Private Technology

: 665 target candidates

When he heard the giants say that, Guan Ming instantly associated with well-known developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and South Korea, but was eliminated immediately. For various reasons, the probability of a fight was not high.

The U.S. side must not fight, or it is better to start the war with the U.S. side as late as possible, and strive for violent soldiers and then attack the whole army. It is very likely that it is 'not firing the first shot', because this can easily detonate the Third World War.

The island nation will not fight. Although there are territorial disputes (Diaoyu Island) and the island nation is very small in terms of land area, as one of the well-known countries in the Asian region, it is also very implicated and cannot be moved easily, but it cannot be ruled out. The possibility of guns, even if they are hit, is the most important opportunity. It is better to be a little later.

South Korea's words don't need to fight at all, not to mention the small area and weak military strength. As long as the country comes once for economic sanctions, South Korea will GG Simida, and then wailing and ran to the United States, crying, which is a typical country of fake tigers It is too late to settle accounts after the fall.

There are many countries that are not friendly to China in the world, such as Canada. However, these countries should be ranked in the second stage of the war in Guan Ming, at least in Guan Ming's senses. The country does not have much benefit to China. Even if it exists, even if it is beaten, the probability of venting anger will be relatively high, but how can it be said that anger is the main source of war between countries? It ’s too old, not ancient. Beacon play princes.

From the perspective of vested interests, neighboring countries should be a good starting point.

For example, Mongolia ’s mineral deposits, the Malacca route, the South China Sea islands, and so on.

And this time the war triggered by Guan Ming's attack will inevitably surround the foreigners who attacked Guan Ming. Therefore, the probability of Mongolia is not high. After all, through "One Piece", everyone knows the terrible nature of the "Seven Wuhai". Office!

"Indonesia?" Guan Ming thought for a moment and asked.

Indonesia, referred to as Indonesia for short, was independent in 1945, then took a breath in the Soviet-American confrontation and successfully resisted the Dutch offensive of the original suzerain. It finally broke away from the Heyin Federation in 1954 and is one of the important members of ASEAN.

Geographically, Indonesia is composed of 17,000 islands. It is the largest archipelago country in the world. At the same time, it also holds the Malacca Strait, which has a very bad impact on the country's economic rise.

From a historical perspective, in the period when Indonesia was not out of the control of the Netherlands, its ethnic composition can be regarded as indigenous people and overseas Chinese. The Netherlands is a country composed of businessmen. Compared with local people, overseas Chinese do business very much. Gifted, this makes the Dutch very frightened, so the exclusion of Chinese people on that land is not occasional, it is a traditional activity.

Although Guan Ming knew that the country could not kill Indonesia with a population of 200 million, it hurt Indonesia and made it scared. The Malacca Strait is not a difficult sea barrier for the country. The overseas Chinese living in Indonesia It will be safer, and most importantly, you can get revenge!

"Indonesia does not work, it is too much involved. Although the so-called three major island chains have greatly reduced the threat to us, this does not mean that the United States does not pay attention to this. If Indonesia can be won, the national economy will definitely develop rapidly, but The problem is that we are not able to swallow Indonesia at this time. You can see whether the United States has hit Iraq or Afghanistan in recent years, but it has only done so, but there is no way to fully occupy and expand the territory. Go back and guess slowly. You'll know in a while, "the giant said.

If only two countries are singled out, and without a third party participating in the war, the country dares to blame the United States with the United States. Of course, the premise is not that the world is equal.

But the fastest way for each country to rise is to take part in wars. Most of the powerful nations in the world are now rich through war.

"But the words of our surrounding countries are not interesting. Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and the like are poor and ugly. It is better to fight South Korea. After the fight, you can search for some beautiful women." I heard that the giant did not want to fight across the sea Guan Ming shrugged and said indifferently.

Asian stars are island nations that do the best. South Korea has also learned from it. Because of Sino-Japanese relations, most of the foreign stars in Asia known in the country are still Korean stars, which is called 'Korean Wave'.

For example, Mu Xiaoxiao's favorite dirty roots, and Guan Ming's long legs.

"Just think about something useless and search for beautiful women? If you're not afraid of Xiaoxiao's trouble, I don't mind if you find Xiaosan, how about?" Raising an eyebrow, the giant looked at Guan Ming with a smile.

In Guan Ming's archives, he rarely goes to some places like Fengyue, even to bars, KTV and other places, and there are no scandals.

From the outside, Guan Ming is a three-good young man who is loyal to love, marriage, and family, and a successful example of modern marriage.

However, from the point of view of the giant, this is another manifestation of his counseling. Although this counseling is very good for society, family, and individuals, if possible, the giant hopes that Guan Ming can leave a little more blood. .

It's not about worrying about Guan Ming's ancestral DNA being broken, but hoping that Guan Ming's excellent DNA can be carried forward a lot, even if other children can't keep up with the twins as smart, but it can be better than ordinary people.

One billion people across the country are not that bad, and Guan Ming can still live for seventy years and get into the soul once a day ~ ~ The only remaining children are more than 20,000. If this 2 More than 10,000 people are beyond the average person, coupled with human brain chips, the scene must be very touching!

"Hahaha, just kidding! I ’m not telling you, I ’m definitely talking about it at home, I do n’t dare go west if I let Xiaoxiao go east, and I do n’t dare to catch chickens when I let her walk her dog. Well, it is most important to live with peace of mind, otherwise I will raise ten eight outer rooms in a minute, and she dare not say anything! "Guan Ming smiled, MMP in his heart.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao has been in control since she got married, there will be no such images as ‘beaten’, but since she had tricked her the day before yesterday, she has returned in revenge that night.

After bathing, I wore a set of special hooks. Guan Ming also wanted to try the taste of `` bears' paw, '' but this product ran away to accompany the child to sleep!

During Mu Xiaoxiao's pregnancy, there were other ways and methods to achieve the same effect, even if Minghuo was a big one, but that needed Mu Xiaoxiao's assistance from the side, but now people are gone, and they are also supporting a fart.

ADC is almost turned into a dog on the opposite side, assisting actually runs the disadvantaged road to oppress people!

Guan Ming's mentality has almost collapsed in the past two days.

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