Private Technology

: 892 Gree Chicken

"If India surrendered, would we be able to return to the Shanghai Stock Exchange? Now that the Meiyu days in Shanghai have passed, it is not always convenient for us to live here." Guan Daddy said at this time, lest his IQ would be negative for a while His daughter-in-law was beaten again.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ is worrying, she is a good daughter-in-law. At least she is a person who obeys her parents, cares for her children, and cares for her family.

Not to mention the eldest housekeeper in the stomach, just talking about twins, it is very suitable for Dad's appetite, especially Guan Mengxi, this grinding little fairy.

Look at this strong body (compared with Guan Mengyu), look at the posture of eating (compared with Guan Mengyu), look at this super high IQ (compared with Mu Xiaoxiao), look at this beautiful Face (compared to Guan Ming).

Perfectly inherit the excellent cells of your parents!

If you have to let Guan Daddy pick something wrong, probably the only pity is that Guan Mengxi is a girl. If he is a boy, the old man can die happily.

"I didn't ask this, but there should be no problem. Although I don't mind if we live here all the time, I really have to go back to do some work." While carefully picking out peppercorns, Guan Ming said.

Coastal and coastal, there are some things that are deep in the bone marrow, spicy fried clams, Guan Ming is really full of food, Aolong put on the plate next to him did not move, just stared at this bargain to eat.

"Go back if you have a chance. It's always inconvenient here." Guan Daddy touched the stubble of his chin with a sigh of relief, and the old man didn't shave this morning.

"Haha, my brother has been suffocating recently. I haven't had a chance to smoke." Mu's father joked with a smile.

Dad Mu is one year younger than Guan Da, plus the current situation of the housekeeper, this "brother" is also very familiar.

"Come on, please, fortunately he didn't bring Guan Ming to smoke too!" The parents were short, and Guan Ma took the topic aside.

The big guy followed the words and talked about what to do in Shanghai.

Touching your forefinger nails, the nails are shiny and white inside, very healthy, unlike the last life, not only the nails are yellowed, but even the fingers are yellowed.

In this life, Guan Ming smoked cigarettes, but he just smoked a few when he was reborn / crossed.

The staggered sense of mental craving and physical incompatibility made him a few cigarettes, and then he was determined not to move this. Fortunately, at that time, the pipe father used to smoke, and few sporadic ones would not be found.

But what did the old man smoke at that time? Hongta Mountain? Double Happiness?

For a while, Guan Ming began to recall the past, eating clams mechanically.

"Hey, hey! What are you thinking about?" Mu Xiaoxiao snapped his fingers in front of Guan Ming's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Leaned back and leaned back, Guan Ming was afraid that the goods would poke her nostril with her fingers. When she was out of order, she was not as reliable as Guan Mengxi!

After a short stint, Mu Xiaoxiao came up with a smile, and whispered in Guan Ming's ear, "I'm casual, you are not afraid to be beaten ~"

Guan Ming's breathing was stagnant, remembering that when the father and mother managed to make time and space for the young couple, it was really an unforgettable glorious year.

"Our mother just said what's the name of the future baby. My dad said that you are the father of the child. It ’s a matter of naming your father, after all, this is also a very fulfilling thing." He said quietly that he did not give Guan Ming a chance to fight back.

"Uh ... I haven't figured it out yet, I'll think about it later." Guan Ming was a little bit square and had to roll his eyes weakly.

My dad, my dad refers to each other's parents, my dad and my mom refer to their own parents, this is a tacit understanding of the young couple.

Since this is Mu Da ’s statement, judging from the current harmonious relationship in the family, the rest of the elders will not object.

Since it is a son, would it be appropriate to call Guan Xiaosha. After all, his dad is Guan Yanzu and handsome, Guan Ming really wanted to say this, but considering that the four elderly people may not be able to resist this huge torture Ana can only live in this anxious mood.

"Speaking of which, I also want to name the child. After all, I am a child's mother, and I also want to have a sense of accomplishment." Mu Xiaoxiao sighed first, and then said a little bit uneasily.

"Pull it down. I don't want to see names like tube full, meat, and money in the hukou book. Do you want kids to hate us for life?" Guan Ming couldn't help but vomit.

Take a look at the beautiful twins. When I went to college, the teacher asked, 'Classmate, what's your name', and then the girl turned back and smiled and said, 'My name is tube meat, and my sister's name is money.' What did you say?

"Xiao Xiao is still too naughty!" Guan Dad couldn't help complaining at this time, he didn't want his own grandson to call such a name.

Subsequently, the family set fire to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to be dead and plucked shrimp to feed the child.

A thousand miles away, in the heart of the country, a large prison was filled with black-skinned Indians.

In the small room, handcuffs were fixed on an iron table, and a black-skinned Indian in a prison uniform was opposite the white-skinned foreigner.

Even in war, there are people and organizations who are not afraid of death, such as international human rights organizations.

"It's too hot, China is really too hot, there is an electric fan on the prison house!" The black-skinned Indian spoke English very well, but when he said that, a comfortable expression appeared on his face.

Because this room is air-conditioned!

"I will submit this question when I go back. Are there any inconveniences here? How is your daily life? Are you still used to eating?" The white man asked earnestly.

India's weather is hot and hot, but China's summer is even hotter, especially this place, when going out is close to 40 ° high temperature, no one can resist.

"Others are ok, but there is no entertainment." Thinking for a while, the Indian said.

"Oh? They don't give you time to air?" When the white man heard it, he was instantly energetic.

Although the name of the human rights organization is tall, the problem is that its internal members are not popped out of the cracks of the stone ~ ~ itself has a tendency.

"It's not that it's hot, everyone doesn't want to go out, and because of copyright issues, we can't see Indian movies and news." Shaking his head, the Indian answered honestly.

The white man almost jumped up in anger, MMP, deserve you no entertainment!

Soon, the half-hour visit was over. With regret, the white man packed his laptop and went out.

"Well, it's all a bunch of bastards, so I won't be fooled!" Spit at the back and trot all the way to the other side of the room. Standing in front of it is a creature called 'Political Commissar'. Smile, especially easy to talk.

"BOSS, Ineedchicken, chicken ~ Gree chicken ~" The Indians gestured gaily.

"Okay, I'll give you a chicken curry at noon." He patted the other's shoulder, and the political commissar smiled slightly.

"Thanks ~" Although he couldn't understand what the other party meant, he could understand the slang word "curry chicken", gave a thumbs up to the political commissar, and then the Indian ran to the activity room to watch TV. Because there is an air conditioner there too ~

Looking at the closed door over the room, the commissar didn't say anything, but followed the Indians to the activity room.

The captives are very easy to handle, because after the quality of life improves, they will rarely make trouble, even if they were warriors, but the rich land gives them laziness.

And when it ’s not easy to handle, it ’s always out of the game, such as the white guy just now, but fortunately, he is quite good at ideological construction, at least this time there are no problems.

As for hot weather, electric fans, etc., who can blame?

Your human rights organization gave me a billion dollars, so why don't I build a five-star prison for you.

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