Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1473: I will never tolerate

  Chapter 1473 I will never tolerate

  Chen Zhong was taken aback.

   He stared straight at Emperor Hongzhi.

  He had a look of disbelief on his face.

  This person... claims to be the Son of Heaven.

  He never believed that the emperor was right in front of his eyes.


  He tried hard to recognize that the person in front of him was indeed somewhat familiar.

how to say…

   It is somewhat similar to a person in my memory.

what is it then?

  Precious banknotes...

  Chen Zhong suddenly thought of something.

  The person in Baochao is quite similar to the person in front of him.

  Ordinary people naturally don't connect the person in front of them with the person of Baochao.

   After all, people have blind spots in their thinking.


   Now after being reminded by Emperor Hongzhi, Chen Zhong thought of something.

  He suddenly felt that his lame leg could no longer support his body.

  The crutch in his hand also fell to the ground with a clatter.

  Chen Zhong's legs went limp, and he fell to his knees with a slap.


  Emperor Hongzhi was filled with emotion.

  Zhen is the one who lost more than 800,000 taels of silver.

  The more than 800,000 taels, but I saved it by saving food and clothing.

  But now...he smiled, a relieved smile.

  Emperor Hongzhi finished speaking, and couldn't help but glance at Fang Jifan.

  It seems to be saying that more than 800,000 taels of silver is indeed not a small amount.

  But...Jifan took the more than 800,000 taels of silver and bought me the hearts of the people in the world.

  This... is priceless.

   Even eight million taels of silver cannot be bought.

  Looking at this Chen Zhong, an old soldier who used to guard the border, nine taels of silver is his last bit of property, the money he worked hard for.

  How many Chen Zhongs are there in this capital, and how many Chen Zhongs are ecstatic after returning the money in full.

   Worth it!

  Emperor Hongzhi bent down.

  Clenched Chen Zhong, who was prostrate on the ground with trembling hands.

  Chen Zhong was trembling, raised his head boldly, and looked at Emperor Hongzhi with surprise in his eyes: " are really Your Majesty..."

Emperor Hongzhi was seldom gentle, and said with a smile: "Dare to call yourself your majesty, it is a crime of death, do you think I look like a bad person? Let's talk."

   "Your Majesty..." Chen Zhongtao burst into tears: "The villain is like a dream. I never expected that His Majesty would condescend to come here. Caomin... Caomin..."

  Emperor Hongzhi forced him to sit down, while he sat opposite.

In the hot charcoal basin, the flames were red, and Emperor Hongzhi let out a sigh of relief: "I came here to see if the money has been distributed, and then to see if there is any inside information. Seeing that you have received the money, I feel at ease Well, what I lost was more than 800,000 taels of silver, but what you lost was life-saving money, although nine taels of silver is small, it is everything to you."

  Chen Zhong choked up and couldn't speak, but kept nodding.

   Just now they were talking very excitedly, but now they can't say a word.

Emperor Hongzhi said again: "You are a meritorious minister of the imperial court. Your legs are what the imperial court owes you. It's just a pity that the imperial court had difficulties at the beginning, and the pensions and rewards given were only these. Now the national treasury is still full. , No one has reported your matter to my desk. This is the negligence of the officials and my negligence. If you can't live in peace, who is willing to defend Daming? Where did this country and the country come from? Woolen cloth?"

  Chen Zhong broke down in tears, his face was filled with emotion: "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, if you can think this way, even if it is a narrow escape, it will be worth it."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked back at Fang Jifan: "Jifan, in a few days, I will bring up a regulation, which is about these old and weak soldiers. Now that the imperial court has money, we can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb."

  Fang Jifan bowed and said: "Yes, my son obeys the order."

  Emperor Hongzhi stood up and saw the desolate appearance of Chen Zhong's family.

"I was thinking just now that you have made great achievements, but you are a poor family. I should give you some rewards so that you can spend your old age in peace. Now that I think about it, how many loyal ministers like you are there in the world, and I only reward you , what about the others? After all... this is not a long-term solution, give me three months, and within three months, I will let you get the care you deserve."

   "After three months, I will come to see you again. If you are still not doing well, I will kill Fang Jifan's head first."

  Fang Jifan: "..."

  He was shot for no reason again?

  Chen Zhong just choked up and said, "Long live Your Majesty."

  Emperor Hongzhi was also very touched, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "Just wait."

  He then said: "Let's go, let's go right away, there is no need to see you off."

  He seems to feel that he still has a lot to do.

The emperor is always like this, he feels very satisfied after doing a lot of things, sometimes immersed in his past achievements and complacent, but now, Emperor Hongzhi just knows that there are too many people in this world who he used to be beyond his control, and Too much to do.

  In the past, what he pursued was Wenzhiwugong.

  But the so-called Wenzhi and martial arts are too grand, what is Wenzhi and what is martial arts?

  Emperor Hongzhi left as soon as he said he would. He didn't look back or pause, for fear that Chen Zhong would limping and send him out, so he left very resolutely.

Zhu Houzhao fell behind, and looked at Chen Zhong with some reluctance. He is a man with great ambitions. He wants to be an immediate prince and a general. But when he sees this old soldier, he feels very sorry. He took out a small stack of one or two taels of silver bills from his sleeve, counted ten of them, and felt that he didn't have enough, so he hid three more, and stuffed seven taels of silver bills into Chen Zhong's hands.

  Chen Zhong quickly waved his hands flattered and said: "You can't do it, you can't do it, you won't get paid for nothing..."

  Fang Jifan was at the side, but he took out more than a dozen banknotes with a denomination of one hundred taels of silver from his sleeve, fell on the desk with a loud thud, turned his head and left.

Zhu Houzhao's Adam's apple rolled, his eyes stared straight at the banknotes with a denomination of one hundred taels of silver, and since Chen Zhong said he couldn't do it...he put his seven taels of silver bills back into his sleeve, and followed in a desperate manner up.

  Behind him...Chen Zhong's cry spread.


   walked out of the building where Chen Zhong lived.

  Emperor Hongzhi took a deep breath. He felt a little aggrieved in the dark environment just now, but now he greedily took a breath of fresh air, feeling reborn.

  Emperor Hongzhi walked a few steps, and waited for Fang Jifan and Zhu Houzhao to catch up.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "Xiao Banban."

  Xiao Jing said expressionlessly: "The servant is here."

  Emperor Hongzhi said with a straight face, "Kowtow to Fang Jifan."

   "Ah..." Xiao Jing looked surprised.

  Fang Jifan was also shocked.

  What’s the situation?

  Emperor Hongzhi said again: "Knock."

  Although he was very annoyed, Xiao Jing didn't dare to neglect, he quickly bowed down at Fang Jifan's feet, and kowtowed to Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan was puzzled and said, "Your Majesty, this is..."

"This is my thanks to you, for your kindness." Emperor Hongzhi said, "Fortunately, you made me lose the more than 800,000 taels of silver back then, and it's also thanks to your compensation plan. Let me just say it clearly, if I hadn't I really hate your proposal, silver is a good thing, who doesn’t like it? Everyone says that they are disciples of saints, and they are high-minded, but if they say they don’t love gold and silver, it’s hypocrisy.”

"But..." Emperor Hongzhi said: "I was just a little bit close, and I almost missed a major event. This Chen Zhong is a poor person, and there are many such poor people in the world. At the beginning, they were all just like me, greedy for a momentary profit, But he was cheated of all his wealth, and now... hey, Jifan, to you, I am the king and the father, so let Xiao Jing kowtow to you."

  Emperor Hongzhi has thousands of emotions.

  After this trip, he realized that what he gained after losing more than 800,000 taels was actually ten times and a hundred times the income.

  He is the Son of Heaven, money is nothing after all, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as people's hearts.

  Fang Jifan bought himself this human heart.

  Fang Jifan said: "I didn't do anything, and I feel very ashamed. How can I deserve such a reward from your majesty, not to mention that my minister is deeply favored by the emperor, and it is only right for me to do the work of a dog and a horse."

  Fang Jifan's words seemed to go against his will.

  Emperor Hongzhi laughed, and all the reluctance and depression in his heart were swept away.

Emperor Hongzhi said again: "What I just said, but the truth is, you are just a donkey. If you don't urge you, you won't put your heart and soul into it. Many, in the past, the imperial court was unable to catch up, but now...the treasury is still relatively rich, so it is necessary to take care of it. You find a way to find old soldiers like Chen Zhong, especially those who have no children. Let them enjoy their old age peacefully. Don't be lazy."

  Fang Jifan agreed with this very much, and said solemnly: "The minister obeys the order."

  Emperor Hongzhi put his hands behind his back, and with a smile on his lips, he said, "Today's trip really benefited me a lot."

  Fang Jifan remembered an important matter, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Jiang Yan is still scolding my minister."

  Hmph, is he the kind of person who is willing to suffer?

  Bringing this matter up, the smile on Emperor Hongzhi's face gradually disappeared.

His face was frosty, with a meaningful look on his face: "He is a censor, and he was originally chasing rumors. It is his duty to impeach anything. But this person... doesn't distinguish between black and white, and treats a deer as a horse. Let him criticize, then... people in this world who want to make a difference, dare to do something? If everyone is afraid to do things and don't dare to contribute good ideas, then... who will share my worries I gave Yushi the right to impeach, originally to let them eliminate disadvantages for my prosperity, and it is an illegal thing to impeach, not like him, blindly criticizing, obviously useless, but wanting to express themselves and demonstrate their abilities everywhere. "

  Emperor Hongzhi finished speaking, looked at Fang Jifan, and said seriously: "Jifan, what do you think I should do?"


  Chapter 3 is delivered, there are very few monthly tickets, and the code words feel unmotivated.

  (end of this chapter)

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