Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: Chenglong Kuaishou

  Chapter 1503 Riding the dragon and quickly son-in-law

  Emperor Hongzhi had made up his mind, but he scared Wu Jiawang behind him half to death.

  What is this dog surnamed Fang going to do?

   This is digging people's ancestral graves.

Wu Jiawang knew the power of this theater troupe only after seeing this momentum with his own eyes, but he couldn't refute Fang Jifan in this aspect, and felt that he had no confidence in front of Fang Jifan, so he just said: "Qi Guogong's high-sounding speech is impressive. I admire it, but... Qi Guogong's tone seems to be quite prejudiced against scholars."

  This seems to mean that you, Fang Jifan, have malice towards scholars.

  Since it is malicious, it will inevitably be unfair.

   After Wu Jiawang said that, Emperor Hongzhi really came to a sudden, he glanced at Wu Jiawang, and couldn't help thinking, yes, Fang Jifan seems to have always hated scholars...

  Fang Jifan is happy.

   That is, in front of the emperor Lao Tzu, otherwise it would be strange not to smoke you.

Fang Jifan shook his head and said: "I don't have any malice towards scholars. Many of my friends are scholars, such as that so-and-so. Many scholars have good conduct. Compared with businessmen who care about every penny, I prefer Readers."

  Wu Jiawang was taken aback for a moment, this...only ghosts would believe it, while saying that we are friends, while digging people's ancestral graves...

Fang Jifan then said: "However, I served the emperor and received the grace, so I should try my best to repay it. This scholar is very good, but... I just believe in one thing, that is, if there are a group of people in this world , they not only occupy the land, but also monopolize knowledge, and most of the official positions in the world come from this group of people, so... this group of people, even if the vast majority of them are good people, but they are also harmful to the world .”

  Wu Jiawang couldn't help saying: "Absurd...absurd..." The word absurd, after all, he didn't say it.

   But at this time, on the stage, the play started again, and the atmosphere began to calm down again.

  This time, it was the story of Yue Fei serving the country loyally. Countless people stretched their necks and looked very seriously.

  Emperor Hongzhi also calmed down, completely immersed in it, and his heart is very strong for watching the theater today.

   When the troupe is over, it will be five o'clock.

  People left reluctantly, but still recalled today's plays with relish.

  Emperor Hongzhi saw that there were many people leaving the venue, so he was not in a hurry to leave, but said to the guards behind him: "Let a few people protect the mother and son of Zhao's family to go home. This person's mother is old, and she is not in the right place, so don't fall."

   As he spoke, he led his ministers and walked out of the urn slowly.

   Then Wu Jiawang has something on his mind, and has been depressed all the time.

   Liu Jian and Li Dongyang are afraid that their hearts are also complicated.

   Today's play is really brilliant.

  If Fang Jifan just proposed to the emperor to organize a theater troupe for the common people to listen to operas, they would probably just laugh it off.

   It's just a show.

  But now... they understand that this is a new type of gunpowder from Xishan, and it will really blow up many people to heaven.

  Emperor Hongzhi walked and looked at the small county town in the night, thinking deeply.

   Instead, the magistrate of this county hurriedly led people over, and some even recognized Qi Guogong.

  The person accompanied by Qi Guogong knew who he was even with his heels.

  The county magistrate Zhu Wenjing, Zhu Wenjing led his assistants in fear, found Emperor Hongzhi, and hurriedly bowed down: "My minister Zhu Wenjing, I have seen your majesty. I can't serve you. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked around, obviously calm and said: "I am visiting privately, and you don't know, it is not a crime."

  Zhu Wenjing also knew that it would be inconvenient to go abroad, so she hurriedly led Emperor Hongzhi to the county government office.

  Emperor Hongzhi's mind is still in the play, full of thoughts.

  At this time, it was still early for him, and he was not in a hurry to sleep, so he sat down in the living room where Fang Jifan was with him, and ordered Zhu Wenjing to come.

  Zhu Wenjing bowed down again and saluted.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Zhu Wenjing and said, "How many years has the Qing family been in this county?"

   "I have been in office for two years." Zhu Wenjing replied honestly with a respectful face.

  Emperor Hongzhi asked again: "Today, the troupe is singing in the Wengcheng, what do you think?"

  Zhu Wenjing was silent for a while, and then said: "The common people don't have much entertainment on weekdays. Now that there are plays to watch, it's not a bad thing. I think it's good."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said: "Yes, very good, Zhu Wenjing, you are the official of the parents, do you know how many people there are in the county?"

  Zhu Wenjing said solemnly: "There are 7,232 households in the county, and 23,000 people."

  Emperor Hongzhi's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and said: "It seems that you are very familiar with the affairs of the county."

   "As the parents of the same place, how dare you forget your responsibilities."

  Emperor Hongzhi ordered Xiao Jing to come, and asked Xiao Jing in a low voice: "This Zhu Wenjing is in this county, how is the official reputation?"

   After all, this is the category of Beizhili, Xiao Jing knows a little bit, he said: "I haven't heard of any big mistakes, I think it's not bad."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Zhu Wenjing with special favor.

  Seeing that he was calm and neither humble nor overbearing, he asked about the county's money and food, last year's grain production, and the county's problems in the past two years. Zhu Wenjing answered them fluently and familiarly.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help admiring: "Qing has been in the local area for a long time, and he is shrewd and capable. It seems that he is a good official."

Zhu Wenjing said: "Your Majesty, I don't dare to take credit. It's just a matter of being loyal to the emperor. I dare not take credit. However, this place is a small remote county, not the capital, nor Baoding and Tianjin Wei. Your Majesty, The people in this place are suffering, I... hey... I dare to ask, I don’t know when this railway will be built in this small county. Your Majesty, I just ask."

Emperor Hongzhi saw that what he said was true, and also saw that although the official robe of this person was clean, it was obviously a little old, and even the official boots had been worn out, so he had a better impression of this person .

   "I can't be the master of the railway. If I am the master, you see..." He smiled, pointed to Fang Jifan and said: "They will teach me to pay for the repair, I can't afford the money."

  Emperor Hongzhi spoke very frankly.

Fang Jifan immediately said: "Your Majesty's words are in the position of being disloyal and unrighteous, but the railway costs a lot, so the construction of each railway requires financing and repeated discussions, and the minister can't make a decision." .”

  Zhu Wenjing looked confused.

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled slightly, changed the subject, and said, "Zhu Qing's family, do you know the people?"

   "What?" Zhu Wenjing was stunned again. He thought for a while: "Since His Majesty ascended the throne, the common people have widely given benevolent policies, and they are naturally... praiseworthy."

Emperor Hongzhi said: "That's not what I'm asking, what I'm asking is, although you know how many household registrations, how many people are there, where the county school is leaking rain, and where the roads are muddy, when it rains, it will be difficult for vehicles and horses to travel. But what I ask is, do you know what the people think? Why are they happy and sad?"

Apparently these questions today were really unexpected. Zhu Wenjing was more and more confused by Emperor Hongzhi's questioning. She couldn't answer for a moment, but said in anticipation of Ai Ai: "This... this, I secretly think, maybe... this... I don't know." He In the end, like a defeated rooster, he simply told the truth.

  Emperor Hongzhi did not show anger, but smiled.

"Your surname is Zhu, but you are the surname of the country, but you are very similar to me. You only know one thing and not the other. I am also familiar with the number of household registrations in the world, the entry and exit of money and food, and many things, but only ...You still don't know the people, are much better than many people in the world, and you can be called capable."

   As he spoke, Emperor Hongzhi sighed, as if he was saying that even a capable person like Zhu Wenjing is like this, so who else in this world knows?

  Zhu Wenjing didn't understand what Emperor Hongzhi said inside and outside the meaning for a while, so he simply kept silent.

  But at this time, the guards from outside hurried in: "Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyes: "What?"

The imperial guard said: "Your Majesty, I sent Zhao Er and his mother back by order. When they arrived at home, Zhao Er was grateful for his kindness and thanked him again and again. When he was leaving, he actually took some dried fish. He insisted on taking it with him. I can't give it to His Majesty when I come back. I said I would like to thank you for taking care of me. This dried fish... I dare not accept it when I am humble, but I can't refuse the kindness. , I want to humbly forward it to Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi was taken aback.

   But he saw that the captain was really holding some dried fish strung together with straw ropes.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help asking: "He also knows my identity?"

   "I don't know." The captain quickly said: "Your majesty's whereabouts, how dare you spread them out?

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, dried fish...

  I’ve heard of fish, but I haven’t heard of doing it.

  Emperor Hongzhi said with great interest: "Come, bring me to have a look."

  The captain brought up the dried fish.

   These are all small fish, only half an inch in size, dehydrated and sun-dried. Emperor Hongzhi looked at... this look, and looked a little scary.

  Emperor Hongzhi frowned and said to Jifan, "Jifan, can this be eaten?"

Fang Jifan couldn't help screaming: "Put more oil, heat the oil, then chop the onion and ginger, throw it into the oil pan together with the dried fish, if you add some pepper, it will be more delicious. "

   "Can this be eaten?"

  Fang Jifan came to this era, but forgot about dried fish.

   After all, it comes from a noble family, and the nobles are always used to eating fresh food. However, bacon and dried fish are rarely tried.

  But ordinary people are different. After finally having some fish and some meat, they are not willing to eat it all at once. There is no refrigerator to keep fresh in this era, so they dry the fish and meat for storage.

  Emperor Hongzhi saw that Fang Jifan was also talking about the dried fish, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Jifan is very capable, and he can cook."

  Fang Jifan thought for a while, and said very seriously: "Your Majesty, my son knows how to eat."

  Emperor Hongzhi: "..."

  Emperor Hongzhi burst into laughter after being silent: "Haha, I'm actually hungry right now, and I want to see what this dried fish tastes like."

  (end of this chapter)

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