Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: my emperor sage

  Chapter 1505 My Emperor Shengming

   That night, Emperor Hongzhi fell asleep.

   Get up early the next morning.

  Zhu Wenjing came to see the driver as usual, and was still waiting outside.

  Fang Jifan hasn't gotten up yet, Xiao Jing originally wanted to send someone to remind him.

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand: "There is no rush, he is young, and it is normal for young people to be lethargic. Let him take a rest."

  Emperor Hongzhi is already thinking about driving back to the palace. He cannot stay here for long, after all, his grandson has not experienced enough. It's just that it's still early, so there's no rush.

  The Hanlin Wu Jiawang came early to serve him.

  Wu Jiawang obviously didn't sleep well, his eyes were black and blue, and he said coldly: "Your Majesty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi raised his head and stared at Wu Jiawang: "Do you have anything to say to the Qing family?"

  Wu Jiawang seemed hesitant to speak.

  Emperor Hongzhi said indifferently: "But it's okay to say it. I saw that you had something to say when I saw you."

  Emperor Hongzhi spoke very casually, as if he had seen through Wu Jiawang's mind.

Wu Jiawang then said to Ai Ai: "This theater troupe is of the lowest rank after all... Your Majesty wants to build this theater troupe everywhere in the world. Isn't it advocating this trend? This is a popular sound. This trend cannot be raised. Once it does, wouldn't it be appropriate... Yes..."

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at Wu Jiawang: "What should you do?"

  Wu Jiawang hurriedly bowed down, and then said: "In response to this'the window of the merchant's canopy is like a flower in the backyard'."

  Emperor Hongzhi was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "If I let the common people listen to the opera, it will become a melodrama?"

  Wu Jiawang said with a bitter face: "If there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be infinity. If there is a precedent for everything, it will never be closed."

  Emperor Hongzhi took a sip of tea, he couldn't see any emotion, so he ignored Wu Jiawang for now, but said to Xiao Jing, "Call Zhu Wenjing in."

  Zhu Wenjing came in full of energy, bowed down and said, "Minister..."

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand: "Zhu Qing's family came just in time. I want to promote the theater troupe last night. This time, as the county magistrate, you have contributed a lot behind the scenes. What do you think about this?"

  Zhu Wenjing paused, as if thinking about something, and then said: "I don't think so."

  Wu Jiawang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and his eyes showed joy.

But Zhu Wenjing continued: "There is no money in the county. Who will pay for the troupe's money? It would be great if the court gave the money. The lives of the common people are too boring. There is nothing wrong with letting them listen to the opera. It would be even better to teach in entertainment. If a large county wants to support such a troupe, it will be no problem. Unfortunately, the lower county is a small county, which is a bit difficult. Xiaxian is a small place, but because of the distance from the capital Recently, in the past two years, after I took office, I found many problems. For example, the nearby Baoding started a new policy, and it was in full swing. It is muddy in rainy days, the railway does not come, the traffic is blocked, and there are no merchants. The people are poor, but all the strong men have to go to Jingli and Baoding. Women and children. I think that the most urgent thing right now is to repair the railway, otherwise... the county's male population will be exodus too much."

  Wu Jiawang: "..."

  Why is it completely different from what he thought...

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi smiled slightly, and said, "This troupe is naturally funded from within, and is under the control of the Jiaofang Secretary. Don't worry, I won't take your money. As for the railway, you have already talked a lot in my ears." Again, this matter is really not up to me to decide, but... I will pay attention to it in the future."

   Zhu Wenjing immediately showed joy on his face, and kowtowed: "Long live my emperor."

Emperor Hongzhi then said: "Just now Wu Qing's family talked about the sound of mischief. This statement... makes me quite vigilant. Since it is the sound of mischief, of course we must be careful, and we must not cause anything to happen because of it. So let's do it like this, I also attach great importance to this matter, Wu Qing's family is upright, and he has read poetry and books, so he is obviously the most experienced in this matter, otherwise, I order you to go to Jiaofang Division and take up the post of Si Le , in the future, if there is anything wrong with the Jiaofang Division, you have to report it at any time. This Jiaofang Division... With Wu Qing's family, you can't hide the dirt and spread any obscenity. "

  Wu Jiawang was dumbfounded.

  This... is even more beyond his expectations...

  Daming has two institutions that are responsible for musicians, one is the Bell and Drum Division that is in charge of court singing and dancing, and the other is the Jiaofang Division that is dedicated to outside the palace.

The Jiaofang Division is in charge of all the people who are from music. Because of the lessons learned from the previous dynasty, Daming naturally despises the musicians. This Jiaofang Division belongs to the Ministry of Rites. Under it, there are one left and one right Shaowu each, and one each left and right Siyue, both of whom are from the ninth rank.

Who is Wu Jiawang, but the Hanlin attendant is a fifth-rank attendant. His grade is not good, but he is extremely noble. Now he is actually asked to be a ninth-rank Si Yue, and he is also a lowly Jiaofang Secretary , isn't this more uncomfortable than beating him up?

  His face suddenly became miserable, and he opened his mouth to say something.

Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyes to look at him, and said lightly: "I have made up my mind, the Qing family is worried about this troupe, and I really need upright people like the Qing family to promote the atmosphere, and we must not let this decadent sound ruin it." Wu Qing's family, you have a long way to go."

  Wu Jiawang's legs were already shaking.

His goal is to get a few more years of qualifications. At worst, he is to serve as a chief envoy, or even a governor. If there is a vacancy in the ministry hall, he can be a servant. official?

   To him, this was nothing more than a bolt from the blue.

  Zhu Wenjing licked her lips and saw Emperor Hongzhi's temper at a glance. She couldn't help thinking, His Majesty is friendly on the outside, but decisive on the inside.

  At this moment, someone outside said: "Duke Qi has arrived."

  Emperor Hongzhi cheered up immediately: "It's getting late, it's time to go back to the palace."

  Fang Jifan came in to take a look, and always felt that something was wrong. The Hanlin Wu Jiawang who accompanied him seemed to have died. This is unscientific, and he didn't say that he would kill him.

  When Emperor Hongzhi returned to the palace, it was late in the evening, but he still urgently summoned all the officials to have an audience, and told about the troupe.

  Hundred officials couldn’t help but feel strange, but at this time, no one objected. Obviously, to Baiguan, this is a very small matter, and it is still money from internal funds. What does it have to do with me?

  It was Zhang Sheng, Minister of Rites, who was happy in his heart.

  Jiaofang Division? This Jiaofang Division is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites, and no one usually pays attention to the Jiaofang Division, but this time His Majesty wants to hand over the money, which is not a bad thing for the Ministry of Rites.

  However, Emperor Hongzhi said again: "Where is Zhang Qing's family?"

  Zhang Sheng stepped forward with a calm face, waiting for His Majesty to give some instructions.

  Emperor Hongzhi said coldly: "Prince Ottoman has been in the court for two months. Why haven't he seen him begging for an audience? The Ministry of Rites has not seen the slightest movement."

  Zhang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, this topic has changed a bit too far!

   But when it comes to the Ottoman country, to be honest, he is the minister of the Ministry of Rites, so he really doesn't pay much attention to it.

   If you don’t see it, you won’t see it, not to mention that this is still a matter of hospitality at Honglu Temple, and the Ministry of Rites is only responsible for talking, not for other things.

  It's just that since His Majesty asked, he had no choice but to say sternly: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites has not received the letter of credence from the Ottoman Kingdom so far, so..."

  Emperor Hongzhi said bluntly: "What is the reason for this? If they don't hand over their credentials for a day, you won't contact them for a day?"

   There is a bit of blame in these words.

  Zhang Sheng's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked, how could he have thought that the Ottoman Kingdom is so important to His Majesty, isn't it just a country in the western border of Ming Dynasty?

  He hurriedly said: "I will die."

  Emperor Hongzhi said coldly: "The Ministry of Rites is really used to being negligent. How can I rest assured and pass the decree that the Secretary of the Jiaofang no longer needs to be under the Ministry of Rites. Let him be placed under the Zhenguo Mansion."

  Zhang Sheng: "..."

  Damn it... What is the relationship between the Ottoman Kingdom and the Jiaofang Division?

  Just being reprimanded by Emperor Hongzhi just now, Zhang Sheng thought it was inappropriate to fight for anything, not to mention that the Jiaofang Division is an inconspicuous small yamen after all, it is really not worth mentioning.

  He felt a little depressed, so he had no choice but to say: "I obey the order."

   Today is considered finalized, Emperor Hongzhi heaved a sigh of relief, the Ottoman country... well, he doesn't value it.

   Just wanted to take advantage of Ottoman's negligence to beat Zhang Sheng, and take the opportunity to get the Jiaofang Secretary out of the Ministry of Rites.

  Zhang Sheng was speechless. After careful consideration, he knew that His Majesty seemed to attach great importance to this Jiaofang Secretary, and he was also very worried about the Ministry of Rites.

  He smiled wryly in his heart, but since His Majesty has reprimanded the Ministry of Rites because of the relationship with the Ottoman Kingdom, the Ministry of Rites can no longer pretend to be stupid.

  So after leaving the palace, Zhang Sheng quickly ordered the scribe to inquire about the traces of the Ottoman prince Suleiman.

On the next day, the clerk waited for Zhang to be promoted, and said: "Zhang Butang, I heard that the Ottoman mission this time is not small. It is precisely because Suleiman's identity is very special. He is the Crown Prince of the Ottoman Kingdom, so the size of the mission is as many as a thousand people. Not only that, after Prince Suleiman arrived in the capital, he has been living in Honglu Temple. He can barely speak Chinese. He likes to deal with scholars very much. In the past two months, he often went to the Confucian Temple where scholars lived to visit the scholars. He also found many people to talk to him, and even... he also talked with monks and monks. Taoists, talk to each other. But... He really doesn't care about the matter of meeting His Majesty. In fact, Honglu Temple has urged him several times. Time for Coats to discuss..."

   "What?" Zhang Sheng was angry, and he suddenly got up, his eyes widened: "It's really unreasonable, it's the other way around, he thought I was a Ming Dynasty, this is... this is deceiving the king."

  Zhang Sheng just had nowhere to vent his anger.

  (end of this chapter)

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