Private Technology

: 791 Inside and outside the car, gunfire is sky-high

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"This bunch of **** ..." Looking at the sprinkler that was smashed into debris on the green belt outside the window, Guan Ming's eyelids jumped. He never found himself so close to death, but he was surprised to find that Now there is no fluctuation in my heart!

Guan Ming once thought that he was very irritated, and at the same time he was urging to live to be 29 years old. Even when he watched the human brain chip soldier kill, he would feel nauseous and uncomfortable.

But to this day, he looked calmly at everything in front of him, as if he had awakened his personality, and even felt a little **** and surging.

Guan Ming felt that he was probably crazy, after all, he was so counseling, so special ...

"Okay, he just looks a little disgusting." Mu Xiaoxiao, who thought Guan Ming was talking about a movie, was lying on Guan Ming's thigh.

The big cockroaches are peeling off human skin in the movie, and they look super disgusting.

"It's boring to watch a movie, let's play a game." Now that you have chosen to counsel, then you must counsel to the end, to suggest features and levels!

Just after Guan Ming's voice fell, the window glass showed a little opaque black, and then the black color block quickly expanded to cover the entire window. The light source in the car was only the projected picture.

This is a variant of the photochromic material. Double Star accidentally obtained it when developing new materials. It can freely choose and adjust the transparency of the three grades of 0%, 50%, and 100%. Subsequently, Guan Ming's car was modified. Photochromic materials were originally used in sunglasses.

Before waiting for Mu Xiaoxiao to speak, Guan Ming connected the video of the four old men and the twins + Tian Qiantong's car. In the upper left corner of Guan Ming's field of vision, there are four old men, and the upper right corner is Tian Qiantong and the two twins. The interior light of the car was also blocked.

Without waiting for them to say anything, Guan Ming went on to say, "It was almost music, double star, some rock or something."

"Okay, boss." As soon as the double star's voice fell, three Jackson cars began to play Michael Jackson's tunes. The kind of loud voice directly overwhelmed the sound outside the car.

"Xiao Ming, just now ..." Hesitated, Guan Dad wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Guan Ming before he finished speaking.

"It's still a while before we can get to the airport, let's play a game, oh ... just three people, let's fight the landlord!" Guan Ming didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to notice anything. After all, she was pregnant and her mood was the most important.

Guan Ming thinks that the four old people will understand him. As for his baby twins ...

what? The child is obviously a burden to the couple, don't think about it.

"Daddy, I just saw ..." Guan Meng Ximeng looked at Guan Ming in a cute manner, but only half of the words were silenced, and he could only see the mouth that kept closing, as if it was a silent movie.

"Isn't it, Landlord? This is too much." Struggling to get up, tidying her hair, Mu Xiaoxiao groaned. She didn't notice the abnormality of her own daughter.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that he could play some interesting games. After all, hardware such as holographic projection has been promoted for several years. There are many games on these platforms. Even many PC-side and mobile game games have been ported to holographic projection. On, it can fully support large games.

For example, Mu Xiaoxiao's favorite is called “Warm Global World”. It has 360 ° dead corner dressing and viewing. It also supports players to make clothes and actions. She once played for 24 hours and made 3 bikinis. 1 knee-length sleeveless cheongsam and 1 Pikachu style short shirt hot pants ...

"Parents and our girlfriends are not used to the ones you play. The landlord is very good, and everyone can participate." Guan Ming pinched Mu Xiaoxiao's head and pinched a bunch of dull hairs.

"What do you think?" Guan Ming asked, looking at the holographic projection in front.

"This ... it's OK, then the landlord!" The four old men looked at each other, then nodded, agreeing with Guan Ming's suggestion.

Not to mention the old ghosts and the like, at least these four old people also know that Guan Ming is for the good of everyone. It is easy to have insomnia and nightmares when they see more blood scenes, and they find that it seems that Mu Xiaoxiao has noticed things outside the window.

In this case, hide it from Mu Xiaoxiao, anyway, she is so stupid, I guess I can't see it.

The minor Xiaodian has no right to speak, probably knowing that his car has been silenced, Guan Mengxi flatly flattened his mouth, like a platypus, with strong hands-on ability, holding the waist of Guan Mengyu's bucket, as if in It's the same, but it has long been accustomed to everything Guan Mengyu's face has no fluctuations.

But even if Meng Xi is unwilling, there is no way to refute Guan Ming's will. To put it plainly, your Lao Tzu is always your Lao Tzu.

It does n’t matter if you do n’t know how to play the landlord. You can watch it anyway. Tian Qiantong can play anyway, even if she did n’t play before, but someone has a brain chip, she can play right away.

Projected in the middle of the carriage, one by one poker vividly shows that a family of eight is divided into three groups and starts to compete around 54 cards.

Outside the car, a foreigner hasn't climbed out of the sprinkler yet. The armed police soldier who fell from the sky took the 95-type automatic rifle and poked directly on the forehead ~ ~! "The soprano, as loud as a dolphin, sounded beside the street.

Da Da Da ~

Several foreigners appeared on both sides of the street, shooting at the convoy with submachine guns.

The car rises from the bottom to a layer of metal baffle, which covers the four sides of the car. The bullet hits the bright silver metal baffle, but only the starting point ignites the star, the bullet bounces, and it is hit on the nearby street pavement In n pits, occasionally bouncing bombs hit the glass windows on the street, and the glass doors and glass walls used as display were smashed.

"Dense formation, fast!" Zhou Wu said nervously in the driver's seat.

On a three-lane one-way street, the four bodyguards in front slow down and the four bodyguards in the back speed up, completely surrounding the three cars in the middle, using their own car as a meat shield and blocking it at the outermost side.

"Double Star, why are you fighting back! Otherwise, you will be sieved!" Zhou Wu's eyes were almost red as he watched the foreigners with submachine guns rushing out on the street.

At this time, you ca n’t drive the window at all. No one can tell whether the other party has a sniper or no one can say that they will never die, but the problem is that they will not fight back and will not let the other party take care. Bullets can bury the car!

The impact of a bullet on the car is not great, but hundreds of bullets can knock it over, even if it does not break the car!

Fortunately, the car is very heavy, otherwise Zhou Wu will doubt whether it will be pushed to the green belt by the bullet!

"The counterattack requires the authorization of the boss, the domestic ban on guns, at the same time the armed police and the army horse ..." Shuangxing's voice was still full of magnetism, and said bluntly.

"Special! The **** boss is dead! Where are you from!" Zhou Wu smashed the steering wheel severely, interrupting the double star politely.

ps: Thank you for joyful Star Magic Rewards, and thank you for your support!

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