[This chapter was yesterday, and there will be another chapter later, in the code ...]

The two Zhang family members are gone. I estimate that those Linjia eagle dogs ambushing in the seed bar have also withdrawn. The reason why they asked me to come to this place is that it is better for young people to reduce my vigilance. Another reason is probably I feel that I have a deep friendship with this manager named Ma Dalei. It is easy to wipe the **** in the event of a little noise. Of course, even if the friendship was weak before, I could afford to buy him a bottle of Roman Conti. Burgundy red wine of the winery 90 years, the friendship can be immediately enthusiastically, the friendship between merchants and merchants, in the final analysis, is the exchange of money, this is the cautiousness of tension, the details can also be leak-proof. []

What Zhang Li didn't expect was that the manager with a waist and a sleek face turned out to be a ruthless man who was more cautious and leak-proof than him, hiding his background deeply, so he didn't pass it on. When you are in love, the tension is to grow ten more courage and dare not touch me, or to say that you are not afraid to cause trouble on the three-thirds of the acre of Manager Ma, because Ma Dalei is not a businessman at all, and there is no interest. The choice was even more because the sister in Beijing, the young and old Su Xiaoliu who made him awe and even tremble, the little owner of the seed bar that has been in various legends but has never removed the mysterious veil, suddenly appeared on the stage. Roll out to me ...

Who is 'Big Boss'? Curious about tension, but he doesn't want to know. This point, his restraint is obviously stronger than that of Zhang Mingjie, but it also proves that his spirit is far more fragile than his son—a dry brother pulled out by a little boss. Already made him indigestible, he was unwilling to know if there was any stronger background to connect with me. It would be better to cover his ears and steal the bell, while retreating now, and give himself the confidence that the next "Chu Xiao Gui and Jing Su Su are enemies and friends" Conclusive.

Of course, there is another reason for Zhang Li's departure. Perhaps Zhang Mingjie, who was unwilling, could not understand it. After all, Lao Zhang lived for decades. After being a second-hand leader for most of his life, the ability to observe and observe the colors was never built. He could feel that the young Su Ye could neither see nor want to see his plump body in his eyes, so he waited for the singing of Qiu Meimei and applauded with Su Ye, then he left quietly, Without saying goodbye, without being embarrassed, and without taking the opportunity, everything was just right.

Sima Yang secretly made a phone call gesture and followed the Zhang family.

"The old Youzi in the shopping mall is more cautious and lacks courage. The impression is that it left me, but it is not a good impression. The slavery is too heavy. I ca n’t do it in the mountains. Such a large group has been the second master for decades. It is not grievance. It is already extreme. If you are not satisfied, you will not be able to do anything. He muttered to himself, but cut the tension thoroughly.

I took my seat back and asked Manager Ma, "Can I have two glasses of water?"

Manager Ma laughed: "Of course."

"Three cups," Grandpa Su sat across from me and fringed, and looked at me with interest: "Why not ask me for a drink?"

I asked, "Why do you ask me?"

Grandpa Su thought for a while, and the answer made me speechless, "You eat and drink here for free, and I have to pay for water here."

Manager Ma smiled and retreated, still the cowardly and humble slave, and did not seem to worry about what would happen between me and Su Zhuliu.

"Is there a shortage of water in Beijing?"

"Shunshui, why don't you do it?"


"No, you and I cannot be friends."

"I know myself and I can't afford it."

"It's not for this reason."

The reason is, "Everyone in the circle knows that Su Zhuliu is a careful man."

I rubbed Wu Chi's painful chest and nodded honestly, "I can see it."

Su Ye smiled suddenly: "But no one dared to say it ... except Xiaobai, you are the first."

"It's an honour."

"Aren't you afraid?" Su Zhuliu's face was harmless, his fingers crossed on the table, his hands were white and his fingers were slender, "In a sense, I'm even more terrible than the gangsters in Qianlong Manor."

Tassel heard the tension is inevitable, I put my hand on her thigh, and smiled calmly: "Afraid, but afraid is also a feeling, when the feeling will become numb, I do not know how powerful you are, but recently I have been Fooled by a woman with the same careful eyes that I also do n’t know how powerful it is, the difference in levels is like a cat and a mouse, black cats and white cats are not important, black cats are great or white cats are not important, because I am only in the food chain The inferior-that mouse, any cat can play me to death, why should I bother to think so much? Oh, besides, at least you haven't done anything to me yet, have you? ''

Su Ye paused for a while, and smiled. "In the Beijing circle has been discussing recently, what kind of man are you?"


"A funny man."

"Where is it interesting?" If Sima Yang gestured to me before leaving, and signaled to confirm that I would be safe, I would have informed me. I would have taken home with tassels long ago, facing the depressive trembling feeling of Su Zhuliu Uncomfortable, but I had to hold on, and intuitively told me that he was far more dangerous than Zhang Jiaye.

"I don't know, so it's funny ..." Su Ye paused and asked, "Did you understand the foreign language song Mei Mei sang just now? Do you feel good?"

"I didn't understand it, so I didn't dare to say it was good or bad," I was embarrassed to swell my face and became fat, and frankly said, "It seems to be French ..."

"It is said that it is a must-song when Xiaobai is drunk and drunk, called" I don't want to work ", but Meimei hasn't learned French, and there are at least two or three pronunciation errors in each sentence." Su Ye ordered another The smoke suddenly talked like a boomerang, saying, "The fat man with the last name Zhang left without saying a word, in fact, he was trying hard to leave a good impression on me, not only maintaining the pride in front of you, but also not deliberately Came close to me, but he had to wait for Mei Mei to sing and sing and applaud before leaving, and he was arrogant. He was either afraid that he would be offended if he didn't appreciate his face, or he wanted me to feel his love and blackness. Like you, I did n’t understand what Mei Mei sang, I really understood, and frowned, maybe I would ask him to sit down and have a drink, say what I think, and do whatever I want, This is a man, but unfortunately, he was afraid that I wouldn't appreciate his face, lose face, think about it, or think about the whole idea and turn around safely ... so I said that he was cautious, lack of energy, as a supporting role, he could not be surpassed, as the leading role, He is destined to fail because it is too easy to be seen through and you do n’t If so, we can make a bet. In the next period of time, he will come here frequently, while steadily deepening his friendship with Mardray, while waiting for the rabbit to create the next encounter with me ... the opportunity is a fleeting thing, if I don't come here to drink anymore in my life, even if he misses it forever. "

"Don't bet, you win." That is indeed the way Zhang Li lives. I was shocked. This Su Zhuliu never looked at Zhang Li from the beginning to the end, but in a few minutes, he saw the old ink. Things I've Only Seen Throughout My Life ...

Grandpa Su sighed, and said, "If the person overwhelmed me by asking me to drink, I would consider it possible to bring a guy who has been so cautious to the slavery. It's not difficult. The hard part is to bring him the depth. The bone marrow doesn't know the feeling of inferiority ... like me, maybe, like you in the future. "

I am a little grass-roots person, how dare you compare with this young man in Beijing? Whether he was true or not, this sounded more ironic to me, "I have no ability and no ambition."

Su Ye smiled, didn't say anything, suddenly jumped a topic and asked, "How far have you and Xiaobai developed?"

"Who is Xiaobai?"

The question was tassel, but it was me.

"My sister is also the big boss here," the answer was not Su Zhuliu, but the cow sister who just ran up, Qiu Meimei, seeing me still sleepy, she said with a smile: "It's what you call the three misses."

Seems to be expected and reasonable, but I was still surprised.

This little cow was arranged by Miss Three to the door of my house? !! What is her purpose? Monitor me? !!

"I know what you want to ask, but please answer his question first," said Qiu Meimei with heavy makeup and a dazzling gossip. "How far have you and my sister developed? Holding hands? Kissing? Have you gone to bed?" Now? Tell me, tell me, is my sister's legendary **** + cold + indifferent ?! What is her reaction on the bed? Goddess? Queen? Hostile lady or slutty slut? "

Every time she asked, Tassel and Su Zhuliu's faces grew ugly, even if they knew that this girl was deliberately stimulating them to have fun ...

As Liu Su said, Su Zhuliu can't afford to mess with it, sneer: "Your wish is good, my reality is cruel, she is forcing me to kneel now, to what extent should you say this?"

"She forced you to propose ?!" Qiu Meimei either pretended to be stupid or really stupid, she clenched her face and squeezed her small mouth into an o-shape. "Oh, I bought cakes, and she finally started to worry about her lifelong affairs ~"

Looking at Su Zhuliu again, his face as white as snow, and pinching the cigarette without smoking two cigarettes in the ashtray, his handsome hand was obviously shaking because of his irritability, and he took the words of feudal charm seriously--

He admits that he is a very careful man, and I also believe that tension is so jealous of him, not only because of his extraordinary background, but also when muscles and nerves are strained when he talks and laughs with him, it proves that he is extremely powerful. It may be a freak with a moody mood, and more importantly, he has been filled with at least twenty bottles of beer ... so I instinctively increased my vigilance, almost at the same time, he grabbed the ashtray and suddenly I got up and hit me on the head, but my face was still lazy ...

I leaned back in time, let him smash into the air, and then copied the table, forcing Su Zhuliu to exit a few steps. When I was about to slam up again, I suddenly shot a dark shadow on the side, as fast as lightning, hit his face, Su Zhuliu The reaction was quick, with both arms guarding the face door, but when the dark shadow suddenly sank, he immediately re-emerged, and has changed to kick in the middle. Su Zhuliu was too immortal to stop again, and the lower abdomen took a firm foot--

I was stunned with tassel, looking incredibly at the side and raising a beautiful leg, even in high heels, my body is still stable without a trace of shaking cow sister ...


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