Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1446: Emperor Heart

  Chapter 1446 Emperor Heart

  Emperor Hongzhi left as soon as he said it, without any hesitation.

   Now, after experiencing the New Deal, the cleanliness of officials has been severely damaged.

  Because of this, as long as the emperor's behavior did not disturb the people too much, he would not be afraid of someone making irresponsible remarks.

  The **** was ordered to go to the various ministries and ask the various ministries to send people to follow them.

   This made many people interested.

  That Xishan is a place outside the law, God knows what happened inside.

  Many people wanted to see the recent situation of the emperor's grandson.

  Of course, there are also many people who want to see jokes.

   Now the New Deal is killing people.

  Since Ouyang Zhi became Minister of the Ministry of Officials, this new policy has a tendency to expand. This time the selection of officials as officials is like this.

   There are many opponents to this, but not many stand up and speak out against it.

  Everyone is watching with cold eyes, just waiting for a joke to come out.

   All of a sudden, the ministers selected by hundreds of people set off to meet them at Daming Gate, and then, the mighty team headed towards the west mountain.

  Emperor Hongzhi was sitting in the carriage, halfway through the journey, he suddenly remembered that he and Ouyang Zhi had played against each other about selecting officials as officials, so he told Xiao Jing beside the carriage, "Have Ouyang Qing's family accompanied you?"

  Xiao Jing said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Ouyang Butang is busy in the official department. The official department has appointed Jiao Fang, the left servant of the official department."

  Jiao Fang...

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned.

  This person, he has some impressions.

  As early as the Chenghua period, Wan An, a scholar of the University, felt that Jiao Fang was ignorant and incompetent, so he said to the people around him: "If you don't learn like Fang, you will be a scholar."

  At that time, Jiao Fang was just an editor of the Imperial Academy, and her status was very humble. This means that even a person like Jiao Fang, who was so ignorant, could be an official in the Imperial Academy.

   University scholar Wan An, who belonged to Concubine Wan Gui, had a lot of power for a while.

  But Editor Jiao was furious after hearing the cabinet scholar Wan An's words.

  Ordinary people would swallow their anger when encountering such a situation. After all, one is a cabinet scholar, and the other is just a small Hanlin editor.

But Jiao Fang didn't say anything, but she didn't confront Wan An head-on. Instead, she took aim at Wan An's confidant, Peng Hua, and said to people everywhere: "Peng Hua must be plotting against me behind my back. If I don't become Bachelor, he assassinated Peng Hua on Chang'an Road."

  Peng Hua is a gentleman after all. When he met such a 'hero', he probably felt like a shit, and he was shot while lying down. He was timid, and he was very scared after hearing this, so he hurriedly passed this letter to the scholar Wan An.

  Wan An finally had to enter Jiao Fang as a lecturer.

Since then, Jiao Fang has found fault with Peng Hua and others every now and then. After all, Wan An and Peng Hua have been proved, although they are high-ranking and powerful people, they are all soft persimmons. Since they are soft persimmons, they are not crushed you?

   Just like that, in the Chenghua Dynasty when the cabinet was pasted with paper and clay sculptures were used as ministers, Jiao Fang unexpectedly thrived.

When Emperor Hongzhi came to the throne, he changed the atmosphere of the Chenghua Dynasty, and began to liquidate Wan'an, Peng Hua and others who were appointed by Emperor Chenghua and Concubine Wan Gui. The main force of the group is not Liu Jian, not Li Dongyang, but Jiao Fang.

  Relying on this status and seniority in the world, Jiao Fang, who avenged her personal revenge, continued to rise to the top.

  But Emperor Hongzhi had a good impression of him.

  Jiao Fang probably never said anything bad about the New Deal. In fact, as long as he was an official, he would never say anything bad. What's more, he had already bought tens of acres of luxury houses in Xincheng.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help being surprised when he heard the word Jiao Fang, and he became emotional again and again.

   "I haven't paid attention to this person for a long time, and I never expected that he is already the left servant of the Ministry of Officials."

   "Your Majesty, you forgot." Xiao Jing smiled: "It was the seventeenth year of Hongzhi, and it was recommended by the court."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, then looked at Xiao Jing with a broken smile and shook his head: "I am getting older and more and more forgetful. This gentleman is upright and loyal to the country. He will surely share my worries."

  Xiao Jing showed a meaningful smile, noncommittal, at the level of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites, Xiao Jing is no longer able to comment in front of the emperor at will.

Moreover, Jiao Fang is a person who must retaliate. A few years ago, Jiao Fang worked as a servant in the Ministry of Rites. Because he was eager to show off, he was blocked by Zhang Sheng, the Minister of Rites. He always wanted to skip Ma Wensheng and directly meet the emperor. Therefore, Jiao Fang He thought that Ma Wensheng was deliberately trying to retaliate against him, saying bad things about Zhang Sheng behind his back every day. And because Zhang Sheng is from the south, Jiao Fang wrote an article "Southern people can't be a picture" privately. In the imperial court, every time a southerner retreated, Jiao Fang couldn't help being overjoyed. Sometimes when she wrote articles, she would slander the south and praise the north, all kinds of intensified conflicts between the north and the south.

   This guy is a talent.

  Xiao Jing thought to himself, he doesn't want to provoke this guy, who knows, will he ambush himself in Chang'an Road and assassinate him?

  Those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying.

  Emperor Hongzhi became interested in Jiao Fang, and was very interested in it for a while, he smiled and ordered Xiao Jing.

   "Tell him to board the car, and I will talk to him about the selection of officials by the Ministry of Officials."

  Xiao Jing nodded.

   After a while, Jiao Fang came.

  He boarded the car, looking extremely excited.

  However... this person has a dignified appearance, with a majestic look on his face, even if his face is happy, it is also solemn.

  Emperor Hongzhi secretly approved in his heart.

  After Jiao Fang met with the ceremony in the car, Emperor Hongzhi leaned slightly and nodded: "Your family, sit down."

  Jiao Fang leaned over and sat down.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked him up and down, then asked slowly: "The Qing family is the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, what do you think about the selection of officials?"

  Jiao Fang smiled: "Your Majesty, the local people have great grievances."

   "Of course it is very big." Emperor Hongzhi said: "Ouyang Qing's family has long been mentally prepared for this."

  Jiao Fang said: "However, the local resentment will not be directed at Ouyang Department Hall. They will only think that this is done on purpose by His Majesty. If the resentment is directed at the palace, I fear that Your Majesty will bring disaster to Yuchi."

  After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but take a deep look at Jiao Fang.

   Jiao Fang has something in her words.

  Historically, only courtiers have been used as scapegoats for the emperor, but the implication seems to be that His Majesty has made Ouyang Zhi a scapegoat.

  Emperor Hongzhi was silent for a moment, then looked at him puzzled, and asked earnestly, "So, is your objection?"

  Jiao Fang shook his head at Emperor Hongzhi.

   "I have never opposed the New Deal, but I just feel that it is too hasty, too hasty, and if something goes wrong, it will be a catastrophe."

  Emperor Hongzhi patted the chair handle lightly with his hand, beat the beat slowly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked lightly: "What disaster?"

  Jiao Fang looked very calm on the face, but she suddenly said every word.

   "Cleaving one's morality is a catastrophe."

  Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyebrows: "But the people can live a good life."

   "People's opinion of Tianjia comes from scholars' comments, and their impression of the emperor comes from local parents and officials."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled: "The Qing family's words are not unreasonable."

   Then, Emperor Hongzhi waved to Jiao Fang.

   "I'm tired, so please step back."

  Jiao Fang wanted to talk eloquently at first, but it was obvious that Emperor Hongzhi had an indifferent attitude. He couldn't help but feel disappointed, so he quit the car.

  Emperor Hongzhi tapped his fingers lightly, Xiao Jing stood in a corner of the car with a bow, Emperor Hongzhi opened his eyes and looked at Jiao Fang, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Is there any conflict between Jiao Fang and Ouyang Qing's family?"

   Xiao Jing hesitated to speak.

   "You want to hide it from me?"

  Xiao Jingdao: "Slaves think of a way, go and check."

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand and said with certainty: "No need to check, I know you have something on your mind."

Xiao Jing had no choice but to say: "Your Majesty, slaves and maids will die, but slaves and maids are palace servants, how can they criticize foreign courts at will. There are indeed some contradictions. A few years ago, Jiao Fang was a servant of the Ministry of Rites. After that, she served as an official The left servant of the Ministry, he has gone through two dynasties. Originally, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he is the one who has the best chance. It is a matter of reconciliation. Ouyang Qing's family has made great achievements, so..."

  Emperor Hongzhi suddenly realized that this was the case, and he couldn't help feeling disgusted in his heart: "In this way, Jiao Fang's selfishness is serious."

Xiao Jing thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Besides, in the Ministry of Officials, because of the implementation of the New Deal, Ouyang's Ministry must do everything by himself, all appointments, and selection of officials, are not willing to rely on others. Jiao Fang once recommended Many people, including his son, but in the end, they were all rejected by Ouyang Butang, so...Jiao Fang went around saying, Ouyang Butang...Ouyang Butang, he..."

   "He what?" Emperor Hongzhi looked at Xiao Jing.

  Xiao Jing didn't dare to hide anything, he told the truth.

   "He's a dull fool."

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned, his eyes were cold.

   After a long time, Emperor Hongzhi's face became calm again.

   At this time, the carriage has arrived at Xishan.

  Emperor Hongzhi came to Xishan by surprise, so the team of Shengjia went straight to Xishan Research Institute.

   This came so suddenly that there was no time to report it.

Fang Jifan was sitting on the big sofa in the tea room of the research institute, and Ge You was lying down, drinking tea slowly, when he heard the movement outside, the young man serving tea and water went to the window to look, and said in surprise : "Master, Sheng Jia is here, Sheng Jia is here."


  Fang Jifan rose suddenly.

  The boy hurriedly urged Fang Jifan.

   "The holy driver is here, my father-in-law, hurry up to pick him up, I'm afraid it will be late, ah, they have already entered the research institute."

  Fang Jifan got up and said excitedly: "Quick, quick, find me a white coat."

  The boy looked at Fang Jifan with a puzzled expression.

   "Grandpa, this is welcome... wear a white coat."

Fang Jifan was already agile, like an ape, he personally went to get a white coat and put it on, but he didn't go downstairs to greet him, but went to the third research room next door, where several graduate students were sweating profusely , Fang Jifan squeezed in: "Go away and make room."

  The students were surprised.

  Fang Jifan has already occupied the c seat of the research room, which is facing the door and has a good view. In front of him is a vessel. Alcohol is burning the liquid in the glass vessel.


  The first chapter has been delivered, ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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