Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1628: eye for eye

  Chapter 1628 Blood Debt

   This is what Alfonso is concerned about.

  Since Daming is ready for war, why... why did he send an envoy?

   This obviously doesn't make sense.

   Of course, he got the answer quickly!

Xu Pengju, who was in a state of distress, said dying: "Because...because...they need to find a suitable landing site, and then...then attack, the waters of Luzon are too complicated, if they are like headless flies, they are only afraid...only afraid...the army will land , fell into trouble, so... so I was ordered to go to Luzon first to detect useful hydrogeographical information."

  After hearing this, Alfonso's body shook, and his eyes suddenly opened, revealing a gleam of light.

   In this way, it seems very reasonable.

  Seeing Xu Pengju's mental breakdown, he seemed unconscious even when he answered.

   Alfonso firmly believed that Xu Pengju had a complete mental breakdown at this moment.

  In this case, the credibility of what you say is extremely high.

  It’s just that, in this way...not only did they contact the local natives, but they were also ready to attack at any time.

  The Ming Fleet should not be underestimated. Perhaps the Spanish Armada can fight with it, but it does not mean that the Spanish ships stationed in Luzon can compete with it.

Therefore, Alfonso realized that what he was facing was an extremely embarrassing problem. Even if he knew the opponent's conspiracy now, so what, their fleet and recruited soldiers were already staring at each other, sharpening their knives. After finding out the news, they finally landed and fought.

   At this time, it is too late to ask for help from Spain, which is thousands of miles away, just like the Northern Province, which cannot ask Daming for help.

In this short moment, many thoughts flashed through Alfonso's mind, his face was more serious than before, and then he said unquestionably to the soldiers beside him: "Give him the treatment of a prisoner, heal his wounds .”

   This still useful.

   Immediately afterwards, the entire governor's residence in Luzon began to fall into secret discussions one after another.

  Many military officers, as well as local big merchants, came and went here one after another.

  Two days later, a group of native soldiers were suddenly disarmed.

   Immediately, the Spaniards began to treat them brutally, and all the leaders were hanged.

  As for the other native soldiers who were at a loss, they were also reorganized.

   It's just that their leader, who was originally a relatively authoritative figure in the local area, was suddenly hanged. Even if they were reorganized, it would be difficult to convince the crowd. Many natives began to flee in fear, and mutiny also occurred from time to time.

  On the other hand, the Spaniards stationed in various places began to march towards the fort on the south bank of the Pasig River in Manila.

  A large amount of supplies began to hoard.

   Before long, this group of well-trained Spaniards, as well as the armed men led by Spanish merchants and manor owners, began to gather here.

  The governor's office has announced the order to prepare for war.

  To this day, the only way to do it is to fight to the death.

Located on the south bank of the Bashi River in Manila, this was the landing point of the Spaniards. After the Spaniards landed here, they began to build forts continuously. After that, as the Spanish rule deepened, there were more and more forts and city walls. It has also become stronger and stronger, and it has become the location of the Governor's Mansion, and a large number of soldiers and horses are also stationed.

   Now, more than 10,000 Spanish elites, almost all the Spanish military forces in Manila, have assembled here.

  Getting the news he wanted to know, Alfonso treated Xu Pengju as a guest, not only ordered someone to treat his injuries, but even though he was under house arrest, he still gave him good treatment.

  Xu Pengju gradually recovered.

  He seemed to be afraid of the torture at this time, so he obeyed Alfonso.

According to the information he provided, the Ming army is ready to fight. As long as he obtains the information, he will send the details of the waters in this area back to Daming, agree on the location and time of the attack, and then raise the smoke on this day, then the Ming army will be ready. They will arrive in large numbers and carry out operations.

  Alfonso's calculation is actually very simple.

As far as he is concerned, since this battle is inevitable, he simply gathers all his forces here, deploys heavy troops, and then uses his tactics to attract Ming's fleet to attack. After that, he lays out ambushes and traps here, and wipes out the Ming army on the beach in one fell swoop. above.

   Afonso and the officers made many plans.

   Included is a trap on the beach.

   Even intends to use fire oil to arrange on the side of the castle.

   In addition, they hoarded enough food to prepare for a long war.

  The fort located on the south bank of the Pasig River can be temporarily camouflaged and attacked once the enemy ship approaches.

   He even organized a commando to intercept the Ming army when the opponent landed.

  Of course, the most important thing is to strengthen the walls and clear the field. If the ambush fails, you can retreat to the fort and trap these Ming troops to death.

   This is almost a perfect plan, there are three preparations, each of which can win.

   Alfonso thought he was a genius.

  In his view, since this battle is inevitable, he should use his own advantages to attack these vulnerable Ming troops.

  If the Ming army landed and fought, with the size of the Ming army fleet, they could provide supplies to soldiers, at most three to five thousand soldiers.

  Of course, Alfonso is also a person with a craftsman spirit.

  In order to lure the enemy, he repeatedly considered the information sent by Xu Pengju.

  Provide hydrological and geographical data, which must be detailed. Otherwise, the other party may not dare to come.

  Even...never give any wrong information, that's the key.

Because...Since the Four Seas Trading Co., Ltd. has carried out activities in the Luzon area, it means that they may have obtained part of the information, but the information is not complete. If there are frequent errors in the hydrological and geographical information, it will inevitably make the other party suspect Xu Pengju Already under his control.

  When the detailed information on the south bank of the Pasig River in Manila was sent out in the name of Xu Pengju, the date agreed by the two parties began to get closer and closer.

   This made Afonso look forward to and excited.

   Twenty thousand people are sharpening their knives here, as if they are waiting for something.

  Everything... seems to be perfect.

  Even if there is a mistake in the middle, he still has a plan.

   More than half a month later.

  According to the date agreed by Xu Pengju, the Spaniards began to burn the smoke near the castle. In order to prevent the Ming army from being able to detect the smoke, Alfonso gave a special order to add some ingredients to the smoke.

  So, on this day, thick smoke billowed straight into the sky.


   On the surface of the sea, a fast ship was already frantically sailing towards the north, but the oncoming ones were hundreds of ships from the Ningbo Navy.

  Aboard the flagship 'Little Zhu Xiucai is a bad guy'.

  The news of the Clippers was quickly delivered to Hu Kaishan, the deputy general of the Ningbo Navy.

  Qi Jingtong, the former commander of the Ningbo Navy, has gone to the northern province with Tang Yin and others, but not many ships were taken away.

  But now, Hu Kaishan, as the deputy general, is following the order of the town government to lead the navy out.

  He is still burly, facing the sea breeze, like a rock.

  At this moment, he was lowering his head and opened a bulletin, and saw... With his extremely limited IQ, he was starting to feel a little confused at this moment.

  Everything is as the Duke of Qi explained, and the other party will send hydrological and geographical information.

   Even the distribution of the opponent's fortresses and forts will generally be sent.

  Of course, this shows that there is a confidant of the Duke of Qi in Luzon who has penetrated into the Spaniards. It is no big deal to get this news.

  The only thing that puzzled him was...

  The other party agreed on a date with himself, and said that there would be wolf smoke rising up, and this wolf smoke was almost where the Spaniards' army horses were arranged.

  This... is really puzzling!

  Who on earth is this spy? He has such a skill that he can do it... His mother ran to the camp to set off smoke.

  So broad daylight, under the eyes of everyone, this...


who cares…

  Hu Kaishan is a very direct person, with a big wave of his hand: "Flying team, attack!"

   One order.

   On several huge ships, the decks have been vacated.

   Immediately afterwards, many soldiers of the flying team began to act.

   They start inflating the fly ball.

   This flying ball has been improved many times, and it has become more and more adaptable to complex environments.

  The flying team under the jurisdiction of the Ningbo Navy does not have many flying balls, but only a few dozen. Their main training subject is flying combat on ships.

It's just... the wind and waves on the sea are very rough, so it is extremely difficult to control, and you may deviate from your position at any time. It is easy to fly, but it is not easy to find the target. I thought of a way, the flying ball returned, landed directly on the sea near the fleet, fell into the water, and then the people on the ship were searching and rescuing the soldiers, but as for the flying ball... had to be discarded.

   This flying team has gone through countless drills.

   They basically calculated the target position with a compass.

   Then the fuel was continuously checked and calculated. At the same time, when the balloons began to fill up, they began to load bombs under the huge rattan basket.

  The bomb is the latest type of yellow powder. It is a huge copper ball outside, which is filled with a large amount of new gunpowder.

   And such a big 'copper ball' weighs a full five hundred catties.

   This is produced by His Royal Highness, manufactured by Xishan Research Institute.

   It is said that when this gadget was manufactured, there was a great controversy in the research institute.

  Because this thing is too bulky to be fired in a cannon at all, should it be put here and blow yourself up?

  But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince resisted all opinions, waved his hand, and shouted, I like this, so let it be!

   Not only that, Zhu Houzhao also gave it a nice name.

  It’s called ‘Lao Fang came out to watch the sun’.


  Dear readers, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

  (end of this chapter)

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