Private Technology

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Everyone's path can only be taken by himself, and everyone's choices can only be made by himself. Just like Guan Ming's major in college was chosen by his father, but in the community, Guan Ming still has his own choice and succeeds.

Since Mu Xiaoxiao chose to resist hard, Guan Ming could only silently support it in the back. After all, not only was Guan Ming worried about her body, but she was also worried about the mentality of the old people.

"There just happened to be a meeting just now. Don't wait any longer." Pushing the door in, the voice of the prospective giant came from his side.

"I didn't wait any longer, I just couldn't wait to take a book to see." Yang Zi's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was not a vernacular version, but an ancient version.

Tomu Xiaoxiao's blessing, Guan Ming had no less effort in classical Chinese in order to make up for her, so when reading this book, as long as you read it, it is also very time consuming.

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is very good. I used to watch it often, but now I am busy with work and I watch less. "Smiled, the giant was sitting on a single sofa.

"I heard that Guan Yu liked to watch" Spring and Autumn "when he squatted. You can also learn from it." Guan Ming laughed and laughed, because he can feel that the giant speaks a little faster than before, and he must be in a good mood.

"You rotten boy, go through those historical books. I wanted to see which book read Guan Yu squatting to watch" Spring and Autumn "!" Pointed out Guan Ming twice, and the giant was not upset.

As of this morning, there are a lot of good news. Although there are also things that make him headache, in general, today has a wonderful start.

"I heard that you came here to report on the mobile phone. The mobile phone has been successfully developed?" The giant asked without hesitation.

"It's a mobile phone, but I'm not sure if it will be successful, because the data can't fully meet the standards. The specific mobile phone review depends on you." Guan Ming also converged with a smile and replied honestly.

Today, I originally wanted to find a giant in charge of science and technology. However, the giants at home have only one in front of them. At present, the giants are either going abroad for state visits or inspecting places.

Not long after the Sino-Russian joint military exercise, and the country's propaganda standards are very high, countries around the world now believe that once Mars ignites, war will inevitably erupt.

Although each country considers itself not a goal of China, this does not prevent these countries from recognizing each stage.

Although every country has military power, this does not mean that every country wants to fight and to be beaten.

This is also the case. During this time, the country was much more angry than ever before, and it also gained a lot of benefits, because everyone has already felt that China does not just talk about it after an accident.

"I've seen the data you provided, but the time is too short. I don't have a summary report here. In your opinion, what is the prospect of this phone if it goes on the market?" The giant did not hide its weaknesses.

"I'm really unclear about the performance of the market, but before the mobile phone was transformed, it was already a good mid-range machine at the current point in time. The performance of the transformed mobile phone is no less than that of the new high-end machines. If you want to take the volume, I suggest that you work harder on the content. For example, the APP store that comes with mobile phones can completely increase the review staff to ensure that the review time of each application is limited to a certain range, and you can also do some Rebates and so on, but this needs to be operated by the mobile phone manufacturer. "Guan Ming said.

There are many domestic mobile phone manufacturers, but almost all have carried out self-development and innovation on the Android system on mobile phone systems, as well as this phone.

Probably due to the influence of AppStore, the mobile phone manufacturers of this mobile phone also build their own software platforms, but they are different from Apple in that unaudited software can also be used instead of jailbreaking.

"In terms of data, there is no way to improve it?" The giant thought and asked.

The transformation plan submitted by Guan Ming is aimed at the increase in calculation and weight, but the calculation has only increased by 72%, and the weight has only increased by 63g. The advantages and disadvantages have not met the requirements, but they have only failed.

How to define the performance of this phone in the market requires the following person to give a report on the comprehensive report on the phone's security, market estimates, prices and tax rebates, etc. It takes a minimum of two days.

"I can improve in terms of calculations, but it's difficult in terms of weight. This is an addition. It's very troublesome to make changes in the" non-deletable "places, especially considering that someone decrypts this phone, I can't Replace the phone case with a metal case. In this case, any phone manufacturer can see that there is a problem. "Guan Ming was helpless.

Although Guan Ming has high achievements and performances in science and technology, this does not mean that Guan Ming can do it well.

As the old driver of Qiu Mingshan can pass the hairpin bend, but when facing three or even four parking spaces, the space that can be occupied is also limited.

The most important thing is that Guan Ming has a little bit of ‘perfectionism ~

"This is indeed a noteworthy place. I won't find it when I make an essay in the" irreplaceable "place. After all, the calculation speed comes up, but the weight is only a replaceable part of the fuselage shell. Anyone who reads it will doubt it. , At least if I am a consumer, I prefer to choose a mobile phone with a computing speed that is plastic and lighter at the same time. "Nodded, the giant did not demand too much in this regard.

This is not his job. If it is not for the giant in charge of technology that is not at home, it will not be the giant for docking mobile phones.

"I've also had a headache for you recently. I just took this opportunity to take a two-day break. Your family didn't go out after coming to the capital. Just go out for a few days. Don't come to the capital for two months. As a result, the Great Wall Palace Museum did not go. "Said the giant.

"I'll see it when I have time, but it's going to rain heavily these days. I'll just stay home." Guan Ming quit.

At the beginning of July, the state issued an early warning. It is expected that there will be floods in the south during the middle of this month, and at the same time, early warnings of floods in northern China will be issued in the second half of the month.

Not to mention far, just say that today's emperor is rain and rain.

The air in the north is low in humidity, with more sunny days than rainy days. Guan Ming, who has been living in the south, prefers bright sunshine. At this time, he is not willing to go out.

"You're going to change your place and stay at home again." For Guan Ming's laziness, the giant can't help it. Fortunately, the housekeeper asks the doctor for a physical examination every month to ensure good health.

Otherwise, the giant will be able to take Guan Ming to the playground to run two laps!

"Not so exaggerated, just too lazy to move." In this regard, Guan Ming accepted the criticism with an open mind and maintained his original life.

"By the way, do you have time next week?" The giant suddenly remembered something, and suddenly asked.

PS: Jiefang slightly ~

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