Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1082: Xu Xiaoyou and Qiu Meimei

Qiu Meimei and Tianyou don't know each other.

Tianyou did n’t know that Qiu Meimei was the little boss of the seed bar. The cow sister used a kind of enthusiasm and enthusiasm that was difficult to refuse, and introduced her to the dishes to clean the dishes, and Tianyou really needed to find a temporary job to cover Chu. The identity of Xiaohua, a poor college student, uses a rather awkward metaphor. Xu Heng asked her to move to the door of my house as a vigil, because she had no choice but to protect me during work during the day. Accepted the kindness of the cow girl, but did n’t want to be overshadowed by this demon who would play pigs and tigers better than her—Tianyou, who is not deep in the city, thought that the self-proclaimed self-proclaimed new-generation nightclub queen had already talked with manager Ma. Working conditions, so after a few days of application, when Manager Ma handed her a work contract, she read it fakely and signed the name 'Chu Xiaohua' cleverly on her own. Instead of admitting that most of the words on it were not known, she tried to conceal it, but she didn't know that the person who had enchanted her had long been guilty. Her unlettered, dug a hole waiting for her to jump ... []

So since yesterday, Tianyou's work is not just about cleaning dishes, washing dishes, cleaning, and going home from work before 5:30 in the afternoon to perform the vigil dog task given to her by Xu Heng, but Forced to change into a uniform and send water with delivery until one or two o'clock in the morning!

At one or two o'clock in the morning, the night is half past, and you still keep a fart? Xu Heng split his head and covered his face with a curse, Tianyou became angry and shameful, so he almost tore his face with Qiu Meimei and Manager Ma, but the result was defeated by the acting wicked enough to take golden chickens, flowers, or even Oscars—Chou Meimei and Tianyou accompany their enemies Ask Manager Ma to say, Manager Ma said that he appreciates the diligence and diligence that Tianyou has shown these days, and when he was young, he refused to work hard to squander his youth. He was moved because he was moved: How easy is it for a college student to earn tuition by working part-time? How much can I earn by brushing a disc? In the evening, not only the guaranteed salary and alcohol sharing, but also the gratuities of the guests. Two months is enough for her to pay for her tuition. Maybe she can send some money back to her family, isn't it? If it ’s not sympathy for Chu Xiaohua ’s family, and you ’re thinking about Mei Mei ’s hard work in singing and dancing, for someone else, this manager has n’t opened the back door yet. The threshold for seed bar can be high ...

Qiu Meimei was immediately 'moved'. Thank you Manager Ma for your kind heart. Tianyou, who set the background of the character 'Chu Xiaohua', didn't buy it. She wanted to resign. Passed? Did you sign the name yourself? Your resignation is against the contract, I can sue you!

God bless you silly-Chu Xiaohua, the really poor student at Qingyuan University, was stripped of clothes by this little monster and was forced to collect her 20,000 yuan. She has returned to her hometown in the mountains to spend the summer vacation Now, once Manager Ma calls the police, all these blind things will be exposed. Tianyou's temper will be reassured and real, and I know that this is not a joke. In addition, Qiu Meimei and Manager Ma sing red faces and sing white faces. I'm afraid that Kung Fu is not as good as Kung Fu. Where can she still fight?

However, stupidity does not mean that people are stupid. Even stupid people have stupid methods, so there is a scene where only the talented Tianyou kicked and flew the capital Da Su Su Chuanli-Tianyou pondered, you do n’t approve the resignation, then it will make you fire me Are you okay? So she suddenly became clumsy with hands and feet. Today, she broke some cups and saucers today, but Manager Ma has a heart in her heart, only to let her be careful next time, just don't care about her. The little monsters felt embarrassed and mad at it. Fang Caiyou was lazy in the bathroom intentionally, but his **** sitting on the toilet was hurt. I didn't see Manager Ma asking for someone to urge me. I asked for help when I asked for help. I happened to meet Manager Ma and asked for a few glasses of water .. .

I can let manager Ma come down to the water in person, but I think the status of the guest is noble. If I change someone else, I dare not provoke the role that manager Ma dare not provoke. However, Tianyou, this little monster, knows so many people's wisdom and the mall. Winding around? Secretly brought a few glasses of water and slipped up, thinking, I poured these glasses of water on the heads of the cows + forcing guests, seeing your surname Ma can still bear me ...

The answer is that the surname is Ma, but I just said that you really are not suitable for nighttime, Chu Xiaohua. You should continue to wash dishes and wash dishes during the day. This is because I gave Chu Xiaohua's foundation to Qiu Meimei. Of course, she did not say that she was Xu Heng. Yimei, but another cousin of my distant house who has been compiled, has learned fist training since childhood, lived in the opposite door of my house, and protected me with Dong Xiaoye, because I do n’t trust the police very much ... No questioning, it is no wonder that at a young age, it is able to hold back a cowman like Ma Dalei, the depth of the city is not as modest as her mouth-some questions she ca n’t stand, she does n’t ask me, some me The question she wanted to ask was justified in her refusal to answer ...

Twenty-one-year-old Qiu Meimei is not a college student at all, or she has only recently become a junior and a senior of Qingyuan University. She has not denied this, and even suspected that she was jealous: Qiu Meimei entered Qingyuan. The original purpose of the university was to benefit from Miss San to protect my father, and there were many harassment protections for my family when she crossed the police line like her, and there were many, both military and military. Needless to say, professional bodyguards have mastered a wealth of professional knowledge and a perverted skill that is not inferior to Qiu Meimei, 'Wen', but a group of management-level elites cultivated by Min Rou at the Moon Valley Club!

Once someone with bad intentions approaches my father or stepmother, 'Wu' is responsible for killing the crisis invisible, and 'Wen' is responsible for cleaning up the future, that is, knocking on those guys who hit their minds on my father and mother-Moon Valley Club What has been accumulated over the past few years is not only huge network resources, but also many secrets that people can't see. These are far more detailed and shocking than the report materials submitted to the police by Xu Heng!

I only know why there are so many people who want to find Xu Heng and kill him through me, but there are not many people who really come to my trouble. My father and stepmother have always been safe, not because I emphasized to Lin Zhi and even threatened him to focus on protecting my parents. Instead, I fully accepted the love of Miss San-the guy who tried to hack the old man and stepmother was secretly passed by the "Wenwu" combination arranged by Miss San, I do n’t know Ghostly, the police didn't even notice a little movement ...

When surprised, I couldn't help but stunned, feeling that Miss San's superficial hideaway and secretly thick accumulation of hair, like the real rumor she and I saw with her, the former gave people a kind of 'spoken and not surprised, just watch the flowers bloom in front of the court Going to stay unintentionally, lingering in the deep realm of the sky, the latter is an unreasonable little temperament lady who can be in the state of Chuyuan for a long time ... Who can believe that this is the same person? Even if people have two sides, this is too extreme, right? However, this is Miss Three. In the five years since the development of Qianlong Mountain Villa, she has not been idle for a second. Minrou's Moon Valley Club will not be a meaningless existence. I believe this seed bar will also be. ..

Qiu Meimei warned me that "Chu Xiaohua has a problem", that is, because Tianyou sought a girl to share in the Qingyuan University in the form of payment, concealed her identity as a concealer of the police to hide the eyes of the police, and fooled the reasons of several girls. Crying and laughing is exactly the same reason I used to let Lin Zhi eliminate Tianyou ’s kidnapping case-I abandoned her undesired sister, she came to catch my anonymity anonymously, the purpose was to avenge me and break up for her undesired sister Fei ... Because I live in my family, Sister Tiger and Dongfang who can't tell you clearly, the girls are really convinced.

Rao is the sturdy background of Miss Three and her enchanting beauty. It is only to confirm that the fake Chu Xiaohua lied, but so far she has discovered the true identity of Tianyou. Fortunately, when this little monster does not explode, it is considered slick. In addition to being hostile and not killing me, Qiu Meimei just reminded me that Chu Xiaohua's classmate had a problem, but did nothing to her.

I deal with the enchantment and the heavenly blessing, and I have all the reservations on both sides. The lovely tassel maintains the silence that made me grateful to want to kneel and kiss her toes. The woman in general is too much love. She is a big vinegar jar, but she has given a man all the trust she can give.

Therefore, I ’m completely frank with her about Tianyou. I know that the tomboy is Xu Xiaoyou, a girl picked up by Xu Heng who is willing to use self-confidence to emphasize the “evil and evil report” to erect negative materials. This girl was really surprised and promised to replace him. I concealed from Sister Tiger.

In the end, Tianyou did n’t know that Qiu Meimei was the little boss of the seed bar, but she saw with her own eyes that this cow that made her and Tassel jealous of madness had a very good foundation. I proposed to drop them back home, but they were taken by them. Rejected invariably, looking at each other, fighting in the eyes, the look is like the Tiger Sister I met in the beginning ...

I guess when they go home, those two little pink and delicate faces will be a bit horrible and scare roommates ...

I left the bar with Tassel after receiving a text message from Sima Yang. I never forgot to send a text message to Sister Tiger to report her safety. Aunt Cheng was obviously immersed in the identity of Su Zhuliu, Qiu Meimei, Ma Dalei and Xu Xiaoyou. In the shock, all the topics in the car revolved around them. It seems that the protagonist Zhang Jia has been forgotten. Until he entered the door, he suddenly remembered the purpose of his party tonight and asked: " Nannan, why do you want Zhangli's 7 percent Fengchang equity? "

I pushed through the door and I haven't answered the fringed question, I was already stunned by the lush spring in the living room in front of me--

God, I see heaven again!

In addition to Chu Yuan, Sister Tiger, Dongfang and Xiao Fairy are all swimwear!

And Chu Yuan ... Although it wasn't a swimsuit, but wearing wet long hair and wearing a fat white shirt coming out from the bathroom barefoot, it made me dazzled for a while.

If there is anything in the world that is more **** than a bikini beauty, there is nothing like a fragile girl wearing a large white shirt of a ghost brother!

[Ps: This chapter was yesterday. It ’s going to be a bit late today. Some scum is really sleepy. I ca n’t say it ’s not many days and nights, but it ’s not much worse, everyone understands. . . 】

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