Private Technology

: 890 perverts and mental illness

The length of the three speeches is not large. They are all in the beginning of 2000 words. According to Guan Ming's speech speed, it is about 8 minutes to 15 minutes.

After all, it is a manuscript, and there is no jam or the like, but this cannot be said in one breath like an announcer. Barra Balla should be paused. Guan Ming still needs applause to interrupt his speech, temporarily uncertain. Can you arrange a few superb acting skills, but there must be a few 'here should be applause' in the manuscript.

The three manuscripts are summarized from the three points: world peace can promote human development, science and technology change the future of humankind, and business interoperability to make the world a more beautiful place. They respectively represent Guan Ming as an ordinary person, a scientist, and a businessman. of.

The manuscript also contains a brief explanation of the war and the incident that was attacked last time. There is no special criticism, but it also states from three identities that the attack can't kill the control, and can't kill scientific progress. If the prosperity of the country cannot be overtaken, all evil forces will be overthrown without exception, and so on.

After reading the three manuscripts, Guan Ming probably guessed that the manuscript over the giants should be discussed from the national side.

Guan Ming didn't find the manuscript of Shuangxing for the giant. Although Shuangxing will definitely give it, this kind of thing doesn't make much sense to Guan Ming. Now he needs to consider what identity he will use to appear.

Although the identity is different, from the content of the manuscript, it is obvious that Double Star is going to make him perfect. This ...

Such an excellent self is really hard to choose, how can this be good!

A saint who loves peace and universality, a giant who leads the development of science and technology, a rich man of Jin Mantang, has three identities with noble ideals and noble feelings. If people only look at the speech, they will feel that this person must have a big trench .

Holding his a-left atrium, Guan Ming was fascinated by himself for a while.

Such a perfect self must be decorated with applause! !!

"Let's eat!"

Alas, Mu Xiaoxiao knocked on the door of the study, dries outside the door, and then pushed in.

In the housekeeper, only Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Mengxi could enter the door casually.

The four old men and Guan Mengyu will not enter the door casually, because they are afraid that Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao will secretly suffer, and they will be miserable if something is found out.

As for Guan Mengxi, a careless creature, it ’s really hard to control. After all, the child is too young. Guan Ming can remember what his cousin did at a certain age. Between this, in the toilet and some special moments, he managed Mingdu needs double stars to guard against this small point.

"Oh, let's go." After seeing his wife come in, Guan Ming squeaked and drank the tea first, lest the mother-in-law would pour it into her mouth for a while.

The idiot heard that the normal daily water intake of the adult was between 1.5k and 2k ml, but he stared at Guan Ming every day to drink water, causing Guan Ming to be awakened several times in the morning.

Later, I read the news that someone was drinking too much water and going to the hospital. She was so frightened that she drank Coca-Cola and was shocked. By the way, she did not supervise Guan Ming to drink plain water, because she felt that Guan Ming had a small belly. Drinking too much water causes puffiness.

After that, I would supervise him to drink Pu'er tea and nourish the kidneys and yang, which is really good news ...

"What is this?" Going around, standing behind Guan Ming with his hands on his back, looking curiously at the projected text.

As long as it is not something that is intentionally hidden, it means that this thing does not need to be concealed from Mu Xiaoxiao, so Mu Xiaoxiao has no pressure to see this thing. Do n’t look at her usually likes to Weibo, but she only shows love, food, etc. The stuff is tight-knit, and Guan Ming feels ...

"Nothing, I might go to India after a while, this is the speech I prepared." Guan Ming politely put the credit of the double star on himself, anyway, the double star will not be used.

"Hah? Your brain has lost Watts? Now you are fighting, be careful they press you in the ground and blast your head!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming's dog's head in surprise, as if he could touch him with his hand. Whether IQ is online or not.

"You're only Watts. India is now being beaten up and squatting. It is about to surrender with a white flag." Mu Ming opened his hand, Guan Ming said angrily.

As for some popular words, Guan Ming said that although he had seen less in his life, he couldn't hold back from seeing much more in his last life, and had no trouble understanding his own wife's thinking.

"Squatting against the head? The little black-skinned loli in a dress squatting on the ground, shaking a tree branch with pure white underwear hanging on her hand?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought of it a lot, and gathered all kinds of foreigners. The image of the whole is very vivid.

Guan Ming: "..."

There is always a slot to spit out, but I do n’t know where to spit it out. First, the adjective 'black skin' is very ...

Well, Indian leather is not bad, but Guan Ming suddenly remembered the "Bosnia and Herzegovina" in the "China team won the World Cup", that is, the sense of vision is very strong ~ ~ but really surrendered? Seems like it didn't last long. After discovering that his husband looked at himself strangely but didn't say anything, Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Ming's shoulders and looked at the documents on the table with the probe, which said the terms of the Indian surrender, which proves that Guan Ming is true. Nothing nonsense, provided that this file is true and true.

"... The problem is that without hitting, just like your mother hitting you, you can pump in all kinds of postures, sofa, floor, bed, standing, catching is a random meal, you can get whatever you want. Degree. "Taking a deep breath, Guan Ming still spit it out. After all, if Mu Xiaoxiao's words were heard by Mu's mother, even Mu Xiaoxiao, who was pregnant, would inevitably have her fate!

"This is ... your mother is always your mother?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Guan Ming dumbly.

"No, it is your father who is always your father." Guan Ming said solemnly.

Immediately, Mu Xiaoxiao watched Guan Ming's expression became subtle.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao at this moment, Guan Ming's expression became bad.

I do n’t know when my wife became strange, what to do, wait online, urgent!

For a while, the atmosphere in the study became strange. The feeling of looking abnormal and being looked at by mental illness was sour.

"What are you doing? Hurry up to eat, and the food will be cold after a while." At this time, Guan Ma knocked on the door of the study, which was already open, loudly.

"Oh, eat and eat." As a flexible, slightly fat person, Guan Ming sulked like a fat monkey and walked out first.

He always felt that his wife-in-law was so weird. Maybe one day he would tie Guan Ming to the bed while he was sleeping, and then put 82 years of original socks and underwear in his mouth. Think about it. Scary! u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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