Private Technology

: 935 Slow-moving anti-gravity equipment

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Let me show you the way, let's go and look at things first, but it will probably disappoint you." Guan Ming also felt this time , I seem to unknowingly manage to rain.

In fact, this is a matter of habit.

Guan Ming already knew and was used to the identity of Guan Mengyu as a passenger. Perhaps she was older than Guan Ming in her lifetime, so when talking about Guan Mengyu, if he did n’t pay special attention, he went from the perspective of an adult. Interpretation, perhaps mixed with the complex mood of love and helplessness.

But even if Guan Mengyu was early, she had limits.

The younger sister at home is early-hui, so she tries to make her performance better than Guan Mengxi, and at the same time, fortunately, there is a younger sister at home, otherwise she is really not good at grasping the middle balance.

"Okay, let's go now." Bend over and put the tube down.

The big brother is not too old, and Guan Mengyu's weight is not much different from Guan Mengxi's. They are all half bags of rice, which is difficult to hold.

I didn't hear of any arrangements for myself, but Guan Mengyu felt that now she should follow her cheap dad better to meet the child's performance, simply climbed into the car next to her and prepared to drive and follow.

Although it is a children's toy, if it is enlarged in proportion, it can really run on the road.

Next to Guan Ming, the big man frequently looked at the little driver who was driving, and couldn't help but asked, "She's so young, do you really trust her to drive?"

The big guy knows how to drive. Naturally, I know that the steering wheel of Meng Mengyu is not just a random pull. Even the dial on the car has clear numbers to indicate the current speed, and depending on her posture, you should drive this toy car.

"I'm not good at the field of biochemistry, so I hope she can excel in this field, but I think she should be able to learn something before driving. At least someone can take care of it now. No resentment to drive. "Guan Ming was righteous, and he didn't feel that he would not drive.

In fact, no matter in his lifetime or in this life, Guan Ming did not learn to drive systematically, probably because he was secretly driving on a provincial road in his last life and almost hit people. Fortunately, even in this life, Guan Ming was not afraid to drive because Whether on the ground or underground, there is a lot of space for him to go wild.

"Just like Xiaoxiao, hoping that Xiaoxi will become a star?" The big brother understood the unreliable idea of ​​this little couple.

Because I do n’t have it, I hope that my child owns it, which is an alternative implementation.

"Probably speaking, I also have the idea of ​​being a star. I have discussed with Xiaoxiao, and when there is a suitable opportunity, I will go to Xiao Xi's show or movie or TV series and so on. It was fun, after all, I'm still curious about this. "Guan Ming chuckled sideways.

Who doesn't want to be rich?

Who doesn't want to be famous forever?

Who doesn't want to enjoy starlight alone?

Guan Ming has become rich and rich in his life, and can still be famous forever. This starlight is still to be discovered.

"You have a lot of ideas." The boss vaguely opposed Guan Ming's idea. After all, time is precious to a peak scientist.

"Okay, here it is." A metal door opened automatically, Guan Ming pointed at the wreckage inside.

Before the boss asked, Guan Ming continued to say, "Although I am not in the company, the project is also being carried out in an orderly manner. Because I did not expect that you would come to see this, I did not deliberately keep samples, and the general test products It was installed from earlier trials because it was faster and for me it didn't make sense to keep these excess products. "

The space in the room is not small, it is about 200 square meters. The surrounding pile of equipment forms a hollow circle, and in the hollow circle is a pile of anti-gravity equipment that has been disassembled into parts.

"Oh? Then according to your current progress, how do you expect the performance of the next generation of products?" The boss did not have any complaints about this, but walked into the hollow circle with interest, he squatted down and touched these he could not see Understand the parts.

"According to the current drawings, the expected effect ... Well, to put it simply, if the current drawings are all realized, the load capacity is double the own weight, but I have some ideas for the next stage. Based on my current thinking, In terms of limits, it should be three to five times the weight of the earth, but it is limited by the equipment's parts, power, wear, energy consumption and other issues. There is a maximum upper limit and a lower limit on the weight of this thing. "Guan Ming Do not want to explain too much data, maybe 0.1% deviation in his eyes is worth rethinking whether the whole idea is correct or not, but in the eyes of big brothers, maybe 0.5% deviation is within the controllable range.

And it also involves the issue of the upper limit of personal ability. Guan Ming always believes that he is just a lucky person, not a real genius, so he does not want to bear more pressure.

"Double your own weight? What about the performance on the moon?" The sight of the big brother ~ ~ is obviously placed on the moon mining that can be calculated by pulling your finger.

"The principle that this thing floats is based on the magnetic field. Due to the huge difference between the moon and the earth, so far I can only say that this thing is not easy to use or it can float 2 to 5 times its own weight."

"This is just a simulation calculation based on the information collected so far, because there is really no way to fully simulate the state of the moon on Earth. Besides the problem of the moon itself, the universe itself is an uncertain factor." Guan Ming shrugged.

The universe itself is a laboratory shared by all scientists. Here, every moment is happening with reactions that all scientists know and do n’t know. You ca n’t simulate the reactions that have occurred in the universe within a second, let alone Take it for a long time to simulate.

As for the universe, scientists are only exploring and discovering, explaining and interpreting the present difficult problems by observing certain phenomena that occur in the universe.

"That's a problem ..." He got up and frowned.

Although the big brother is not a scientist, he also knows that humans currently have very little knowledge of the universe.

If anti-gravity equipment cannot be used after being separated from the atmosphere, the practical value of this thing will be sharply reduced, and it may only be used as a conventional mobile platform, war platform, or in the atmosphere.

"Yes, the country is now vigorously deploying network satellites, and the rocket transport between the earth and the moon has never stopped. I don't want to send an unreliable thing to the moon. After all, the fuel cost of each rocket trip is not low." Finally, Guan Ming is joking about the issue of oil prices. After all, the country's rocket transportation has long been separated from the fuel level.

At the same time, after the start of lunar mining, the rope that goes around the neck of the oil will accelerate and tighten.

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