Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1091: ] Chu Chuyuan of the bottom (below)

If it hadn't been for the nosebleed in the room in the East, I guess I would lose my mind again ... The same white shirt, worn on tassel and Chu Yuan, is a very different kind of sexy, but equally attractive Eyeball, seductive crime!

Chu Yuan is thin and can't support my clothes, so it seems to be wrapped in it, looking tender and cute.

The tassel is tall and about the same height as me, so although the clothes appear to be plump, the sleeve length and the hem are just right. As I walk around, the scenery under the hem is hidden from time to time. It can be clearly seen that my aunt is wearing a low waist White **** ...

Those two long beautiful legs that can be used to endorse stockings, never say me, the fairies have straightened their eyes.

Chu Yuan's resistance to tassel is because she admires her lively and cheerful, and the East is against tassel because she admires her intimacy with me. So Xiao Xiao, who is both lively and intimate with me, is in conflict with tassel. It's purely because of the tassel slim and tall model!

The fairy with a baby face always has low self-esteem in front of the tassel's elevation. It actually feels a lot like the unconfidence that tassel naturally reveals in front of the perfect goddess Murphy, and Xuan'er will evolve into a hostile consciousness. The fairy asked: " why not?"

I do n’t know if it was intentional or not. Tassel sat next to Chu Yuan. The two were dressed exactly the same. In my eyes, it is inevitable that there will be a comparison. Tassel did not conceal the dissatisfaction with the fairy sitting too close to me, asking instead. "You sleep in the living room, where do I sleep?"

Chu Yuan heard that and put me down again in his own penalty area. The second time a red card was added for a penalty ... 5 to 2 and 11 to 8.

My buds are cold in the back, and I deeply understand what is called "undercurrent surging" and what is called "killer four volts" ...

The fairy was just teasing me and Chu Yuan. She sang with Tassel. Mostly she was jealous of her figure and didn't really want to sleep with me. Now Liu Suliang is famous for her honest and authentic girlfriend status. The fairy immediately calms down, Avoiding his sharpness: "I don't care, anyway, I don't sleep with the police!"

Immediately I shifted to Sister Tiger, and in one sentence the tassel questioned her. The impression left on tassel was still the petulant and petulant person who never grew up like that baby face little girl.

However, what this person was thinking carefully, I was clear-she would not tear her face with tassels until she was taken away by me with 100% confidence. The fairy hasn't forced me to make a choice. It's not that she can tolerate my fancy, can accept me on a lot of boats, her tolerance and thoughtfulness to me are all to make me rely on her, so she It wo n’t make me feel even a little pressure when I get along with her. Over time, I will naturally find that I ca n’t do without her ...

This girl knows the secrets of Chu Yuan and has read Chu Yuan's novels. She is repeating the story between Chu Yuan and me, but the role has changed. I am Chu Yuan, she is me ...

Xiao Fairy is definitely the one among all the girls I know who will disguise herself most, only the city government, she is always an innocent look, perhaps deeper than the Oriental lady.

Sister Tiger took a bath with tassel, changed her swimsuit by the way, and put on the national football uniform again. Seeing the goblin pointing her finger at her, she replied angrily: "Who said to sleep with you? Me and Su Su sleep, you and Yuanyuan Dongfang squeeze a big bed, Xiao Chuzi sleeps in the living room by himself. "

Sister Tiger is not a fuel-saving lamp. In a word, both the tassel and the fairy are passed.

The fairy murmured, "What's so interesting about that bet?"

Sister Tiger yelled, "You can't bet on something else ... hey! Why gambling ?! Genetic?"

"Yeah!" The goblin shouted back and said: "My dad is my dad, I am me, don't you always wear colored glasses to see people okay? Big gambling hurts, but small gambling is good, and there is no harm in life. The joke, is the mood good? Is the atmosphere understandable? Is it emotional exchanges that you understand? "

"Okay, then I bet on you," Sister Tiger looked at the score and the remaining time, and said to the goblin: "Aren't you betting on Xiao Chuzi that this game can be defeated and won? I bet he can't, if I win , You go to the balcony and shout, 'My name is Xiao Yike, what's my true height?', Three times, do you dare to bet? "

The height is the pain of the fairy. Although she cares a little but does not feel inferior to this, Sister Tiger is still suspected of personal attacks, which makes me very puzzled. Of course, she has some hate and dark emotions about the fairy, but most of them are the source. For the fairy's own reasons, Xiao's fairy costume is tender and sells cute black belly, which can be concealed by others, but how can it be concealed? But Sister Hu was more tolerant of her and was willing to play games with her. Even if she was scolded for one night, she at least made a few complaints to me, never confronted the fairies, but now what happened? Apparently to embarrass the fairy ...

Xiao Fairy is also excited. "Gamble, bet. If the uncle wins, you will learn three puppies for me!"

This is even harder-you know, some people who hate the police call them 'dogs'. Recently, the big and small forums on the Beitian Internet called them' dogs are not as good ', saying that' dogs will not only bark but will Biting and looking for someone, Beitian police only called '...

The fairy asked Tiger Sister to learn how to call a puppy, which is a satire of Chi Guoguo. Sister Tiger immediately lost her face, but the most awkward was me and Chu Yuan-the stakes are so big, who wins and loses?

"You two have to bet, just kick yourself. Why do you want me and fate to offend people?" I pulled a Marseille roundabout, got rid of the defense, and passed the bottom pass, but unfortunately I did n’t fight for it. It was a pity to say, "We play, we should bet."

Tassel was also afraid that Sister Tiger and the fairy would catch fire, and was busy playing the game. "It is ... fate, what do you want to bet on?"

Chu Yuan defended this defense, and his confidence increased greatly. In addition to holding the three-ball advantage, he inevitably lost himself and said to me: "I won, you tell me what you and Dongfang said in the room just now. "

Gossip is a woman's nature. The tassel tiger sister Fairy may not be as skeptical as Chu Yuan, but she still feels curious, so she nods in agreement. If the stinky girl asked me what I had done in the room, I did n’t dare to explain, but I said nothing, but there was nothing to be frank, would n’t it just let me learn to sing a song? I nodded and said, "Okay ... if I win, you tell me, before you play chess in the afternoon, you won your sister Tassel by 18 to zero, what is your bet."

Chess was won by the tassel, so the three girls called her a bitch, but the game was tassel lost. What did she lose? I asked her on the road, but Grandma Aunt Cheng refused to say that it tickled my heart.

Unexpectedly, my words fell, and the fairy leapt up with a thorn in her buttocks and squeezed between Chu Yuan and Tassel. "Fate, come on, don't lose!"

"..." dude is speechless ...


Chu Yuan has been sent off three people, and he will be directly penalized if he eats red. Half of the people in the field are yellow. The defense is bound to be bound. In addition, the absolute gap in strength between the two teams and me As for her understanding of the offensive method, she only had to be beaten passively. The three-ball lead was finally wiped out by me in 80 minutes.

Chu Yuan was anxious, the fairy was anxious, and the tassel was more anxious. He actually helped them distract outsiders, and asked: "South-South, Little East?"

"Packing things in the room ..." I was guilty and panicked. It was true that Dongfang was packing things in the room, but I had to pack them now, but I was so embarrassed that I was afraid of being seen by a few girls ... I was a little bit fragrant before I was caught. I was caught by Chu Yuan. I slipped to the bottom, and I hurried to stop, but she took a soft stun and swayed over. I saw the pins inserted into the restricted area along the bottom line. My card Xi was about to hit the corner, and the stinky girl had already kicked the ball. She played high **** throughout the game. This time she suddenly played the ground roll and found the back point. The bottom pass is her best offensive method. Eighty percent of her goals were made in this way, and then the finale was finalized by the person who was entrusted to the middle, so there was no shortage of volleys or upside-down hooks. For this reason, she was called by Sister Tiger ' 'Strong', I feel she has been pursuing a domineering way of breaking the door.

actually not...

"King of the bottom, king of the bottom!" The traitor, the traitor, yelled excitedly. In the first half, she was mad and mad by the unresolved bottom in the first half.

Tassel and Sister Tiger also applauded, I smiled at Chu Yuan, and the smelly girl immediately turned red and red ears ... This is relatively simple in reality, but she is so skilled and practical in the game that it is actually our university The school team's usual offensive routine, and when Chu Yuan attacks or fights back, he depends on the right side far more than the left side, because during college, my position on the team was the right side, and she was hard-working in the game. The ball is because I am in charge of all the front field positioning **** in the school team ...

Those seemingly difficult overwriting breaks are actually the least difficult in the game. People who know a little bit understand how to get rid of the bottom of the defense. If you let out that fatal assist, it is the key. The timing and power of the pass They are all very particular, and if you pay close attention, you will find that in the team of Chu Yuan, there is only one position that will never play cards or foul, that is, the one that is often passed on the right-hand bottom-that is on the court The only sage and the only winning hero who will not be criticized ...

[Ps: I'm tired, but I can't sleep. . . 】

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