Private Technology

: 911 That is 1 light

It took a few Yuanhui time for Pangu to pass in his life by the way to successfully open the sky. As a result, Guan Ming was better, and the sky was chatted in minutes.

If Pan Gu had known that there was such a small cricket calf in Guanming, it would be estimated that the ancestral DNA that had been passed down for tens of millions of years would be strangled first, and then opened to the sky.

However, as the 800-point super God of War on Dota ladder, Guan Ming successfully brought the skills of mouth grabbing online to offline, and to a certain extent, he can be regarded as a good, handsome man with the same appearance!

"I heard those people say that you like to listen to my songs. I'm going to perform in a while. I can give you the right to sing songs." I shook my body, probably trying to show a charming side, but the effect was very general Britney is still trying to save this dying day.

"Uh ... all your songs are great, and I like them very much." With a little dodging in his eyes, Guan Ming really sent out a ‘fight through the sky’.

Song of fart, Guan Ming saw his newly debuted Britney Spears as a face fan. Later, there seemed to be some songs. Guan Ming thought it was nice, but it was gone, nothing at all ~

Want a song title? Would you like the third head? Guan Ming jumped up and panned your head out!

"Okay, then I'll get ready to prepare, and it's my turn." Britney is no better than a son-in-law. She can't make up for it this day, and she can't carry this pot.

It may be a wealth of experience that has given her a strong heart. If she had been in the past, she would have taken a pick and left, how could she promote friendship with Guan Ming here. Unfortunately, this knife can not only kill pigs but also raise people. Adult pig.

"Hoo ~ finally gone, but I'm uncomfortable to death." Seeing that swaying back left, Guan Ming exhaled a long breath.

Although Guan Ming didn't have a messy thought, this mouth was definitely opened tonight. Considering Britney's purpose, Guan Ming thought it should be God thinks that Mu Xiaoxiao is stupid, so she gave it to her Marriage blessings have led to Guan Ming being so 'smart and straightforward'.

"I suppose she is more uncomfortable than you, but you are also the boss, 666, let go of the other sentence." After watching Guan Ming's skill release sequence, Zhou Wu had to be sighed that his boss's loyalty to marriage can definitely fly to heaven and peace. The sun is side by side.

Before entering the company, Zhou Wu was a police officer. He saw more red flags at home and colorful flags fluttering outside. It is really hard for his boss to achieve this level!

"... Necessary, I can't do things I'm sorry about Xiaoxiao." Although a little awkward in my heart, Guan Ming said proudly.

An office inside the White House listened to the entire meal. An eavesdropper placed inside the leg of the table next to Guan Ming was working. Unfortunately, Guan Ming's performance disappointed them.

"Intentionally? My God! Even if he doesn't want to get in trouble, isn't it better to simply chat with the beauties!" A white man looked at a colleague with a ridiculous look, trying to get the same judgment.

"But the aesthetics are different. Perhaps Guan Ming just likes Britney's voice. You know Britney is 31 years old this year." Black colleagues shrugged.

"Fuck, I know you like big **** and young." The white man politely extended his middle finger.

"Hurry up and eat quickly. I have a hunch. I must not relax tonight." Guan Ming urged while continuing to eat.

Unfortunately, Guan Ming thought very beautifully, but the result was very realistic.

"Hello, Mr. Guan, I'm Dwyane, the head of the Lincoln Laboratory, and I'm glad to meet you." It was a white old man with a square face, and he was not alone, but the entire science and Internet Lab, company people.

"Hello, I've heard of Lincoln Lab. This is an amazing lab." Although Guan Ming was disturbed this time, he felt much better than before.

Although the last life and university majors in this life have nothing to do with physics, Guan Ming, as a researcher who has nothing to do with physics, actually likes to do small things in physics, such as DIY big metal motors and many more.

This is also the case. In his last life, Guan Ming will also search for information on the world's top laboratories, as if he knew that he would not be able to go to work with Penguin, but he would go to Du Niang first to find the most cost-effective peripheral. Then go and buy the one with the best comprehensive evaluation of the same product.

The Lincoln Laboratory was established after World War II. It is famous for advanced electronics research in defense systems, but this thing is too high-end. Guan Ming's last life was interested in the space monitoring part.

Guan Ming's longing for the sky continued from his last life to this life.

"I think so, but compared to Mr. Guan, we still do a little bit worse." I am very satisfied with Guan Ming's attitude ~ ~ but Dwyane is still humble.

Although the Sino-Indian war looks like a Sino-Indian one-on-one war, from the perspective of science and technology, it is entirely a Chinese one-on-one war against the world.

During the Sino-Indian war, why did China wave the Indian side's head wildly? Because the information is not equal.

Why is the information not equal? Because the Indian satellite was killed, because the Indian radar was killed, and because the Indian battlefield area signal was cut off.

How did China do it? Sorry, I really don't know this.

Now all countries know that China has an anti-satellite weapon. That light can instantly melt the satellites and even destroy super-long-range ground targets through satellite relays!

The US knows that the light is not love, but death light A.

But this is just a weapon that China has leaked out in this war. There are more weapons, such as the robot army and so on.

The role of Guan Ming is self-evident.

"The direction is different. Most of the products I make are civilian products. Lincoln Lab has a huge market in the military. It is incomparable." Guan Ming said indifferently. At his level, he no longer needs to prove anything himself. And the armament thing is not easy to show up.

"I made a special trip to China before Christmas last year, and I was curious how your AR / VR and holographic projections distinguished your fingers 100%, and about the capture of actions, how do you define which are commands and which are useless gestures? "Before Dwyane opened his mouth, a short, skinny old man came out behind him, and Barabara looked like a submachine gun.

"This ... it should be something a long time ago, and it's not too difficult, but who are you?" Looking down, looking at this old man who is shorter than Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming has a kind of looking at children The feeling of jumping high is still the kind that is particularly close.

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