Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1645: Destruction

  Chapter 1645 Destruction of the family

  The imperial envoy killed people, what a shocking news this is.

  When the officials descended from Zijin Mountain, they immediately spread the shocking news inside and outside Nanjing.

   This is not just a murder, but also the left deputy capital censor, a second-rank official of the imperial court.

   Not to mention, the place where the murder took place was in Xiaoling.

  Here, no matter what the crime is, it can be described as a heinous crime.


  Qi Zhiyuan's mansion has been fried into a pot of porridge.

  At this moment, the chief came out of breath, with cold sweat on his forehead and a serious face. He came in front of Qi Zhiyuan and knelt down on the ground.

Qi Zhiyuan, who was listening to the music in the pavilion in the backyard, heard the uproar, frowned unhappily when he heard the disturbing voice, and looked at the principal in doubt, then waved his hands and ordered the opera singers to retreat. Down.

   "What happened again?"

  Qi Zhiyuan appeared to have a bad temper because of the spoiled mood.

  The principal said with a mournful face: "Master, Cao Gong led people to climb Zijin Mountain today, and visited the imperial envoy, but I don't know what conflict happened. The imperial envoy suddenly became violent... violently...killed Cao Gong...Cao Gong...he...dead..."

  Qi Zhiyuan's body shook violently, his face was full of shock.

  This Cao Yuan is his mentor... Although the name of this mentor is more like a relationship of attachment... But without Cao Yuan, it is like losing a big backer for the Qi family.

   "Men... is he dead?"

  Qi Zhiyuan's tone of voice was a bit floating, and he couldn't believe it no matter what.

   "Why is there a conflict?"

  The principal panicked and said, "No... I don't know."

   "How is this possible? My mentor has always been cautious. How could it be possible to have a conflict with one of his imperial envoys? The details of this imperial envoy have long been known. Unless...unless..."

Speaking of this, Qi Zhiyuan's body shook suddenly as if struck by lightning: "Unless there is a possibility... that is... that is... this imperial envoy, really found something, found out that Wei Guogong conspired against him, it is nothing at all. Even found out... When it comes to the person who assassinated him, it has something to do with us."

  Qi Zhiyuan's eyes darkened, and he almost passed out, but managed to stay awake!

  If this is the case, then it is a crime of killing the clan.

   But the problem is, their plan is so meticulous, how could the imperial envoy see something?

   But at this time, Qi Zhiyuan had no time to investigate the loopholes.

   Now it's... catastrophe.

Qi Zhiyuan's face was ashen, with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth like crazy, anxious like ants in a hot pot, after a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said: "Next, this imperial envoy will definitely go to the court, and Duke Wei's mansion will definitely fight back. At that time, it was the time when I was waiting to die without a place to die. There was also Fang Jifan from Xishan, who... was the one who would take revenge. Although I tried my best to avoid implicating him this time, when my teacher was alive, what I feared the most was This person, who knows, will this person take this opportunity to step on it."

  He said as if talking to himself, then opened his eyes suddenly, and said: "The only thing I'm lucky about now is...that is...that imperial envoy killed my mentor...haha..."

His emotions were full of ups and downs, great sadness and great joy. Suddenly thinking of Cao Yuan being killed, he became ecstatic again in an instant: "Fortunately, this imperial envoy didn't calm down and killed his mentor. Who is the mentor? It's Zuo Fuduyu Shi, his death can be said to be inexplicable. There has never been a precedent for an imperial envoy to kill such a second-rank official. If he calms down and collects evidence, as soon as the memorandum is released, we will surely die. But now that he killed his mentor, this imperial envoy became a prisoner in a blink of an eye. Does anyone believe what a prisoner said? Everything he said, in the eyes of the court, was nothing more than self-protection, so... now The most urgent task is to immediately... Immediately mobilize people to impeach this imperial envoy, let the world know that this person killed people out of personal anger, said that this person came to Nanjing, greedy for money, and lustful, and his teacher is honest, so he is not allowed to do this, he was furious Below, kill."

   "Even... It can be said that he colluded with the Duke of Wei's mansion, yes, he colluded with the Duke of Wei's mansion... If the teacher does not die, we must die, but now that the teacher dies, the dead will be the greatest, so we can say whatever we want."

  Qi Zhiyuan finally settled down.

In this life-and-death frontline, he appeared extraordinarily calm: "The most urgent thing now is to spread rumors first, which is easy to handle. Second, although the imperial envoy is ordered by the emperor, he can kill the left deputy capital censor arbitrarily, and Killing people in Xiaoling is a heinous crime, we should ask the people from the Ministry of Punishment to arrest him immediately."

   "It's just that the imperial envoy is still in Xiaoling..."

  Qi Zhiyuan was taken aback.

  People are in Xiaoling, so there is nothing to do.

  After all... this Xiaoling Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Gao, who dares to go in and take someone.

"Then you have to make a gesture, invite people from the Ministry of War, transfer some troops, and prepare to arrest people at the foot of the mountain. How can the Sixth Department of Nanjing just ignore such a big event? He is an imperial envoy, of course he cannot be humiliated, but no matter what, he can't be humiliated." We must watch him, and we must not let him escape."

"The Six Divisions of Nanjing are monolithic, and the water does not enter. The death of the teacher will definitely cause shocks in the Six Divisions of Nanjing. Over the years, who has not received his favor. What's many people have been implicated in this matter. They want to live, but only It can be overwhelmed."

   Thinking about a series of arrangements, Qi Zhiyuan was completely composed.

   Right now, I have no choice but to go to the bottom of the boat.


  In the city of Nanjing, the chaos has become a complete mess.

  Even Zuo Fudu Yushi was punished, it can be seen that the situation has begun to lose control day by day.

   And rumors of various rebellions are endless.

  A group of soldiers seems to have rushed to Zijin Mountain.

  In addition to the transfer order personally issued by the Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, the Yamen of Yingtianfu also began to respond.

  The left deputy capital censor Cao Yuan has a good official voice, but now that he is killed, Nanjing is completely in chaos.

   Prophet of spring warm duck, the land is now worthless, and coupled with the foreseeable military disaster, the price of land in the south of the Yangtze River has plummeted again.

  Even the bustling Qinhuai River gradually became deserted.

  The six ministries in Nanjing were all furious.

  An imperial envoy, originally here to investigate an imperial case, certainly represents the emperor, but in fact, he is nothing more than a mere Hanlin. To dare to act so boldly is simply lawless.

  As a result, impeachment memorials were sent out like snowflakes.

  Although the various ministries have posted notices of Anmin.

   But in fact, it was the officials of the various ministries who were more flustered.

  At this time, the branch of Xishan Bank in Nanjing has begun to take action.

  A large amount of funds began to gather in Nanjing, and then, centered in southern Zhili, began to spread.

  Wang Jinyuan was the most eager to come.

   Whatever happened, it didn't matter to him.

  Even where the young master is, he doesn't pay attention.

  After he got the letter, he hurried here.

  So...began to sit in Nanjing Bank in person.

  As soon as Wang Jinyuan arrived, the people in Nanjing were waiting, and they immediately gained confidence.

  Wang Jinyuan began to search for public opinion about Nanjing and Jiangnan.

  More than a dozen shopkeepers of the local semicolon stood with their hands tied.

  People looked at Wang Jinyuan with admiration.

   In front of Fang Jifan, Wang Jinyuan is a complete sandbag.

  But...the reason why Wang Jinyuan is so happy is because...only his young master can let him realize the value of life.

  Except for the young master, which merchant in this world, as well as the upper and lower people in the Xishan system, don't regard themselves as a famous big shot?

   It can even be said that once he stomps, the world will tremble.

  Wang Jinyuan enjoyed this feeling very much.

  Of course, he still behaved very calmly, with an indifferent look, constantly flipping through the current prices and information in various dental shops.

  Long time...

Wang Jinyuan said: "It's not enough... This price... has only dropped by 70%. Although 70% is a lot, it is far from meeting expectations. It can be seen that the wealthy households and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River still have strong financial resources, and they are far from Let them go to the point where they are short of funds and have to sell the land... Most of these people are officials in the court, and what they are thinking about is the land... If you don't break this, once you start buying bottoms, it will inevitably lead to an increase in prices. At that time, it will stabilize market."

  The aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River are indeed extraordinary. Their family background is far stronger than that of the gentry in other places.

  Because of this, they can ignore short-term ups and downs.

  Even... out of love for the land, they would rather embezzle gold and silver from other places to subsidize the loss of land.

  As long as these people...still grit their teeth and refuse to sell, then...the foundation of the gentry here in Jiangnan will be extremely difficult to shake.

   All the shopkeepers, as if Wang Jinyuan had poured cold water on their heads, and the hotness in their hearts was instantly extinguished.

Wang Jinyuan smiled again and said: "Of course, this is not impossible. The most urgent task at the moment is to quickly break through their psychology, first to shake their confidence... and secondly, to do everything possible to cut off their other funds .”

   "The land in the south of the Yangtze River has a high income and a lot of economic products, which is why they are confident. Among them... especially the dozen or so families in the south of the Yangtze River, who control the most land... If these people are shaken, then... it will be a matter of course."

  Wang Jinyuan casually took out a directory.

   Immediately afterwards, the directory was circulated to the shopkeepers of the semicolon.

  These little shopkeepers were shocked when they saw it.

  Damn it... It turns out that shopkeeper Wang Da has already figured out the details of Jiangnan. He is really not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about it.

These dozens of families, in this south of the Yangtze River, are all like thunder, they come from the families of officials, and their family fortunes are huge. Not only do they own countless lands, but they also have an unknown number of servants. If someone goes to dig into their strength, it will be enough to make people speechless.

  Wang Jinyuan said with a serious face: "The leader... is the Qi family in Nanzhili, this Qi Zhiyuan...does anyone recognize it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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