Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1085: Zhuge's life is cautious

The reason why tension is addicted to gambling sounds more like a cold joke-sex + functional decline ...

Women and gambling are probably the two most seductive games for men in the world. Tension was originally not good at gambling, but after being unable to be lascivious and even unable to maintain the most basic harmony between husband and wife, The transfer of spiritual sustenance, or it can simply be regarded as a channel for releasing pressure, but it was not expected that it would get deeper and deeper. []

Mao + Chairman gave Ye + Sword + Marshal Ying in two sentences: Zhuge was cautious in his life, and Lu Duan was not confused about the whole thing. Throughout his life, although his qualifications are old, he has few battle merits, but the advantages are obvious, that is, cautious, Not confused. Tension can't be compared with Marshal Ye naturally, but in terms of the growth trajectory of qualifications and merits and the advantages of his own personality, physical fitness can be regarded as the same type.

Zhuge Kongming was cautious all his life, but ended up with a 'successful, cautious, and cautious'. He died before he started, just because of his character-in all aspects, no matter how small, must personally ask,' Punish more than twenty Let ’s take a look at myself ”, so although I made few mistakes, I ended up“ bending my bow and dying afterwards ”.

It is not to say that caution is wrong. On the contrary, caution is an indisputable advantage. When working **** the foundation, Lao Mo and others handed the heart of financial affairs to tension because he was the most cautious, and if the tension was not cautious, he would master it. Concerning the company's heart department, I am afraid that he has been cleared up all day long about how to put his old ink to death.

However, one should be cautious about how to be cautious. How to grasp is the key to success. Zhuge Liang sang empty city plans because of caution. However, Cao Wei's Northern Expedition and the abandonment of Wei Yan's Meridian Strategy by the generals were also because he was too cautious. 'Life is cautious', in fact, it is quite timid. Cowardice can be derogatory and demeaning, and Yiyi will not make mistakes easily. He is careful about everything and derogatory. He has no courage and lack of courage. He often restrains himself and acts with fear. "Carefulness throughout life" is used for tension, which can be described as both praise and deprecation. Destruction is ruined because he did not dare to make mistakes but still made mistakes accidentally. Because he has never made a big mistake, he lacks coping experience, lest others know and treat himself. The image of the image caused a bad influence, but at the stage where it was possible to make up, he tried to cover up and conceal it, even his own son concealed it, and then he got deeper and deeper, and made mistakes again and again, and finally reached the point of being overwhelmed. .. In the process, there is no lack of caution, it is simply too cautious.

I remember that when I was a kid, I asked the old man to buy the first game console for me. The old-fashioned and mean old man agreed unexpectedly, so that the set of begging strategies prepared by Ziyuan in advance did not come in handy. With our hands, I bought the game console that is still considered as an antique by my home locker. It is estimated that it was seen by the **** game machine enthusiast Waner, and it is inevitable to be greatly excited. Fan, in fact, the game machine has been broken for a long time, and I keep it all the time. I am afraid that I forgot the word that the old man told me and Ziyuan at the time-the game machine is good, the toy is good, as long as you want, I can buy it. To you, as long as you remember one sentence: play with funeral, be temperate.

I did n’t quite understand it at that time. I was just moved by the opening of the old man, so I have never been obsessed with it. Until now, I really realized what it means to play with funerals ...

From losing money, losing a house to losing the tension of life in the end, there is also a hobby. The degree of luxury is far above women's **** and gambling, that is, collections, antiques, coins, calligraphy and painting, jade, stamps, including some modern art. As long as it is collectible, he likes it. Sima Yang said that there is a showroom in Zhangli ’s house dedicated to placing those things. The conservative estimate is that the market value is 30 to 40 million, even if he puts it in Fengchang's office. Of those lavish bottles and cans, just taking out one is enough to replace a mid-range car, but because he is too obsessed with these things, he has been reluctant to take out the debt, and would rather be 'cautious' The purpose, the Likong project embezzled public funds to touch the futures, but ended up defeated because of the lack of a professional risk control team and analysis team. Of course, it was the tens of millions of gambling debts that originally turned out to him, a sad evolution It became a bottomless pit filled with dissatisfaction, and the showroom he cherished so much failed to escape the miserable end of the empty, almost all the contents inside became paid to the underground Interest, he also has a well-off family property loss, otherwise things would probably have been unable to cover up.

Sima Yang admits frankly that he has not given up tension. In addition to the fact that he has knowledge of him, another reason is that tension has quit gambling. Although it is a dead sheep to make up for, but as long as it borrows a hundred million, his deputy Zhang Zhang's status Still unable to shake—Tian Li has word of mouth, Zhang Mingjie has potential. In contrast, old ink, thick-faced and black, unpopular, Murphy, sharp and prosperous, living like a very old old ink, too self, and therefore hated. Wu and Wu, who are not flattered by the old ministers, have been characterized as leaders who are doomed to get along with each other ... so looking vertically, the Zhang family who occupied the heavens and the peace had a better chance.

But the biggest problem of the Zhang family is that it is not easy to borrow one million yuan. This money must be concealed from Mo Yizhi, and it must be operated only in the name of an individual. Without the reputation of Fengchang The signboard, not to mention one hundred million, is ten million, just trying to sell him a Feng Chang deputy, but also a little more expensive ... How can there be a silly hat for doing business? Which is not unprofitable and not early? That's why Liu Xiaosheng has been perfunctory: money, brother has it, can also lend it to you, but you have to reflect where is the value of your investment? Without the potential of usurping Mo Yizhi, I'm lending you money, isn't it clear that nothing is going on? You do n’t have enough return value, but I have set up Mo Yizhi, a powerful enemy and a villain who will report you, ca n’t you?

Liu Xiaosheng has just succeeded Liu as his successor, and his foundation has gradually stabilized. Therefore, he knows better than anyone that the helm of a commercial aircraft carrier is changing from old to new. The undercurrent of surging under the calm surface and the **** wind: Mo Yi also wants Mo Philip took over, seeming to retreat, to create enough performance opportunities for Murphy, but actually lurking in the dark while observing while rubbing his teeth, who dares to take advantage of the opportunity to grab Murphy's limelight, who dares to hold back the restless ambition to seek power to usurp the throne , He will use the last strength to bite who ... Lao Mo should do, it should be exactly what the Master Liu family just finished.

This is Liu Xiaosheng's prudence, so he glanced at it directly, anyway, Liu's and Feng Chang were not right, he was happy to sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight, Zhang Jia won, he earned, Mo Jia won, he did not lose, the insidiousness and danger of this product In fact, it is not inferior to Zhang Mingjie.

These fly camp dogs are gullible, Sima Yang understands, and tension naturally understands, but he can't help it. First, he needs that billion too much, and must show something to allow Liu Xiaosheng to "invest" in him. Second, the wind and the valley of the moon. Cooperation is not only a turning point, but also a new starting point. He cannot help but lose on the starting line, and even if he passes the immediate difficulties, he will lose his bright future.

Zhang Mingjie later stepped on two ships to contact Li Xinghui, it should be that he had penetrated Liu Xiaosheng's thoughts.

Sima Yang was clear about the Zhang family and Liu Xiaosheng borrowing money. However, Zhang Mingjie and Li Xinghui had frequent contacts recently, but Sima Yang had no knowledge of it. I am afraid there is a big problem here-who is Zhang Mingjie and Li Xinghui? It's unknown, but Xu Heng's defeat was definitely the borrowing condition proposed by Li Xinghui. Why did Li Xinghui choose Zhang Mingjie, or why Zhang Mingjie made Li Xinghui tempted, it might be that he was stunned and furious with my apparent enemies. My friend, due to lack of defense, Zhang Mingjie has all the conveniences of stabbing me with a knife on the surface, but my fate is huge, and he is too stubborn ... Sanye borrowed money from Liu's family to buy land. In a way, they stimulated the Zhang family and forced them to take risks more and more. As a result, Sha Zhizhou's behavior was bolder and more mad than ever ...

I don't have any direct evidence, but after connecting Sha Zhizhou, Zhang family father and son, and Li Xinghui together, many things can be explained logically.

It's disappointing that Sima Yang doesn't know where the over one billion that the company's finances are blocked by tension comes from. In this regard, you still have to look to Sanye to check, and it is gratifying that Sima Yang has I have a large amount of written materials that embezzle public funds from the Tencent Pseudo-Limited Project. These things are now just waste paper, but once Sanye checks it, it can be turned into a mountain iron certificate immediately.

After hanging up the phone, I edited another text message, only the tassel saw the content. I wanted Sima Yang to inquire about the background of Su Zhuliu from the capital city. If possible, I also checked by way of Qiu Meimei and Ma Dalei. Sima Yang soon Reply ok.

After talking about the matter, the East first stood up and winked at me, and then headed for the room that originally belonged to me. Although I didn't speak, I didn't mean to avoid anyone intentionally. It was frank, I know, this is to be with I talk about the conditions for her to go home, because this girl is stubborn and reluctant to compromise with her mother to go to France to study, so it is expected that it will be difficult for me to achieve her purpose of not going home. There was a deep wet kiss last night. Several girls did not have any doubts. Only Chu Yuan had a weird face, but remained silent.

Dongfang ran away from home to occupy my house without permission and squeezed me into the living room. I had to beg her and be forced to promise her the conditions to go home ... Being a **** can be as cheap as me, which is typical Got home.

I followed the East into the room and was about to close the door. Suddenly, Tassel thought something and shouted, "Wait!"

Quite guilty and a little expectant, I was so scared that I was shocked. "What's wrong?"

Tassel glanced at her Chu Yuan suspiciously, Tian smiled shamelessly: "I want to take a bath-lend me a shirt."

My buddy is sweating, look at Chu Yuan again, and she's really pretty and shameless ... Borrowing clothes, don't you find Dong Xiaoye, find me? !!

[Ps: This chapter is supplemented yesterday ... immediately code today ...]

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