Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: The eternal foundation of the old Fang family

  Chapter 1457 The old Fang family's eternal foundation

   Zhou Kang's face suddenly felt burning pain.

   Fortunately...he's used to it.

  Thinking about it carefully, my awareness is indeed too low.

  Jiao’s family can be said to be ruined. Even if they have tens of millions of crimes, at this point, they are enough to cover their crimes. He can’t help but start to reflect on himself. It really is stupid to study and study, and even lose his conscience.

  Master is really a virtuous person. Jiao’s family stole Shi’s new medicine. Master not only ignores the past, but also has such sympathy for Jiao’s family. No wonder in the academy, the classmates and juniors all said that the teacher has both virtue and art, and he can be called a teacher for all ages.

  He covered his face, tried his best to look like he was in pain, and looked sad: "Master, the student knows his mistake."

  Fang Jifan changed the subject and said, "How about the data?"

"The new medicine they stole weighed a full ninety-three catties. This was recorded. Now all of them have been detonated. The effect is astonishing. Seventy-three people were killed in the explosion, but none of the people in Jiao's inner house It can be said that the survivors are riddled with wounds, what's more, there is only one skeleton left. In addition, there are seven dead horses, all of which are in the stables of the inner house. The scope of the impact can reach two Hundreds of feet, a radius of several miles, are all affected. Of course...the real killing area is smaller. At the center of the explosion, a crater appeared...Master, look, this is the recorded data."

   Zhu Houzhao on the side was also listening carefully to Zhou Kang's report. Seeing that Zhou Kang handed over the recorded data, he immediately snatched it over.

  Fang Jifan also leaned aside and looked carefully.

   More than ninety catties, such a huge power, which was beyond Zhu Houzhao's expectation.

  For Fang Jifan, such power is enough.

   With such a powerful new drug, if it is used to dig mountains to extract ores, it can get twice the result with half the effort. Now the West Mountain needs a lot of minerals. This alone can directly promote the great development of the mining industry.

  Of course, in terms of military affairs, there is no need to mention it. If it is made into a cannonball, and a little more material is added to it, such as steel **** or something, it will explode in this way.

   "It's just..." Fang Jifan frowned as he looked at the data.

  Now... seems to have encountered a problem.

  Such a powerful power, how to describe it.

  Could it be that... seventy-three people were killed, seven horses were killed, how big is the crater?

   This is obviously not possible.

  Zhu Houzhao heard that Fang Jifan was only two words, and obviously understood Fang Jifan's thoughts from the countless dense data, and said: "Old Fang, what are you worried about... this measurement is a bit jerky?"

Sure enough, smart people are easy to resonate, Fang Jifan couldn't help saying: "Exactly, His Royal Highness is really wise, we have such a blast, we have a lot of fun, but after we can do it, we still need in-depth research. If there is no unit of measurement for this energy , I’m afraid there will be huge obstacles to future research.”

  Zhu Houzhao laughed loudly: "I'm thinking of getting together again, hahahaha, Lao Fang...what do you think?"

  Fang Jifan thought to himself that the unit of measurement for energy in later generations is the joule.

  However... In Daming, of course, the name of Joule, a Francois, cannot be used as a unit of measurement.

  Since so...

Fang Jifan said: "It might as well be like this..." Fang Jifan pointed to the data: "Look, the energy that this Jiaohuangzhong bears in his body is amazing. You might as well use the energy he endured as a standard to kill a Jiaohuangzhong, that is, How about a burnt yellow?"

  Joules have turned into scorched yellow, which is considered a blessing for the nation, at least... this unit of measurement began with the descendants of Yan and Huang.

  Zhu Hou raised his eyebrows: "But...what if it is a larger unit, for example, we have nearly a hundred catties of explosives."

"Then set another large unit of measurement. For example, this time, the Jiao family happened to be blown up to the sky. In order to affirm the Jiao family's contribution to this new drug, we might as well measure the energy of this big explosion and take it as After the value, it will be designated as a Jiaofang."

   One Jiao Fang is equivalent to blowing up the entire Jiao family, one Jiao Huang Zhong is equal to killing the energy of one Jiao Huang Zhong.

   So... it's easy to calculate.

In the future, these two units of measurement can be used for any explosion energy to measure its energy size. Even if it is tested in the field in the future, it can be inserted into the damage of the Jiao family according to the size of the energy. This unit of measurement is used to determine its power.

  Zhu Houzhao suddenly smiled: "Extremely, extremely, but, will this be cheaper for those two dogs?"

Fang Jifan sighed, and said with a righteous face: "Your Highness, those in high positions must not be fussy. With so many members of the Jiao family dead, this account should be written off. Why should your Highness remember this, Your Highness?" , I advise you to be more magnanimous, thinking about coming to the Jiao family is just a moment of confusion, the so-called good and evil of human beings are only in one thought, and death is the most important thing."

  Zhu Houzhao nodded just now: "Forget it, then so be it."

  The students were shocked when they heard what the master said.

   These words were addressed to His Royal Highness, so why not address them.

  Master taught by precepts and deeds, such tolerance and generosity are enough for everyone to remember in their hearts.

   Next, there are many things to do.

  For example... if you have a unit of measurement, then you need to conduct various experiments and record data to ensure the effect.

  In addition to this, we must try our best to solve the problem of stability of new drugs.

  Of course... Fang Jifan remembered something.

  When making new medicines, if you only think about throwing dozens of Jiao Fang or bundles of scorched yellow to explode people, this will violate Fang Jifan's original intention.

  Fang Jifan doesn't like fighting, he loves peace.

  Yellow gunpowder has been produced, even if it cannot be mass-produced now, there are still countless difficulties to reach the point of mass production.

  But this does not mean that Fang Jifan adjusted his direction.

  The development of yellow gunpowder and penicillin, to a certain extent, is the result of a large amount of investment by Xishan. After investing countless silver, it not only drove the development of chemistry, but also trained a large number of talents.

   These people began to touch the door of chemical synthesis.

   Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the Manhattan Project of the chemical industry.

  With such a large-scale investment, resources piled up desperately, some basic chemical knowledge, in the process of countless experiments, began to be mastered.

  Of course, this is also inseparable from Zhu Houzhao's leadership.

  can be next...

When Fang Jifan returned to the mansion, he found a sour smell on his body. He probably sweated during the explosion, but instead of rushing to take a bath and change clothes, he found Wang Jinyuan and asked, "Where is Zhang Xin going?" gone?"

  Zhang Xin and Fang Jifan are family friends. His father, Zhang Mao, is an old acquaintance of Fang Jifan.

  Now, he leads the Tuntian Institute to run all over the mountains and plains, collect various crops everywhere, and study agronomy. He can almost be called the ancestor of Daming Agricultural College and Tuntian Institute.

Wang Jinyuan is almost the same as Fang Jifan's big housekeeper. Anyway, as long as it involves the Fang family and Xishan, he takes care of everything. Hearing Fang Jifan's inquiry, he said without hesitation: "I heard that I am trying to grow greenhouses in Shandong now. Dishes promotion."

  Fang Jifan shook his head and said: "Immediately write to him and call him back, saying that there is something important."

  Wang Jinyuan quickly wrote down: "Yes, yes."

   "And..." Fang Jifan said slowly: "Tomorrow, you have to go to Jiangxi."

  Wang Jinyuan's face turned green when he heard this.

   What the hell... What's wrong, you offended the young master, are you finally going to be sent away?

   "Young...young master...little man...little man..."

  Fang Jifan suddenly couldn't help but want to roll up his sleeves and hit someone. Why does this dog-like thing play so much.

"When I went to Jiangxi, I did one thing, and that was to visit the descendants of the Shennong family's Fang family. Now Fang Jifan can be regarded as a glorious ancestor, and we must not forget our roots. As the saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy. You guys, you can’t find them all, and you can’t keep any of them, otherwise, in the next hundred years, you will have no face to meet your ancestors.”

  Wang Jinyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help saying: "Why, Huangjinzhou is short of people again?"

"Dog, why do you ask so many questions? You start your investigation from Jiangxi. It is said that there are still some of my fellow clansmen left in Jiujiang and Ganzhou prefectures. Start with them, and then follow the vines to find out the whereabouts of other fellow clans. To catch them all."

  Wang Jinyuan took a deep breath.

  The one surnamed Fang must have offended the young master.

  But then again, the young master is also surnamed Fang.

   Sure enough... relatives are not trustworthy, well, it is better to beware of those poor relatives in the future.

Wang Jinyuan thought about many things inexplicably in his heart, and immediately realized that the young master is here, so he can't wander off, so he came back to his senses and said: "Master, the villain is worried, if you go so blatantly, if they hear the wind, In order to avoid...that...that...what if they change their names, or even... hide their family tree..."

  This is also a problem.

   This kind of thing is possible. Many families often hide their names in an attempt to avoid disasters during wars or disasters.

Hearing this, Fang Jifan gritted his teeth and said: "If so, this is the unworthy son of Shennong who has forgotten his ancestors. He is unworthy of a human being. He is simply inferior to a beast. My Ming ruled the world with filial piety. How can we allow them to be presumptuous? If there are such people, let the government immediately They will be arrested and punished, and then all these criminals will be loaded on a ship and sent to the Golden Island to be cultivated as slaves."


  Chapter 2 has been delivered, and I would like to thank the fate that I missed, my classmates became the new leader of this book, thank you very much.

  In addition, Uncle Cai Ning gave a reward of 100,000 starting coins on Tiger’s birthday. I would like to thank you. Brother Cai is a senior of Tiger, and I am very grateful for his care.

  (end of this chapter)

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