The content of the file is not much. Many things have been newly created in the past few days. For Guan Ming, it is just a glance.

After entering the stratosphere, the speed and direction of the aircraft were relatively stable. At this time, a group of people came to make up Guan Ming and the giants.

Because of going to "News Broadcast", we must do our best in all aspects, at least a strong wind will not blow the tragedy of a balaclava.

Putting down the papers, Guan Ming allowed these people to put on his makeup, and looked down at the small window.

The stratosphere is important to life on Earth, because ozone in the stratosphere can block many harmful cosmic rays.

But different lives have different definitions of the word 'harm'.

Take earth creatures as an example. Whether ancient dinosaurs or modern humans need oxygen to survive, this does not mean that oxygen is needed for all life in the universe. At least there are anaerobic bacteria on the earth, and there are Surviving water bears in outer space and much more.

At present, many astronomers are looking for a super-earth, but for Guan Ming, the current focus on astronomical exploration is the Sagittarius civilization.

The reason why I slept late last night was because another laser pulse with substantially the same content was collected last night, but this time the signal was weaker. I do n’t know if there is a problem with the light source or something else.

But it is already certain that the Sagittarius civilization is real!

Unfortunately, the current progress of the space telescope is only 70%. This is still with the help of Double Star, Guan Ming is too short of time!

"Hello, hello, I am ..." Looking at the person shaking hands with the giant in front of him, Guan Ming had a smile on his face, but he wandered into foreign objects.

The next side is the shooting picture and the photo. Guan Ming is rare in a black suit. It may be because he doesn't go out. His face is whiter than others, but at this moment he just needs to keep smiling. Unfortunately, there is no cloud now, a bit Sunburn.

After about half an hour of work, the giant took Guan Ming to a military base.

The military base is in a mountainous area, probably due to the giants coming to inspect it. Here, three people, one person and five posts, are also loaded with live ammunition.

The scientific research base was inside a hollowed-out mountain. Guan Ming remembered that his dad had said that he was afraid of working again during the Cold War. Therefore, many such mountains were hollowed out for military purposes, but the Third World War did not start. These empty mountains gradually changed their functions, and a considerable part of them became military scientific research bases.

"The one in front of us is our current experimental robot. This big guy has a built-in power distribution system that can provide 7600 volts and can provide more than 30 megawatts of electricity. The thick place is only 370 millimeters. There are a total of 3 materials. The outer layer is high-strength, high-density special steel. The middle layer is the latest high-strength carbon fiber material independently developed by the country. This material has the best anti-elastic performance, but it is very difficult to manufacture and belongs to a very low yield ... "

Across the glass wall, Guan Ming looked up at the big guy in front of him and looked through the material again.

The big robots are not bad from the current data, but this is only good, especially in terms of energy. Guan Ming really does not understand that the mining points on the moon will be fully constructed in a few months. At present, the moon is even rocket The launching platform is all completed. Why is energy wasted on such projects, or does this project not know the qualifications of controllable fusion?

The explanation in the text was only about ten minutes, and then everyone went downstairs to get in touch with this thing.

The giants are taken care of by the heads of scientific research institutes, and the big ones are taken care of by Guan Ming. The person next to Guan Ming is called Dong Zhiwu, who is younger than Guan Da and is the person in charge of the power system.

"General Manager, what do you think of this robot?" Dong Zhiwu whispered.

There are many reasons for the giants to come to inspect, one of them is to examine the practical value of this project, and the evaluation of this part of the value depends to a large extent on the management of these accompanying technologies to the think tank to determine whether this thing has the value of continued research. Research direction and so on.

"It's hard to say in this respect, but it's generally good." Guan Ming didn't want to offend people. After the controllable nuclear fusion was realized, this thing would definitely be returned to the factory.

"What about that? Don't always say good things. Your achievements in scientific research are obvious to all. We are not afraid of criticism. We all say that humility makes people progress. We just want to do a good job." Dong Zhiwu said.

"Uh ... in terms of materials, I made a new shape memory alloy some time ago in the laboratory, which has a full memory effect. You also know the role of this alloy. My alloy can be ..." Ming told his alloy data.

The materials developed by the company's laboratory are made public in batches and monitored by Shuangxing. Seeing which laboratory is about to complete homogeneous materials, Shuangxing will be responsible for writing thesis and applying for a patent.

The performance of Guan Ming's shape memory alloy has no homogeneous material, so it has not been announced at all.

For Guan Ming, research on shape memory alloys is mainly applied to satellites.

The shape memory alloy is made into an antenna at high temperature, polished, and then compressed into a small ball at low temperature, so that the volume will be reduced by N times ~ ~ It can be easily shot into the sky, and then used The strong radiation of the sun restored the prototype and went on to work.

Of course, the role of shape memory alloys is not only reflected on satellites, including earthquake resistance, troubleshooting, etc., this alloy also has a very good performance.

He glanced backwards and found that Guan Mingzheng was talking to the people around him, and the giant also knew that it was the people here asking questions.

"Are you all ready? If you are ready, let's go and see the actual results." After staying downstairs for more than ten minutes, the giant took someone to another conference room.

Keeping an eye on the giant Guan Ming, I regret to say that I haven't touched the big iron golem myself. Although the overall look is not as cool as Transformers and Iron Man, anyway, he is also a big guy.

Dong Zhiwu also regretted not being able to ask more questions, because Guan Ming has been sculpting shape memory alloys, obviously he wants to ask questions about the power system, but Guan Ming doesn't want to talk here.

Although they do n’t know why they do n’t have the right to know about controllable nuclear fusion, Guan Ming does n’t want to be held by someone. It ’s better not to talk about some things, and it ’s better not to even ask, so as not to be wrong later.

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