Private Technology

: 941 First anti-gravity equipment available

Guan Ming didn't even know that his daughter talked about Mu and Xiaoxiao's stickiness. Of course, if he knew it, he would rightly say that it was normal.

At first, it was mixed under Mu's eyelids for a year before he became familiar with it. In the end, he successfully won Mu Xiaoxiao. It is not that Guan Ming eats too much.

How to say, although the freshness is long gone, but to sum up, I haven't got enough sleep yet!

"Are you special ..." Pointing to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming's face was almost green.

I thought the old man and the old lady came back to see the child. Mu Xiaoxiao was pulling herself up and being ashamed. How could it be that this product actually asked Zhou Wu to buy something and come back to eat!

"I made a special investigation. Pregnant women can eat durian without problem." Sincerely looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao not only has big eyes and a round face, but now her skin is also firm and thick.

"But our family does n’t eat this stuff. When I was in school before, I bought stinky tofu and went home to eat. Then my mother asked me to take the stinky tofu to the toilet to eat. Before opening the bag, I asked me to put the toilet door in there. Shut down, so you know my mother ’s attitude. "Regarding the black history of the past, Guan Ming now only speaks casually as a spice for life, even though the toilet was very small.

"Hoohoo ~ You are so happy. If I dared to do this, my mother would surely put my head in the toilet." Mu Xiaoxiao was envious of Guan Ming's past, but it was immediately upon the thought. The envy on her face turned into anticipation when she ate the legendary durian.

Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Guan Ming rolled his eyes and said, "First of all, I won't pick up the leftovers of the dogs, and remember to take a quick bath after eating, otherwise our mother can definitely smell it."

"Well, then I'm welcome ~" Ignoring Guan Ming's sarcasm, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled like a big villain, rubbing his hands back and forth like a little satyr, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and started unpacking. .


"Are you okay this time?" Guan Ming hugged his shoulders and looked at the big disc on the ground in front of him.

"Second correction has been made, and the equipment can now be used normally." Double Star echoed throughout the room.

Double Star has a certain emphasis on Guan Ming's help in scientific research. Double Stars lacking innovation ability is more to achieve the work on existing drawings and related deductions. You can't expect Guan Ming to solder a resistor and a resistor to the circuit board. .

"Test flight first, let me see." Guan Ming didn't say anything about the previous mistakes, mainly because there was a small problem with the new batch of copper coils. The test flight took place the day before yesterday, and it fell to the ground in less than five minutes. A hop.

"Good boss." Said, Double Star activated the anti-gravity device in front of him.

Hum ~

The anti-gravity equipment originally placed on the ground made a deep roar, but it was not the sound of a car starting, and the decibel was lower.

Guan Ming made some improvements to the equipment. In addition to the appearance still resembling a flying saucer, Guan Ming installed a row of indicators on the periphery with the largest diameter to indicate whether the equipment is working.

Connect the wires like a cricket, and after the anti-gravity equipment indicator lights up, it takes about three seconds to slowly vacate.

Takeoff is not fast, but it is very stable. It does not take off like a helicopter swaying from side to side. It is hovering stably at a height of two meters from the ground.

"What is the current load?" Guan Ming crossed the wire and observed around the anti-gravity device. Because the previous experiment failed, Guan Ming would not easily drill under the anti-gravity device, otherwise this would be a problem in case He will definitely be hurt.

"Although the previous experiment failed due to a failure, some ideas were also verified. I have partially improved the current equipment according to the previous ideas. The current maximum weight is 1.3 times its own weight. The equipment weighs 382kg and the expected ultimate load is 496.6. kg, the specific data also requires specific actual measurement, there is a certain risk when the actual measurement, so the boss will choose to test when not here. "

Any data is divided into theory and practice, just like a building. Cement, steel pipe and structure are upper limits that affect the load. However, this upper limit is calculated through calculation. It belongs to the theoretical upper limit. Of course, the limit is not easy. Testing, and in fact, the limit usually does not exceed the theoretical limit, after all, no one can be sure that the steel and cement completely reproduce the structural diagram.

On the side of Double Star, it can determine many details, but after all, the company cannot complete the work of the entire industrial chain, and not everything can be made by Double Star.

"764 pounds? This thing ... three meters in diameter?" Guan Ming couldn't use his eyes to measure the exact number.

"The maximum diameter is 3.7 meters, the minimum diameter is 2.1 meters, and the highest is o. 7 meters. Because the current equipment is an experimental stage, there is no reference to the construction of the landing platform. Therefore, the anti-gravity equipment is a flat bottom." The data was projected in front of Guan Ming, but Guan Ming waved his hands and did not look at these words.

If Guan Ming wants to see, then he can fully understand the performance of this thing before the experiment.

Guan Ming is not a traditional scientist. He likes things in physics. More shocking and satisfying things that he can touch and see with his own eyes ~ ~ Compared with materials, he prefers to see this kind of steel Iron bone.

Anyway, there is a double star in the back to control, Guan Ming does not think there will be a great omission.

"Finally, it can hold up to 2oo catties." Guan Ming looked at the platform more than two meters above the anti-gravity device and wanted to go up and try, but he still restrained the restless mood.

Guan Ming's slogan is safety first, Guan Ming's performance is a generation of persuasion.

"What are the maximum and minimum specifications for this thing? What are the figures for graphene batteries?" Guan Ming turned to the future.

Maximum and minimum mean the breadth of use of this thing.

Counting graphene batteries means the depth of use of this thing.

If it is just for civilian use, if this thing is big enough, it will bear the freight function to a certain extent. Even if it is only a little bigger, this thing also has the possibility to replace the elevator. It is no longer necessary to call it a humanoid tow truck.

The graphene battery represents the flexibility and durability of this thing.

The reason why graphene batteries are not used now is mainly the arrangement of graphene battery charging time, volume and structure, which will make the whole experiment more complicated.

Scientific research should be done first and then improved.

ps: I didn't hold it last night, it was a pity not to see C Luo, but watching the ball while coding was too delayed.

In the eyes of my pseudo-fans, Iceland and Argentina's 1: 1 lies in the strength of the Icelandic team and Messi's personal strength.

Speaking of these two teams, I know Messi alone, I heard that Iceland's goalkeeper is the director, sincerely 666.

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