Private Technology

: 869 The tranquility to take off

"Sorry ..." Thousands of words came into my heart, and thousands of words turned into one.

Guan Ming didn't know what to say, and even his thinking seemed to be much slower.

Obviously knows the attack on Daocheng, but he doesn't say in his heart, not only does he show lack of mind as usual every day, even the others in the family don't notice it!

If Mu Xiaoxiao herself is a thoughtful person, she is the kind of person who has something to say, even if she hides something, she will be detected very quickly.

Such a person can actually hide to such a degree, and probably her recent psychological pressure will be very, very great!

"Sorry, we are husband and wife!" Mu Xiaoxiao said very seriously, reaching forward with his hands and holding Guan Ming's big face.

There is no love in the world for no reason, no hate for no reason.

Attacks always have a reason, and this reason is not difficult to imagine. After all, Guan Ming's performance in the field of technology is also well known, like the brightest star in the night, like the most eye-catching gem on the crown.

"I wanted to hide from you. After all, you are pregnant now. If this kind of thing lets you know, I'm afraid your mood will be affected, and you and your children will be affected." Guan Ming still looked apologetically. The woman in front of me.

With the passage of pregnancy, Mu Xiaoxiao's face became fatter than before, and she became fleshy and still looked so good.

The distance was very close, Guan Ming could see the bright and clean skin, the flushed face in the white, and vaguely, Guan Ming remembered her once, the girl whose fluff had not been removed, and the whole person was still leaping.

Today, she is still beautiful, as if time is nostalgic for this simple-minded girl and wants to retain her beauty.

"I know, I already knew it. Actually, I knew it when I was in Daocheng. After I lived in Zhongnanhai, I was sure, but you did n’t say it. Then I thought about it. Since neither of you Tell me, afraid that I'm worried, then I'll hide it, so that you can make a strong effort. "Smiling with a smile, like the blooming lilies, there is no red and purple enthusiasm, only the quiet and elegant.

With a bitter smile, Guan Ming didn't know what to say.

The whole family hid her from top to bottom, and she knew it from the beginning.

Also, can Zhongnanhai live in?

Can you live in Zhongnanhai for no reason?

Probably, this is the biggest light under black.

"Now you can tell me what happened originally." Released her hands, Mu Xiaoxiao turned and sat on the bay window, looking like a lady.

"Well, it's like this ..." After thinking about it, Guan Ming decided to tell her the original thing. Now that she already knows, don't hide it.

With Guan Ming's strength, as his wife, Mu Xiaoxiao needs to go through too much, and this attack is not the first time. Judging from Guan Ming's age and ability, this may not be the last. .

Downstairs, the four old men sat on the sofa and watched the TV. The interview was played by Guan Ming when he first came to Zhongnanhai.

The interview itself was nothing, but this interview revealed the island city attack after a month, and it was full of signals!

"Presumably, it's about to hit!" Guan Da exhaled smoke for a long time. Compared to cigars that can only pass through the mouth, he prefers cigarettes that have lungs. Compared with hundreds of boxes of cigarettes, he still loves them. Yellow Crane Tower.

"Do you really want to fight? With the United States?" Guan Ma heard a little anxious.

Different identities have different concerns.

The United States is the only superpower in the world. No matter whether it is military or economic power, if China and the United States watch the show, the outcome is really unpredictable. In the event of a national defeat, it is estimated that the first family to suffer is the Guanming family.

Think about the old man Qian Xuesen, who was detained for five years before returning to China. When he returned, his things were detained. Finally, he came to five divisions for comparison. He regretted that Mr. Qian was not killed.

And with the ability to control Ming, it will probably be treated more severely. For example, in Guan Xiaoheiwu, three small whip whips are used every day. Bowl of water, lest you have the strength to escape and so on.

"Should not, there have been many state visits in the country recently, and many contracts have been signed between China and the United States during this period. Perhaps this is an exchange of interests between China and the United States." Guan Daddy shook his head.

Guan Ming did not tell his family who actually planned and carried out the Daocheng attack, but his family also had more speculation.

"If you look at it this way, the European and American countries should not be the target. During this time, the countries and the European and American countries have signed orders." Mu Da's understanding of this is slightly worse, but he can also guess some after his father's dialing.

"Who is the other party?" Mu Mu looked at the two old men and asked.

"Actually, if you look at the information recently released by the National Tourism Administration, you know that there are those countries and regions that are prohibited from traveling, and there is a large-scale evacuation of overseas Chinese." When asked by his in-laws, Guan Dad would not hang out.

"Double Star, Double Star ~ Check which countries the country has banned from travelling and recall overseas Chinese in the past month." Turning around, Guan Ma greeted.

"Okay, in the past 30 days, there is Iraq ..." The double star controlled the robot and counted the messages one by one. At the same time, the holographic projection on the table also projected a global map, with red areas representing the listed ones. country.

After Shuangxing finished speaking, Mu Da pointed at a red area and said to Guan Daddy, "It should be right, it is it."

"No accident, this is it." Looking at the red area of ​​Noda, Guan Dian slowly nodded. Although there are many red areas, this area is the most likely.

A thousand miles away, trucks shuttled on the highway ~ ~ a tank started a long journey by moonlight.

On the train, soldiers held guns and waited for battle.

The long-prepared command was led by two army generals and one air general, and the lowest attendee was also a colonel.

"This is the latest deployment of the enemy. From the previous deployment, the other party has consciously strengthened our defense. According to the previous plan, the enemy ’s eyes and the runway must be destroyed within one hour after the war. The satellite is currently under our surveillance, and there is no difficulty in monitoring the runway. The problem now is that the enemy's military radar has begun to increase. Since the enemy is operating at night, it has caused difficulties in our monitoring. OK, report and mark the location as soon as you can find the target. "The general is talking about the army general sitting on the main seat. On the left and right sides are another army general and air general.

Peace is the glory and sorrow of soldiers.

Because it is the soldiers who create peace, but peace and hardship for the soldiers.

Today, the war will start, except for the restlessness from the bloodline, everyone on the scene is grateful for the strength of the country and the power of technology.

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