Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: Longyan is furious

  Chapter 1485 Longyan is furious

  The person who came was none other than Chen Zhong.

  Chen Zhong took the medicine, took a short rest, and then was sent here.

   He was imprisoned, and then sent here, Chen Zhong seemed extremely careful.

   Tianwei is unpredictable.

   It only took a few days. First, the emperor turned his head when he saw him, and then someone threw him into the prison and beat him all over.

Entering the palace this way made him tremble even more. Although the newly built Daming Palace is magnificent and incomparably majestic, in his view, it is like a mountain. This strong sense of oppression made him feel dizzy. out of breath.

  When he entered Fengtian Hall, Chen Zhong's legs were no longer in control.

  He raised his head boldly and saw Emperor Hongzhi's face clearly.

   This is a familiar person.

  But... a few days ago, that gentle man with a pleasant smile is now nothing more than a scourge in Chen Zhong's eyes.


  And Emperor Hongzhi stood.

  He fell silent.

   And then...

  Emperor Hongzhi understood everything.

  Everything... because of Chen Zhong.

  Although he changed into new clothes, Emperor Hongzhi also understood that this person had experienced severe torture.


  The officials watched the old soldier come in, all expressionless.

   This is Fang Jifan's uncle?

  Damn it...

  The most admirable thing about this dog-like thing surnamed Fang is that, except for the three generations of Fang Jifan's grandparents, all his relatives either packed up and went to Huangjinzhou, or... just like this person in front of him.

  But just such an ant-like character...what does it have to do with today's matter?


  Jiang Yan had already looked away, showing disdain.

  He had never seen this old soldier before. When the newspaper was first published, he just wrote an official document with his pen.

   Such troublesome people, if they are beaten, they will be beaten.

  Fang Jifan actually used one such scumbag as an excuse, heh... Even if there are thousands of such scumbags, can they compare with the old man?

   Having such an idea is definitely not arrogant.

   You must know that the gentry's noble thinking has long been deeply ingrained. They have always regarded ordinary people as fools and troublemakers.

  People with such ideas can be said to be very popular, especially in the middle of the Ming Dynasty when land annexation was particularly serious.


  Emperor Hongzhi was surprised, and countless thoughts popped up in his mind.

   Because of this person?

  Emperor Hongzhi took a deep breath.

   Then, the emperor began to walk down the jade steps slowly.

  The crowd no longer paid attention to Chen Zhong, but all their eyes fell on the emperor.

  Emperor Hongzhi stepped down from Jin Luan, his eyes still on Chen Zhong.

  Chen Zhong already slapped, prostrated himself on the ground, trembling slightly, perhaps because of fear, trembling all over his body.

  Emperor Hongzhi walked closer, and finally saw Chen Zhong more clearly.

   Sure enough, the scars on Chen Zhong's body can be described as shocking. The palms were exposed, and the flesh was turned out. Although it was medicated, it was still unbearable to look at.

  Emperor Hongzhi closed his eyes.

  The scene that happened a few days ago came to mind.

   Then, he walked quickly to Fang Jifan.

  Fang Jifan pretended to be guilty, and kept silent.

  Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Emperor Hongzhi bent down, but supported Fang Jifan's arms.


   All the officials stared at His Majesty intently, a little confused.

  Emperor Hongzhi then said: "Jifan, you have been tossing all day and night yesterday, so you are fine."


  Suddenly, Fengtian Temple seemed to explode.

  Fang Jifan is a sinner.

  Why do you still ask him if there is no problem?

  Jiang said that a mouthful of old blood was about to be spurted out.

   You should ask me this question, you should ask me, my family is ruined, my family is gone, my son is dying, and his life and death are uncertain.

  The people in the palace still held their breath, not daring to vent their breath, and continued to stare at Emperor Hongzhi and Fang Jifan.

  But I heard Fang Jifan say: "The guilty minister reported to His Majesty, the son is fine, but now his arms are a little sore and his palms are a little sore."

  Emperor Hongzhi was surprised and said: "Who hurt you? Let me see."

  Fang Jifan turned out his palm.

   Not to mention, this palm is a little red.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "Let the Women's Hospital show you later, don't be negligent because of minor injuries."

  Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty's great kindness, my son..."

  Emperor Hongzhi pressed his hand: "If you are injured, save a little effort."

   "Oh." Fang Jifan nodded simply.

  Emperor Hongzhi stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, and continued, "Come here, bring Jindun."

  After hearing this, the **** hurriedly moved a Jindun to Fang Jifan's side.

  Emperor Hongzhi pointed to Chen Zhong: "Give him a seat."

  The **** was taken aback for a moment, and almost lost his strength when he moved Jindun's hand.

  The white officials were in an uproar.

what happened?

  Jiang Yan's face was even more tragic, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

  Jin Dun put it down.

  Everyone was even more surprised that Emperor Hongzhi personally helped Chen Zhong up and led him to sit down.

  Chen Zhong was embarrassed.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at the scars on his body, and said again: "Bring another Jindun."

  Jindun moved here, and in front of everyone, Emperor Hongzhi sat opposite Chen Zhong.

  Emperor Hongzhi stared at Chen Zhong.

  This action dispelled Chen Zhong's doubts a little.

   However, looking at the Emperor Hongzhi, who was wearing a formal crown, he was still a little timid and did not dare to look up into Emperor Hongzhi's eyes.

  After that, I heard Emperor Hongzhi say: "Tell me why they want to take you."

  Chen Zhong looked around anxiously.

Pursing his shriveled lips, the fear in his cloudy eyes gradually dissipated, and Chen Zhongcai said cautiously: "Originally, the money has been refunded, but the government suddenly wrote down, saying that it is... saying that the money will be confiscated again, Your Majesty... This is the coffin of the villain. After hearing the news, the streets and alleys and neighbors, but everyone who refunded the money at the beginning, went crazy. The villain...the villain...there is greed in my heart...I really can't bear it Refund, if the money is returned, I am afraid that I will never get it back, so like everyone else, I pretended not to know about it."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, he knew exactly what the nine taels of silver meant to Chen Zhong.

Chen Zhong said again: "Then people came from the government and said that it was ordered by the emperor, that is, your majesty's order. At that time, when I heard that it was your majesty's order, I was very surprised, so I said to them, Your majesty... I saw it a few days ago, how could His Majesty issue such an order, this... this must be a mistake."

  When he heard that this was an order from the emperor, a killing intent flashed in Emperor Hongzhi's eyes.

  He was patient, and then said: "What's next?"

"Immediately, they said that Xiaomin... Xiaomin was bewitching the crowd, saying that I was good at talking about the affairs of the palace, that I was falsely passing on the emperor's decree, that I was going to use the villain to make an example of others, and they arrested me and tortured me day and night. Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Chen Zhong wept bitterly, he couldn't continue with the words that followed, his mouth was trembling, and he was tearing up.


  Emperor Hongzhi let out a sigh of relief.

  He nodded: "Okay, I believe you, what you said, I understand what's going on. Jifan..."

  Fang Jifan said: "My son is here."

  Emperor Hongzhi stood up from the Jindun: "You still remember what I said at the beginning."

"Remember." Fang Jifan said sternly: "Your Majesty once said that Chen Zhong was a great hero of our Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, the evening scene is bleak. Your Majesty will visit him in three months. If his life is not good, he will cut off his son. head."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled, but this smile had a serious taste: "I did say such a thing."

"So, when I heard that Chen Zhong was sent to prison, I remembered His Majesty's instructions, and I thought to myself, Chen Zhong has been bullied to such an extent, if there is any mistake, wouldn't my son beheaded? Anyway He's about to die, so let's just kill Jiang Yan, that bastard."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded: "It makes sense, if it is Zhen, I will do the same, but I heard that you have dispatched troops."

"It's not a soldier." Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty can check, all of them are students of my ministers, all are scholars, it is true that they have weapons, but according to the law of the ancestors, students can wear weapons, although it is not fashionable now gone."

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "Well, this method has indeed existed for a long time. Then... I heard that you still claim that you are the king's law?"

  Fang Jifan said: "At that time, I was so angry that I suddenly felt that the world was spinning. I don't remember saying that sentence. Even if I did, it may be because of my brain disease."

   "Since you have brain disease, you should take good care of your body, and don't get angry at every turn." Emperor Hongzhi said with concern.

  Fang Jifan nodded seriously: "Yes, my son must maintain a peaceful mind in the future, even if the sky is falling, he must always smile."

   All the ministers were stunned when they heard this.

  Damn this okay?

  When Jiang Yan heard this, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, so... just forget it?

  He was a little dazed, and then burst into tears: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Fang Jifan, this is treason... This is conspiracy..."

   Speaking of this word.

  Emperor Hongzhi's expression changed.

   His eyes fell on the wrench in Zhu Houzhao's hand, and then he stepped forward to grab it.

  Zhu Houzhao was so frightened that his face turned ashen. In a blink of an eye, he saw the wrench fell into the hands of his father. He was so frightened that he immediately squatted down, hugged his head, and muttered: "Don't dare...don't dare..."

  The wrench did not fall on Zhu Houzhao's head.

   But there was a bang...

   Hit Jiang Yan directly on the forehead.


  Jiang Yan paused, and the severe pain on his forehead instantly spread all over his body. His body shook like an electric shock.

  The forehead immediately began to bruise and blistered.

  With numb eyes, he saw that Emperor Hongzhi had a ferocious face. He never thought that the always kind emperor would have such a side.

  Emperor Hongzhi roared sharply: "Can I still tolerate you? I treat people like you so kindly, I don't think you are a jackal!"

  Jiang Yan's pupils shrank, and he looked at Emperor Hongzhi in disbelief. At this moment, the emperor is like a lion!

  (end of this chapter)

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