Private Technology

: Company Status

The country currently has 'artificial intelligence'. At the same time, everyone's brain chip users can connect to 'artificial intelligence' and obtain certain powers, but this power is divided according to the current national laws.

Liu Mengmeng is a non-governmental member, and her authority is definitely inferior to that of a public official. Even if she is on the Double Star line, some things will not be open to her, such as calling the user's permission from time to time because it involves the country. Part of the layout.

But for Double Star, Guan Ming is its only first sequence. For all orders of Guan Ming, it may comprehensively judge and indicate whether the order is reasonable, but there will be no hesitation in terms of execution.

The chart disappears and is replaced by a map of the United States, with four different dots representing holographic projection, AR / VR, and electronic glasses.

One of the densest places should be California, followed by Texas.

In terms of dollars alone, Guan Ming's products are sold at a price of less than 10,000 US dollars. If a family with a income of 40% to 80% is defined as a middle class, then the income of the middle class family is around 50,000 to 80,000, which means that If you want to buy any of Guanming's products, you need a middle-class family to spend a year carefully.

Comparing the current sales volume of the product with ten million yuan, even Guan Ming feels that this is a bit exaggerated, because it has only just returned to the US market for about a month.

Of course, although the current sales curve is rising, it can be expected that after a period of time, this curve will drop sharply and then continue to flatten, just like domestic.

"According to the buyer's information, we also made a description of consumers. Those who buy our products are 4% at the age of 18 to 22, 27% at the age of 23 to 28, and 43% at the age of 28 to 34. 35-45 account for 26%, 45-65 years old account for 19%, and 66 or more account for 7%. "

"62.7% of male buyers and 37.3% of female buyers."

"Through the comparison of the buyer's driver's license data, 83% of them are ordinary users, and 17% are used to crack hardware or research supporting software."

Seeing that his boss was silent, Liu Mengmeng quickly recounted the contents of the email.

"Oh." Nodded absently, Guan Ming's attention was not on it, but on those little red dots that were moving.

Mobile represents electronic glasses, and represents a person who has a red dot and can monitor it from time to time.

Guan Ming is not sure whether this thing can enter the military barracks or whether the products of Guan Ming will be destroyed in a centralized way if there is a conflict, but Guan Ming knows that this layout is eroding the country. Although it may not be useful in the final reflection It will be large, or it may be that Guan Ming did not realize the threat of this layout.

But there are things that Guan Ming can not touch, let alone the little man in front of him.

"Okay, that's it." After YY in his heart, Guan Ming got up with his hands on the table, ready to exercise, after all, there are more fitness equipment in the company than at home.

Business and scientific research have different meanings for Guan Ming. He never thought about Guan Ming in shopping malls. For him, as long as he can provide a bank card that can't be used, this is what Guan Ming does. The company's only hard indicator.

"Does the boss want to inspect the company? I'll show you the way, but I'm a senior leader!" He quickly got up and trot all the way to Guan Ming's side. Liu Mengmeng raised his head and looked proud.

So, if you ca n’t see the radian of your chest, do you only have the ability to lead the way?

Guan Ming groaned in his heart.

"How did Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical and Xiaoxi Entertainment operate?" Guan Ming was too lazy to be in charge of the person in charge. After all, someone had a brain chip. Even if Liu Mengmeng was unclear, he could understand everything in a short time.

"Uh ... Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical is operating normally, but the current product only has type 1 diabetes drugs, and the product market is relatively small. Therefore, both the production capacity and the sales volume are relatively small. At Xiaoxi Entertainment, the main task is to promote online. I have read the internal report of the company. I have planned to invite songs. The scope is focused on nursery rhymes. I heard that I have invited several senior dance teachers and wanted to train Xiao Xi for dance. There are men, so I'm currently giving a lesson to Teacher Oda, which is Tian Xitong, the class teacher of Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu. "Guan Ming's pace is a bit big, Liu Mengmeng quickly followed and reported the data.

"It's good to maintain the current status of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical. Does Xiaoxiao know about Xiaoxi?" Guan Ming asked.

Guan Ming is a lazy person. Even if he likes Guan Mengxi very much, it is difficult to do everything about her. It can even be said that he only enjoys the interaction between the father and the child, but he does not care about the future of the child. No clear control.

Guan Ming ’s emotional division is very partial. If he can share most of his emotions with his parents before starting the company, now he divides most of his emotions with Mu. Xiaoxiao, even Guan Ming doesn't know where his father and mother go most weekly, what to do ~ ~ Xiao, Xiaoyu's current learning progress and so on.

Perhaps from a marriage perspective, Guan Ming is a man who finally loves, but in fact, he is a selfish person, a person who has a child but does not have the role of a father, and a person who supports his parents but is not a son of man. .

"Tell me, the boss has already approved the plan, but she means that she hopes Xiaoxi will only cover it now, oh no, it should be some dancing and dancing. I think the boss is going to let Xiaoxi start dancing first. The net red started, and then took the singing and dancing route. "Following Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng found that his boss wanted to go to the second floor.

The second floor of the company is the sports floor. Liu Mengmeng's locker room is what lingers most, followed by shower rooms and swimming pools.

"See Xiaoxiao's request. Come on, she will communicate well with Ma Qingyun. If Ma Qingyun needs it, the company will also contribute." With both hands, Guan Ming watched the elevator numbers constantly changing.

"Relax, boss, as long as Ma Qingyun is in need, I have no problem at all. After all, Xiao Xi is so cute, and I can't bear to let her be alone in this circle." In front of Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng habitually took pictures Focusing on the breast, as if this is a necessary action to strengthen the tone.

Listening to the rumbling sound of the flat breast, Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while.

After exiting the elevator, the goal is a 100 * 50 rectangular swimming pool. This swimming pool is single-pass. When people swim in it, they can see the scene on the first floor, but they cannot see the picture on the first floor.

Unlike other floors, many rooms on the second floor are separated by solid walls to ensure privacy, because it is more reassuring to see away from the dressing room or the bathroom.

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