Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1636: long live my emperor

  Chapter 1636 Long Live My Emperor

  Emperor Hongzhi was stumped by this question.

  He sat down and exhaled: "Let's discuss this matter again."

  He still seems undecided.

  So he asked the factory guard and the cabinet to pay more attention to the affairs of Jiangnan.

  Liu Jian and others naturally resigned, and Fang Jifan obediently prepared to resign.

  Emperor Hongzhi stopped him: "Jifan."

  Fang Jifan smiled all over his face: "My son is here."

  Emperor Hongzhi took a sip of tea, but said calmly, "Come and sit with me."

   "Oh." When the **** brought Jindun, Fang Jifan sat down obediently, with a cautious look.

  Recently, he has learned something new. Flattery should not only be done with words, but also with body language.

  Emperor Hongzhi suddenly said: "I am going to Jiangnan."

   "What?" Fang Jifan looked shocked: "But...Wei Guogong...Wei Guogong is not suspected..."

  Emperor Hongzhi said coldly: "Do you really think that I will believe that Wei Guogong conspired against you?"

  Fang Jifan: "..."

Emperor Hongzhi said: "You really underestimate me, and those gossipers also underestimate me. This little trick, relying on a few rumors and false accusations from a few scholars, made me suspect Xu Qing's family. ? Do you know how many people there are in Xu Qing's family?"

  Fang Jifan thought for a while, then shook his head.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "You know, he has a daughter, who was he married to?"

  Fang Jifan thought for a while, then shook his head again.

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "You know, he has been feeling unwell recently. What is the reason?"

  Fang Jifan was already numb, too lazy to shake his head.

Emperor Hongzhi said calmly: "I know everything. I know better than you whether the Duke of Wei is rebellious or not. The person who spread such rumors is really ridiculous, extremely ridiculous. Come to think of it...he has watched too many dramas, or, I always thought that I would be like the emperors of all dynasties, as long as there is some trouble, I will be like a bird frightened. Such low-level tricks are not only despicable, but also elegant."

"But..." Emperor Hongzhi paused: "It's just a rumor that spread more and more widely, and I became worried. Is the people in Jiangnan... so bad? It seems... there are quite a few people who can't wait to hope that Wei Guogong can rebel. .What I worry about is not Wei Guogong, but people's hearts."

"In the past, I was a person who followed the rules. I always hoped to be the emperor that others thought I should be. But now... Over the years, I have become more and more aware that no matter how many people are trapped in the palace, I go to find out the news for me. , They are by no means my eyes and ears, things in this world can only be experienced by seeing and hearing with one's own eyes."

His face was solemn: "Just like the memorabilia, a disaster in the memorandum was sent to me. It was just a series of numbers. It was nothing more than the number of casualties and how the people were. When I saw it at the beginning, I was worried, and I also thought about it." We need to rush to help, but this is just a matter of business. But if I really went to see the soldiers and civilians who were affected by the disaster, I would really see their naked clothes, their pale and emaciated faces, and their wailing and helpless misery Seeing them hysterical, mourning for their dead relatives and friends, what came into my eyes just now made me realize that standing in front of me are real people, not just a bunch of numbers."

   "I'm going to the south of the Yangtze River, not on a tour, but... I just want to know where these problems are. If I don't figure it out, I really don't want to be reconciled."

  Fang Jifan couldn't help but think of the large number of records in the history of Ming Dynasty about Emperor Wuzong of Ming Dynasty traveling around. Sadly, he found that even Emperor Wuzong Zhu Houzhao's father... also learned badly.

  Old Zhu's family must have heredity, no one is safe.

  Fang Jifan said: "It's just... so much fanfare, Your Majesty's dragon body..."

  Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand: "There is no need to fanfare, we will patrol privately."

  Fang Jifan immediately shook his head like a rattle drum: "This is not going to Xishan, the south of the Yangtze River is so far away, how can we make a private tour?"

Emperor Hongzhi said: "I have a prince, a grandson, and with them, I can rest easy wherever I am. I am old. What else can I do at this age? But, I hope I will take a look. , to solve some hidden dangers more, so that the children and grandchildren will have less toil. If you bring hundreds of officials to go, you will only waste money and waste money, and it will inevitably be discussed by the world. The affairs of this world are temporarily handed over to the cabinet, and then the prince and the emperor's grandson will be ordered to lead the affairs of the Tianfu. As for the arrangements along the way, Xiao Jing will handle it himself. I have already prepared where I want to go..."

  Emperor Hongzhi took a memorial and handed it to the eunuch. The **** handed it to Fang Jifan. In front of Fang Jifan, he saw a name called "Qi Zhiyuan".

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "This Qi Zhiyuan is from a noble family in Nanjing. His grandfather used to be an official. He is also the one who sued Duke Wei for treason!"

  Fang Jifan said: "But, in what capacity should we go?"

  Emperor Hongzhi said: "I have my own way."

  Fang Jifan never imagined that Emperor Hongzhi had arranged everything properly in the past few days.

  In the early morning of the next day, he was pulled out of the bed. Fang Jifan subconsciously wanted to curse, but when he opened his eyes, he was terrified. It was Emperor Hongzhi who came in in his clothes.

  So, Fang Jifan hurriedly changed into his regular clothes obediently, and followed Emperor Hongzhi into the carriage in a disheartened manner.

  Emperor Hongzhi sat in the carriage and looked at Fang Jifan with a smile: "When we arrive in Nanjing, there is a play for you."

  Fang Jifan was at a loss, but seeing His Majesty holding a wisdom pearl, it was inconvenient to ask more questions.

  In fact, with the new carriage of Xishan, the distance between the north and the south has been greatly shortened.

  Because this carriage can avoid a lot of bumps, it can even carry more cargo.

  Because of this, horse-drawn carriages have gradually become popular. With horse-drawn carriages, you can travel more, and each road will come out automatically.

  Flying all the way along the road going south, in fact, it took only seven or eight days to arrive in Nanjing.

  Emperor Hongzhi arrived in Nanjing, but someone was already there to greet him.

   It turned out that someone first entered Nanjing City to report.

The person who came to greet him was an old man, graceful and magnanimous, with a bit of fairy air. He brought seven or eight followers and saluted Emperor Hongzhi first: "Qi Zhiyuan, a grass-roots man, has seen the envoy. The envoy is here. It must be hard work, come, come, come, and enter the city, the grass people have prepared a few glasses of thin wine..."

  He greeted Emperor Hongzhi and entered the city of Nanjing. Fang Jifan felt strange in his heart, and couldn't help but whispered: "How did your majesty become the envoy?"

"This is easy." Emperor Hongzhi said lightly: "Before I came, I appointed a Hanlin official as a messenger, took the seal, and set off for Nanjing. What I want to investigate is Wei Guogong's conspiracy. The Hanlin official left Beijing. , was intercepted by the factory guard, and this seal is in my hands. From now on, I am that Hanlin Chen Wen, who came to privately investigate the case of Wei Guogong's conspiracy. This Qi Zhiyuan is the accuser One, he will entertain him."

  Fang Jifan couldn't help but raised his thumb: "Your Majesty's wisdom is unpredictable, and my son is stupid, and he can't understand the secrets. Your Majesty... my son is really... to you..."

  Emperor Hongzhi said in a low voice: "If you are outside, you must not reveal your identity. If you say a word, Your Majesty, you will live forever if you keep your mouth shut. Aren't you afraid that walls have ears?"

  Fang Jifan began to babble: "Your Majesty is very cautious, and I am amazed by my ministers. I have to learn more from Your Majesty."

   It's just that his voice is low, and Emperor Hongzhi didn't bother to pay attention to his chanting.

   Arrived at Qi Mansion.

  Qi Zhiyuan seemed to be looking forward to the arrival of this 'imperial envoy'.

   Already prepared a banquet.

  Emperor Hongzhi was also hungry, so he took the main seat. This Qi family is in Nanjing, with thousands of mansions, and the mansion occupies a huge area. The wine and dishes served are all delicious food.

  Emperor Hongzhi looked at this assortment of dishes, he was speechless, and my Shangshan supervisor, I am afraid it is nothing more than this.


  Chapter 3 is delivered, save face and ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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