoever takes the lead in artificial intelligence will be at least 10 years ahead. It may even be Smooth the technology brought by Guan Ming.

The issue of Guan Ming's whereabouts is classified, mainly because Guan Ming rarely goes out of school, and the security level is very high. Once out of school or out of the province, foreign power may be given a chance.

Guan Ming is a domestic protected animal and a mobile science and technology museum. However, Guan Ming has a nationality. Guan Ming has his own viewpoint and obvious tendency. No one can guarantee whether foreign forces will savagely kill Guan Ming. After all, Guan Ming's tendency is obvious!

Although the country bans guns, this does not mean that guns cannot be obtained. Guan Ming is so smart, and his head is only 5 cents a bullet!

Similarly, all the giants present were grateful that the leak was artificial intelligence, not human brain chips.

If the human brain chip leaks, even if only vague information is leaked, it will probably cause disputes and even wars, because the giants also know that the threat of human brain chips is no less than or even higher than controlled nuclear fusion. Higher than artificial intelligence.

If it is said that artificial intelligence can comprehensively improve the national strength, then the human brain chip is like everyone, and the overall quality of the country is improved!

"It's okay to check it. I suggest that we first set up an inspection team. We will personally be the leader of the team to check it. Don't worry about who it is. Don't talk about it when you find it. It ’s a long-term job to go through the provinces, go through it from top to bottom, check it over and over and over again. This is a long-term job. We need to ensure the purity of the party. At the same time make this work a norm.

"I agree, but who will inform the old comrade, and also Guan Ming, please inform him. After all, it also involves him. He should be prepared for it. It is better to strengthen his security issues and come from time. Look, Guan Ming may already be lurking with foreign spies. This part needs attention. "A somewhat thin giant said.

"Let ’s do this, I will deal with the old comrades. The inspection team can be set up, but let ’s set up a specific charter, and then choose the team leader. As for Guan Ming ..." The tech giant interrupted him.

"I'll let Guan Ming know. There are some other things about technology that I need to talk to him, and we just deal with them together."

"This way, that's okay, then Guan Ming is responsible for you." When the other party said this, the chief giant thought it out and nodded in agreement.

Seeing all the giants have no opinion, the general giant is also slightly relieved. This team leader is not good for selection. Although it is an expanded scope inspection, the will of the team leader can also affect the entire process in a small range, such as which one to check. Province and so on.


Guan Ming's life is rarely turbulent. At the same time he died, he was protected by everyone, surrounded by layers of solid walls.

"Let me play games and watch movies ~" He smashed into Guan Ming's arms, and Nao Gao slammed into Guan Ming's less obvious ditch, almost rubbing out Mars.

"You belong to a series with more thoughts, my mother can't agree. Don't you forget the fear of being dominated by tickling?" Guan Ming's chest was thick and he was not afraid of this kind of harassment. It hurts a little, and I feel my chest is crying.

Today's weather is so good that the Guan Ming and his wife didn't want to go out.

The sun is basking, unless you can go to the sea, you can heat yourself.

It is a pity that Mu Xiaoxiao cannot go to sea at all, but Guan Ming is too lazy to go to sea.

Guan Dao went out to meet old colleagues, and Guan Ma went out to meet old friends, while Mu Da took the child to Silver Beach to play with sand, Mu Mu looked at Mu Xiaoxiao at home.

At this moment Mu's mom is cutting fruits in the kitchen, preparing fruit platter.

"Just, I'm pregnant, my mother can't beat me!" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked stubborn, but Guan Ming saw the fear behind her stubbornness.

"I'm not afraid. There is too much meat in the buttocks, and it can't be broken." He shook Mu Xiaoxiao's back, and Guan Ming said softly.

Fang his teeth at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, after all, the child was in the belly but not in the buttocks. Guan Ming said that there was nothing wrong with it. He was long-term coerced by Mu's mother. Mu Xiaoxiao also Not sure if it will be battered.

揍 Are pregnant women breaking the law? Mu Xiaoxiao is not clear, but she knows that hitting a girl not only does not break the law, but also exercises and soothes the mood ...

"But boring, I want to play games, I want to watch movies, and I want to go online ~" Mu Xiaoxiao shook Guan Ming's arm and said coquettishly, she knew that Guan Ming couldn't stand her trick. Lark!

Probably the food has been so good lately, Mu Xiaoxiao's face is a little rounded, and his face is still small from the top down, and he looks cute, and with this expression and tone.


"... Projection projection, using projection to surf the Internet, really convinced you!" Rolled his eyes, Guan Ming did not persist for three seconds ~ ~ Yeah! you are the best! "Mua ~" jumped up like a child and kissed Guan Ming's face heavily.

"Be careful, you still have children in your belly! How old are you? They are not stable at all!" Holding a fruit platter, Mu Ma ignored Mu Xiaoxiao's behavior, but said to her 'spinning jump' Severe condemnation.

"Observe!" The palm rested on the temple, and Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa like a good baby.

Double Star controls two robots. One robot consciously supports a white cloth as a curtain in front of the TV, and the other robot stands next to it. The built-in camera on the head directly projects the image on the curtain, and automatically adjusts the image according to the indoor light. Color to ensure the sharpness of the image.

Seeing this scene, Mu Mu thought about it and said nothing.

Electronic products have a great impact on pregnant women, but if it is this distance and this way, the problem should be small. After all, my son-in-law is engaged in scientific research. If there is a problem, it will be stopped early.

There are dense monitoring equipment in the room. Mu Xiaoxiao does not go to the mouse or keyboard. She can use voice control + manual control. Unfortunately, her favorite eye control cannot be achieved.

"Double Star, are there any good movies lately?" Sitting on the sofa cross-legged, Mu Xiaoxiao held the bowl of fruit platter and asked while digging apple pieces with a spoon.

"The latest positive movies this month include" Man in Black 3 "and" Hugo ". It is recommended to watch" Man in Black 3. "The sound of the twin stars is magnetic and very nice.

"Then watch" The Man in Black ", first look at 1." After thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao said.

ps: Thank you Fengfeng Ling and Red Sword for your reward, thank you for your support!

Sleepy, forced to sleep, but tm has to get up early ...

This chapter is still the second chapter of yesterday. I came back very late recently and is about to collapse!

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