Private Technology

: Ninety-four we are not fit, really

"I rely! Is there a legal way to avoid tax?" Guan Ming couldn't help but swear, Liu Mengmeng cut his back and cut it in half, and Guan Ming did the same.

As the sole owner of the company, Guan Ming did not arrange for himself a salary part. If he was short of money, he took it from the company. Of course, the things bought were legally owned by the company, such as the company's only two cars, such as land , Such as a building under construction.

Guan Guan calculated for a moment, there are only two industries under his name, one is the company, and the other is the home beside the green space center.

Although the company makes a lot of money, if you want to put the company's money on yourself, you need to halve it ...

"Legal is temporarily unavailable. Although there are many exemptions in the country, I have checked it and it is not suitable for us." Liu Mengmeng expressed a little bit of resentment. She missed the foreign tax policy infinitely, such as the United States. 30% come, and there are tax avoidance methods, such as charity tax rebates and so on.

"Mom, come back and get me a contract. The monthly salary will be 10,000 yuan." Pouting, Guan Ming didn't know what to say, there were more arrangements, it didn't make sense, if there were fewer arrangements, in case something happened. Yes, I really do n’t understand. After thinking about it, Guan Ming thinks this number is almost the same. As far as the company's profitability is concerned, this number is more symbolic. After all, he is not going to get a low-rent house or something.

"What else, let's just say, I'm too lazy to read the report." He was in a good mood. As soon as he heard about personal income tax, he was completely out of mood.

"There is also the progress of the construction of the building." Liu Mengmeng quickly adjusted her mentality. It is likely that she has experienced this thing long ago. Perhaps it is more likely that she feels that Guan Ming is more than her ...

"The building is under construction according to schedule and according to plan, it can be delivered between the 10th and 13th of the next month. At present, the building ..." Liu Mengmeng started to introduce the situation of the building part.

Because the background of the construction unit is relatively strong, there is no such thing as running away with one vote. Originally, it was planned to hire supervisors from the four major international accounting firms, and in the end it was only to invite supervisors from China.

The construction of the building is not difficult, but Guan Ming needs very complicated things, such as underground buildings poured with molten steel, such as exterior walls that are all replaced with traditional cement walls with tempered glass, such as some advanced equipment and instruments, such as The vegetation on the first floor and so on.

The price of more than 7 billion yuan is not an ordinary project. It is estimated that after finishing this ticket, the construction unit can rest this year.

Originally, Liu Mengmeng thought that Guan Ming could come to the company to report every day during this time, but Guan Ming's staying power was obviously beyond her imagination. Taking this opportunity, Liu Mengmeng reported other arrangements, a small part of which was company affairs. Most of them are things that need to be in control.

For example, the company's second quarter financial statements, Guan Ming decided not to publicize, after all, it is not a listed company, there is no need for public disclosure, and the building of the public security school will be capped before the company building, Guan Ming needs to arrange for processing within time The supercomputer over the school, and then the relocation ceremony after the company building is capped, specifically who is invited, and for example, the recent purchase of films, glass plates and plastic plates, from domestic to foreign, from well-known to unknown. From the latest to the old and so on, things are many and complicated.

Liu Mengmeng is not a scientific researcher. It may be the unique delicateness of women and the strength of LES-T. She is still very organized and meticulous. At least what she said was in Guan Ming's head. Nothing was found wrong. , Especially in terms of numbers.

Liu Mengmeng reports here, Guan Ming also talks about his arrangements for the future.

The company is small, but the things that are said are more important. It ’s simple. Today is a holiday. Everyone goes home and rests. The company will control Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng. Not to mention, at least the company's financial aspects, not many people know. The company's finances are led by Wang Fang. She has three soldiers. Liu Mengmeng has greeted him long ago, and he is not allowed to ask questions and get fired. Therefore, only Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng, and Wang Fang know about the company's overall finances. .

谈话 Talked about two o'clock in the afternoon, and finished it at five o'clock in the afternoon. After everything was said, the two stretched out a coincidence, and then met each other in a tacit manner, and then laughed.

"Let's go, and invite you to dinner today." Now this season, there is no time in the sky, at least the sky outside is still very bright.

"Okay, can you invite me to dinner." Liu Mengmeng scratched his legs with his fists in both hands, sitting for a long time, his muscles were uncomfortable.

"I have been busy during this time, and I still have a lot of work to do." Liu Mengmeng usually invited for dinner. Although Guan Ming didn't say it, it was too embarrassing for the number of times.

Although he did not regard Liu Mengmeng as a woman many times, he was also a real woman. Although Confucian culture did not allow Guan Ming to become the Confucian and Meng Shengxian, he was still a little shameful. He always asked women to eat. Excuse me.

"I don't know what you've been busy with recently ~ ~ If I have your free time, I'll just take it in the office every day and look at these little ladies!" Turning back, the company's door was locked , Liu Mengmeng laughed and teased.

When Guan Ming heard it, he rolled his eyes angrily and said, "It used to be okay when the company had only four or five people. Now there are more than ten individuals in the company, all of whom are young women. How do you make me stay in the office? On. "

Guan Ming does not object to normal communication between people, but at least 'normal' can have 'normal' communication. A house is full of women except him, and they are all young and beautiful. , The small body is hot, this is just in time to catch up with the summer. It doesn't matter if you stay a day or two. After more times, Guan Ming feels uncomfortable. He has no experience of finding a mistress, and his sister ’s level is also on the horizontal line. the following.

"I said, boss, you have a career, don't you think of finding someone? Don't tell me it's because I don't want to find someone, we are not suitable, really, you know ..." Liu Mengmeng blinked quickly and pretended to be tender, giving Guan Ming a look, trying to make him understand.

"Thank you I don't like me, and I also have someone who likes it, and is currently working on it ..." Glancing at her blankly, then turning her head and watching the elevator's decreasing number.

"Eh? I have a goal, let me talk about it, I'll help you pay attention!" Liu Mengmeng heard, his eyes seemed to be shining, looked up at Guan Ming's side face, and his small shoulders were also pressed against the top tube. shoulder.

"Come on, you can make your girl. I'm looking for my girlfriend. Our well water doesn't violate the river water." Ignoring ridicule, Guan Ming had to mention her, lest she get angry.

After all, there must be a day between Mu Xiaoxiao and Liu Mengmeng. Well, there is a high probability that they will meet.

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