Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1441: Gou Fugui

  Chapter 1441 Gou Fugui

  Zhu Houzhao lay on the sickbed whimpering.

  Su Yue carefully turned Zhu Houzhao over for inspection.

   Turning over, Zhu Houzhao howled like a pig.

Zhu Zaimo stood in the corner, his face ashen. He didn't expect that his father actually fell off the horse. After all...before he fell, he was still very mighty and confident. It looked like he was knocked off his horse.

  Fang Jifan hurried in and heard Zhu Houzhao screaming.

  Su Yue let go, Zhu Houzhao turned over half of his body and fell back on the couch again. He screamed again.

   It turned out that Su Yue was anxious to come to greet Fang Jifan when she saw her master coming.

  Su Yue was speechless for a while, her face was miserable, she looked at Zhu Houzhao, then at the teacher, and simply bowed at Fang Jifan's feet: "The student has met the teacher."

  Fang Jifan nodded: "What's the matter?"

   "His Royal Highness, he... has a broken bone, in the leg bone, Wang Xiaoyi from the Department of Orthopedics will come right away..."

  Fang Jifan was stunned: "Wang Xiaoyi who wrote a paper and pioneered the ward round system?"

  Medicine is not necessarily just about how to cure diseases.

  With the expansion of the medical school, a large number of soldiers and civilians came to see a doctor, so that the medical school was overcrowded.

  Thus, medical institutional innovations also began to appear.

  This Wang Xiaoyi specializes in orthopedics and is quite capable.

   You know, when it comes to orthopedics, Chinese medicine is not bragging. Even the Academy of Sciences is far from being the opponent of those old doctors.

  Therefore, the medical school specially invited some famous doctors to sit in the department of orthopedics and let them teach the treatment and methods of orthopedics. Wang Xiaoyi is one of the best.

This guy not only specializes in orthopedics, but also felt that many patients, although they have entered the medical school, caused unnecessary aggravation and death due to the negligence of doctors during the treatment, so...he wrote a special A paper that expounds the system of ward rounds.

  Organize a group of junior medical students to conduct ward rounds according to different patients on time every day, and observe their conditions at regular intervals.

   It seems that this is an extremely simple thing.

   But this thing is of great help to patients, so that the treatment rate of the medical school has increased by 10%, and hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from it.

  Because of this, his paper was published in the Quest Journal, and even... Some people think that not only medicine, but even other disciplines, may also be used for reference in the process of practice.

The reason why Fang Jifan had an impression of this was because he read the periodicals and slapped his head, ah, I know what the ward round system is, but why didn't I think of it, but let a dog who authorizes orthopedics figure it out first .

   "It's him." Su Yue nodded.

  Fang Jifan said: "Teach him to hurry up and straighten the crown prince first."

  Zhu Houzhao sat on the couch and howled, "Old Fang, look at this unworthy son."

Fang Jifan coughed: "Your Highness is brilliant and powerful, with superb martial arts skills and extraordinary will. What is this small injury? Let me be fair, this matter..." Fang Jifan paused: "It's His Highness's fault, Your Highness Since you have to fight with the emperor and grandson, you have to be willing to gamble and admit defeat. If you blame him afterwards, this will damage the image of His Highness as a martial artist. Your Highness, we martial arts practitioners, we need to show some face. Zai Mo, you apologize to His Highness the Crown Prince Is there any?"

  Zhu Zaimo slapped his knees on the ground: "I have made amends before, and I will make amends again this time."

Fang Jifan sat on the edge of the bed earnestly: "Look, Your Highness, originally you only need to pay for one crime, but now the emperor and grandson have paid twice. After all, His Highness still made a profit. This is a happy thing. Your Highness has not suffered a loss." .”

  Zhu Zaimo looked at Fang Jifan gratefully.

  The mentor has always defended himself.

  If it wasn't for the mentor, what would happen to my father?

  Fang Jifan's words hit Zhu Houzhao's weakness, like a discouraged ball: "Hey... hey... the tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by the dog."

  Visited Zhu Houzhao, seeing that Zhu Houzhao was just injured and not serious, Fang Jifan felt relieved, and when Wang Xiaoyi came, Fang Jifan withdrew from the silkworm room, and Zhu Zaimo followed.

  Fang Jifan looked at Zhu Zaimo: "These days, what have you learned from His Royal Highness?"

  Zhu Zaimo thought for a while: "I learned a lot, such as knitting sweaters, surgery, riding and shooting, smelting, and...learning the blueprints of painting projects."

   "How do you feel?"

   "It's okay, but I don't know, what's the use." Zhu Zaimo was originally a smart person.

   What's more, Zhu Houzhao is a strict and master of these professions. He wants to teach, and he learns quickly. Many experiences are unheard of.

   However, Zhu Zaimo thinks that this thing is not very useful.

Fang Jifan smiled: "There are all kinds of industries in the world. Since the implementation of the New Deal, there have been more and more of these industries. Because of this, people in high positions should not be completely unfamiliar with each industry. They must know it well. This is also for you to follow His Royal Highness. The reason for learning, do you know the allusion of why not eat minced meat?"

  Zhu Zaimo nodded half understanding.

"Why don't you eat minced meat, so that Emperor Hui of Jin made future generations laugh at him for being stupid, but in my opinion, this is not as simple as being stupid. In this world, there are plenty of people who are not stupid, but they have made countless why not. Do you know the reason for eating minced meat?"

  Zhu Zaimo looked at Fang Jifan curiously.

  In stark contrast to Zhu Houzhao, Fang Jifan, the master, treats himself with care and patience.

Fang Jifan said with a smile: "This is because in the past dynasties, many high-ranking people are superior, disdain to understand the people's sentiments, and think they are smart. They don't know that they are not only shallow, but also arrogant. You don't even understand it yourself. How could it be possible to solve him? The common people are dull, and it is nothing more than a family that suffers. But if the person with the magic weapon is shallow, it will harm the world. The emperor must think that this arrangement for the teacher allows you to learn these things. The seemingly useless knowledge makes you suffer in vain, but in fact, this is my painstaking effort, because in the future, the world will rely on you, and your words and deeds can benefit the world or cause harm The world, why not learn more skills? The most frightening thing about a ruler is not that he doesn't know much, but that he is self-willed. After learning this, His Highness will know that in this world, every profession has its own It operates by rules, and only in this way can you remain humble about your ignorance."

  Zhu Zaimo nodded: "The student finally understands the painstaking efforts of the teacher."

  Fang Jifan touched Zhu Zaimo's shoulder kindly, and said like a spring breeze: "It's good to understand, I know that Zai Mo is a filial person, and I will teach you one more thing as a teacher."

  Zhu Zaimo's eyes are shining, and he is finally about to start learning his real skills: "I don't know if it is..."

  Fang Jifan said solemnly: "To be a human being, you must be grateful. If you are rich, don't forget each other!"


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  (end of this chapter)

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