Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: Thunder and rain

  Chapter 1621 Thunder and Rain

  Wang Ao's answer is perfect.

   It's almost time to refute the rumors outside with righteous words.

  Wang Ao was forced by Fang Jifan to raise pigs.

  Why Wang Ao was humiliated by Fang Jifan.


   This is all nonsense!

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled contentedly upon hearing this.

Fang Jifan was at the side, and said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, the prince's move is really admirable. He is in a high position, but he retreated bravely, disarmed and returned to the field, and took the title of Taifu. He thought that the people in the world had no meat to eat, and he actually raised pigs himself. Erchen saw it in his eyes, but in his heart... he admired it."

  Emperor Hongzhi laughed: "That's right, what Jifan said is true. Master Wang taught me to read since I was a child, and today I teach by example. I have learned a lot from him."

  Liu Jian and others continued to be confused.

  Could it be possible that in the future, if you become a scholar yourself, you should also raise pigs?

  Otherwise, it seems not high-spirited enough?

  Emperor Hongzhi immediately took another look at Zhou Tanzhi.

   Indeed, he didn't have a good impression of Zhou Tanzhi.

   It can be seen that Zhou Tanzhi is in rags today, but he also knows that Zhou Tanzhi must have suffered a lot in order to raise pigs.

  Therefore, I nodded secretly in my heart, although this person's mouth is like a knife, he is still willing to do things.

  Emperor Hongzhi was in a good mood and said, "Go, let me look around."

  Xiao Jing stood aside and said, "Your Majesty, this place is very dirty..."

  Emperor Hongzhi said coldly: "Master Wang can be here, and Zhou Qing's family is also here. Do I think it's dirty if I walk around here?"

  Xiao Jing was obsequious and didn't dare to make a sound anymore.

  Emperor Hongzhi walked here casually while speaking.

  Although he ate meat, he didn't know how the pig was raised. He went to see the pigsty, the trough, and the place where pigweed was piled up.

Wang Ao winked at Zhou Tanzhi, Zhou Tanzhi understood, and quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, although this place is dirty and smelly, this pigsty actually needs to be cleaned every day. The goal of raising pigs is for raw meat. In order for pigs to produce raw meat, apart from paying attention to feeding them, the most important thing is to create a comfortable and worry-free environment for them. Only by keeping them from being frightened and not working hard can the meat be produced. If this environment makes them Restlessness, or more mosquitoes and flies, make them uncomfortable, which inevitably makes them uneasy, and this uneasiness makes them easy to move around, and if they walk too much, the meat will disappear."

  Emperor Hongzhi nodded, he understood this truth.

   "In addition to this, diligent cleaning can also prevent epidemics..."

   Zhou Tanzhi talked endlessly, this is the details that ordinary people who raise pigs can't observe at all.

However, Zhou Tanzhi is a scholar after all, and has the experience of being an official. Not only did he discover these details, but most importantly, he is a person who is good at summarizing. Some key points of raising pigs come out of his mouth. .

  When he was about to reach Zhou Tanzhi's house, Zhou Tanzhi inevitably showed hesitation.

   Before he could react, Emperor Hongzhi had already entered first, and he saw Mrs. Gu rushing forward to greet him.

  Emperor Hongzhi was very surprised when he saw Mrs. Gu.

   Zhou Tanzhi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this is a lowly lady. Because it is inconvenient to welcome His Majesty's holy driver, he is hiding here."

Emperor Hongzhi took a look at Mrs. Gu, and said with a smile: "I heard that women love cleanliness, especially women who are good-looking and pampered. Qing's wife is willing to come here and is willing to share weal and woe with Qing. luck."

   After finishing speaking, he entered the house.

  I saw that in this house, there are all kinds of books and manuscripts, and there is not even a place to put them on the ground. Even a simple couch has a lot of piles.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help being moved: "These..."

"These are all books that I tried to borrow. Of course, they are all medical books and some miscellaneous books related to pig raising. I found that there are indeed very few books related to pig raising in the past dynasties. It is rare to read this book. this medical book, occasionally some useful things can be found. In different pharmacopoeias, there are different effects on many flowers and plants. Therefore, I can use up."

"Other than that, there are some manuscripts, which are some of the experience in the past few months. Last month, someone hoped to open a larger pig raising workshop, so I paid attention to it. Except for some observations about the habits of pigs and In addition to the thinking of feeding, the subsequent manuscripts are mostly some thoughts about the future management of the workshop, and I am afraid that my memory will not be good, so I wrote it down."

  Emperor Hongzhi was dumbfounded.

  Other people raise pigs, and this week Tanzhi also raises pigs. Unexpectedly, Zhou Tanzhi turned pig raising into a real science.

  This... is hard to come by.

   Therefore, Emperor Hongzhi was enlightened in an instant.

   No wonder the businessman wants to cooperate with Zhou Tanzhi.

   It’s no wonder that so many merchants on the exchange, after hearing the suggestion of large-scale pig farming, immediately sought to buy stocks.

   It turns out that these are not groundless, nor are they the whim of a group of merchants.

   It is because large-scale pig raising is unprecedented. Some businesses have thought of this possibility, so they want to put it into action.

   And this idea turned into a new industry in the end, but those merchants want to let them easily spend real money, how can it be so easy.

  Nine times out of ten, as soon as these people got the prospectus, they immediately started conducting open and secret investigations to learn about Zhou Tanzhi's personality, and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Tanzhi, so they were relieved.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help thinking in his heart, if I had known this earlier, I'm afraid I would have offered gold and silver.

  The pig-raising workshop is something that has never been done before. Because it is unprecedented, it carries certain risks, and no one knows what it will face. Because of this, a very reliable person is needed to manage it.

  Ordinary swineherds are naturally experienced, but unfortunately, most of these people are illiterate. Apart from knowing how to feed pigs, they actually know nothing.

  And if it is an ordinary shopkeeper with management experience, he knows nothing about pigs.

   Merchants valued not only Zhou Tanzhi's ability to raise pigs, nor his previous experience as an official.

  The reason is that this week Tan Zhiben is the top scholar, he had the experience of being alone, and he was able to raise pigs in just a few months, even many times better than others.

  Based on this terrifying learning ability alone, it must be the most reassuring to entrust this workshop to him.

  Seeing these piles of manuscripts now, even Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but believe that there was almost no risk for this unprecedented event to fall into Zhou Tanzhi's hands.

  Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but thought in his heart. Back then, he didn't know there was such a talented person, so it was a pity that he was put in Nanjing.

   But then I thought about it, if I didn't have such an experience like this, I'm afraid Zhou Tanzhi would care about him for the rest of his life.

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled, looked back at the attendants, and showed a meaningful smile.

  Uh, this gaze always makes people feel weird.

  Even Liu Jian felt that his back was a little cold.

"Very good." Emperor Hongzhi said with a smile: "Zhou Qing's family is a talented person. This workshop must be well run. Food is the most important thing for the people. This meat should also fly into the homes of ordinary people. If If it can be done well, it is the greatest good government in the world. If there is anything that needs to be taken care of in the future site selection and future preparation of this workshop, the imperial court must help it. This is not only related to the operation, but also related to people's livelihood. ..."

  Liu Jian returned in a daze, but Emperor Hongzhi called, and he hurried forward: "The minister is here."

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "In my opinion, some tax reductions can be given for this workshop, so that Zhou Qing's family can have no worries."

  If you do well, you will be rewarded. How about encouraging others to work?

  After hearing this, Zhou Tanzhi bowed down gratefully and said, "Thank you, sir."

A few days ago, he was still a guilty minister, but now, he can be regarded as elated, even if he is no longer an official, maybe what he does today will bring huge benefits to himself and his family in the future prestige and benefits.

   Zhou Tanzhi was filled with emotions.

  Fang Jifan winked at the side.

Emperor Hongzhi saw Fang Jifan's eyes, and knew that he had something to say, but he continued to talk about the benefits of the people eating meat: "Jifan once talked about the Ningbo Navy, why the Japanese invaded in the past, the local Japanese guards, However, they discarded their helmets and abandoned their armor. And when the Ningbo Navy was established, it made great achievements repeatedly. The most important one is that in the past, the military guards were not full and lacked strength. The recruited navy was different, and each Give them a meal of meat every day, not only are they willing to practice hard, but their physical strength is also extraordinary. They don't look down on ordinary warriors at all. It can be seen that this meat can strengthen the body. If our people are strong, the world will be prosperous. No one can match it."

  He made a big talk, and all the officials agreed.

  Afterwards, Emperor Hongzhi moved to Zhen Guo Mansion, went to take a bath first, but secretly called Fang Jifan to come up to him and said: "Why, I just saw you sneaking around, but what do you want to say?"

  Fang Jifan was in a bad mood right now, and said with a dead face: "Your Majesty, it's too late to say it now."

  Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said, "What's the delay?"

"Your Majesty wants the imperial court to help him with all his strength, and he also wants to reduce or exempt the workshop tax. Have you ever thought that when His Majesty moved here, no one in the world would know that His Majesty went to see Zhou Tanzhi's pigsty in person. , even seeing it in the eyes, and now it has given them benefits, those merchants saw it, isn't this a huge benefit? This business, even the emperor fully supports it, there is no reason why it can't be done, think about it, Your Majesty, This stock price... If I knew it was so, before your Majesty came down, I should buy a lot of shares..."

   "Ah..." Emperor Hongzhi suddenly exclaimed.

  Is this also possible?


  Chapter 2 yesterday.

  (end of this chapter)

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